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Pass the salt: Blood Angels decurion rumors/wishlisting


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Karlaen is cool man! Show some respect to our first captain. Solid rules too!


Karlaen, the No-Presence first company captain.


I better have saw him has a Salamanders rather than a Blood Angels....


No really, Blood Angels First company captain with a Thunder Hammer and a Storm Bolter ? A shame, like the campaign in which he is featured.


His Rules may be good, but the depiction of the Character is awfull. GW could have at least gave him an AP2 Sword or a Relic Sword....


Even the design is "plain"....Generic...

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I'm fine with Karlean having a storm bolter, it just shouldn't be a bog standard storm bolter, it should be a relic one, on top of the base storm bolter itself needing a buff. The captain with thunder hammer and shield is done enough that it isn't necessary to give it to every single captain in terminator armour in existence.

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I like Karlean, I also like that he is in terminator armour and armed as he is.


I agree that his storm bolter could use a buff maybe.


His hammer should have had an extra rule as well, it isn't worthy of being called a relic as it is currently.

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1st Captain should be able to strike first, so a thunder hammer is suboptimal. msn-wink.gif

I know Tyberos de facto already has that load out, but I think chain fist and lightning claw would be good for a special TDA captain. You could also give him wrist mounted storm bolter(s) and just a pair of LCs. Come to think of it, that looks more like a load out for a flesh tearer character.

The problem is unless you want to deep strike the character any load out would work better on a captain in artificer armour. Inferno pistol/combi-melta and and AP2 sword would still be nice though.

And while we're wishlisting: Terminators should have access to multi-meltas as a heavy weapons choice. They should be able to breach a bulkhead and assault in one turn. I wonder why only the Sons of Horus had that idea and Abaddon scrapped it.

Generally Terminators should have the same choices as their power armoured brothers, or at least as WGTDA.

Note the FW for Forge World e.g. Heresy Minis msn-wink.gif

D'oh! I should have seen the others are heresy characters as well.

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Karl is almost as lackluster as Tycho in the current edition: I could kitbash a better model and make a normal Captain with a better weapon loadout. 


I would love to have my opinion changed by a new book, but it probably won't. If the models were at least amazing (yes I do have Tycho, same model for 20+ years now) I'd have them painted up and use them regardless of their rules but sadly the current offerings just aren't to my taste.


Granted, I was horrendously disappointed when the new Priest model wasn't the new Corbulo sculpt...

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Karl lets you re-roll Sieze and Reserves, gets counter attack (which sadly doesn't pass on to his unit) and his hammer is MC.


Pretty nice for a little 160pt package if the force is built around it. Bully Captain and Damocles Rhino all in one.

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Granted, I was horrendously disappointed when the new Priest model wasn't the new Corbulo sculpt...

Of course it is the new Corbulo sculpt. GW just refuses to admit it. Special Blood Chalice. Check. Fancy chainsword. Check. Artificial (far-seeing) Eye. Check.

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Karlaen is cool man! Show some respect to our first captain. Solid rules too!


Karlaen, the No-Presence first company captain.


I better have saw him has a Salamanders rather than a Blood Angels....


No really, Blood Angels First company captain with a Thunder Hammer and a Storm Bolter ? A shame, like the campaign in which he is featured.


His Rules may be good, but the depiction of the Character is awfull. GW could have at least gave him an AP2 Sword or a Relic Sword....


Even the design is "plain"....Generic...



IMO, Karlaen and the BA Assault Terminator kit they were pushing would have been fine if they put some compelling crunch to go with it. But no. 


Karlaen's ok as a model and decent as an IC in-and-of-himself...my beef is that he doesn't really mesh with the rest of the BA that well. It feels like the Archangels Detachment was created as an excuse to give Karlaen a reason to exist...but IMHO, it's just meh. 


I can't stand the hair on the model. Give us long-haired dudes like Mephiston or bald badasses. But emo-crop? No thanks. 

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I just want assault marines as a troop choice again. That was what set us apart.


And for the low low price of a 55pt scout squad, you can have 6 units of assault marines in an army with the Flesh Tearer Strike Force.


If people want assault marines, you can still take them. The problem is that people just want to abuse the Assault marines as troops rule (because they were better than tacticals and scouts).


All I see these days is people using them for meltacide squads...this implies that it isn't a fluff thing, but a pure gaming thing. If people truly believed that the fluff says we have more assault marines then other chapters, and they want to field a 'fluffy' army, then you still can: 110pts of scouts, 120pts of librarian unlocks a potential 12 FA slots for assault marines. Yet...no one does it.


As for Karlaen...he really needs eternal warrior. If Ganky Lysander can get it, then the Shield of Baal can. Put him at 175, eternal warrior, precision shot rending storm bolter.



Hmm now I need to make a custom Karlean instead of the stock one I already have. Curses!



It's a quick job with some spare terminator legs:




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Many people still lament the loss of Assault Marines as a Troop choice - it was a fun difference and meant a more assault orientated army. Jump Packs are the BA thing so I'll be taking Assault Marines whatever their FOC slot, and I do miss it myself. It's not just a gaming thing and it's a bit strong to just dismiss it that way, there are plenty of fluff players who have little interest in having something in their codex just for it's potential on the table top :)

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I just want assault marines as a troop choice again. That was what set us apart.


And for the low low price of a 55pt scout squad, you can have 6 units of assault marines in an army with the Flesh Tearer Strike Force.


If people want assault marines, you can still take them. The problem is that people just want to abuse the Assault marines as troops rule (because they were better than tacticals and scouts).


All I see these days is people using them for meltacide squads...this implies that it isn't a fluff thing, but a pure gaming thing. If people truly believed that the fluff says we have more assault marines then other chapters, and they want to field a 'fluffy' army, then you still can: 110pts of scouts, 120pts of librarian unlocks a potential 12 FA slots for assault marines. Yet...no one does it.

The difference between Assault Squads as troops in 5th ed and lots of Assault Squads with a FTSF is that there is no special scoring mechanic for the FTSF. I know in 5th only troops could score and now everyone can, but only some units in certain detachments get Objective Secured. So in the previous rule set the assault squads had a scoring advantage over assault squads of other armies, now they don't.


Sure it is not particularly fluffy (BA follow the organization that Girlyman scribbled down and so do not have more ASM), but the assault squads as troops set the BA apart in play style. Now you still only have footslogging/mechanised PA marines and scouts which have a scoring advantage, just like all other marines.

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Karl lets you re-roll Sieze and Reserves, gets counter attack (which sadly doesn't pass on to his unit) and his hammer is MC.


Pretty nice for a little 160pt package if the force is built around it. Bully Captain and Damocles Rhino all in one.


He does have some OK special rules, but still not someone I'm interested in incorporating into a force. Being one that often plays Fliers I'll be looking into some Reserve manipulation granted from Air Superiority, plus my play style likes going second so I rarely ever roll to Sieze if it comes up.




Granted, I was horrendously disappointed when the new Priest model wasn't the new Corbulo sculpt...

Of course it is the new Corbulo sculpt. GW just refuses to admit it. Special Blood Chalice. Check. Fancy chainsword. Check. Artificial (far-seeing) Eye. Check.



If/when I get him you know that's what I'll be doing.

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The difference between Assault Squads as troops in 5th ed and lots of Assault Squads with a FTSF is that there is no special scoring mechanic for the FTSF. I know in 5th only troops could score and now everyone can, but only some units in certain detachments get Objective Secured. So in the previous rule set the assault squads had a scoring advantage over assault squads of other armies, now they don't.


Sure it is not particularly fluffy (BA follow the organization that Girlyman scribbled down and so do not have more ASM), but the assault squads as troops set the BA apart in play style. Now you still only have footslogging/mechanised PA marines and scouts which have a scoring advantage, just like all other marines.



Even if Assault marines were in the troops slot, if you use the Baal Strike Force...they still aren't Ob.Sec.


I just don't see a reason why assault marines should get Ob.Sec. - Your opponent's troops cannot capture an objective if they're dead.


Anyway. This is getting off topic.

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Even if Assault marines were in the troops slot, if you use the Baal Strike Force...they still aren't Ob.Sec.

You are right, it is less about the battlefield role than about the additional ability of being (super) scoring. This and that you could have up to six per FOC is what set 5th ed. BA apart from other marines.


I just don't see a reason why assault marines should get Ob.Sec. - Your opponent's troops cannot capture an objective if they're dead.

Why not? There is no rule why something should get ObSec. Especially since the addition of maelstrom games, scoring is no longer just sitting in place, taking pot shot at anyone that gets to close and surviving till the end of the game, but also hasting to a certain point (and continuing on). I don't see why guys with jump packs should inherently perform worse at that task than cumbersome tanks (like slow rhinos).


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Granted, I was horrendously disappointed when the new Priest model wasn't the new Corbulo sculpt...


Of course it is the new Corbulo sculpt. GW just refuses to admit it. Special Blood Chalice. Check. Fancy chainsword. Check. Artificial (far-seeing) Eye. Check.
It's a fantastic model. I tried to customize it a little to make it a counts as Corbulo, but his little fan thing behind his head mixed with his gorget made no heads fit on him well besides his. He is just going to be my chapter's Corbulo unless they put out a new model, since the existing one is extremely generic looking.
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I used the head from the upgrade kit. Works perfectly and was all that is needed to make him feel more like corbulo should IMO

I agree, that head with the circlet screams corbulo to me. I didnt like the robed body for him, though so went with this:


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I got inspired by all the wishlisting.. so here with a decurion i would prefer for the Blood Angels.

Its a first go at this wishlisting, so please be gentle :/



Sanguine Strike Force ( decurion-esq )
---Command Benefits---
The Red Thirst: In a turn in which a model from this Detachment charges into combat, the model adds 1 to its Initiative characteristic until the end of the Assault phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from the The Red Thirst.
On the brink of Rampage: In a turn in which a model from this Detachment gets charged, they benefit from The Red Thirst and Furious Charge. The enemy loses their Hammer of Wrath if they have it, if not the enemy unit that charges the friendly unit gets “Counter”-Hammer of Wrath.
Storm of Angels: You can re-roll failed Reserve rolls for units in this Detachment with the Deep Strike special rule. In addition, units in this Detachment arriving from Deep Strike Reserve scatter D6″ less (normally D6″ rather than 2D6″).
- Avenging Host
1 Captain or Chaplain( or named character)
1 Sanguinary Priest(when taking Sanguinary Guard), or Librarian(when taking Command Squad)
1 Sanguinary Guard or Command Squad(CS can also buy SM Bikes)
1 Tactical squad
3x Assault Squad or 3xBike Squads (no mixing)
1 Devastator Squad 
Resctriction: All units not equipped with Jump Packs, Bikes or  beginning the game embarked upon a Stormraven Gunship, must begin the game embarked in Drop Pods, Razorbacks or Rhino’s, purchased at the normal points cost. However Rhino's and Razorback's get Overcharged Engines for free.
Fire from the Skies: You can begin rolling for reserve rolls for units in this formation on turn one. Units coming out of reserve can run and shoot, or run and charge. When coming out of Deep Strike they can charge with a minus 2 inch to charge distance.  
Leading by Example: Whilst this Formation’s Sanguinary Guard or Command Squad is alive and on the battlefield, all units in this Formation ignore the penalties for disordered charges (including the penalty described in The Red Thirst) and have the Stubborn special rule.
- Battle Demi-Company
- Stormlance Battle Demi-Company
Strike Force Command (Added Sanguinary Guard, instead of the Honour Guard)
Reclusiam Command Squad
Sanguinary Librarius Conclave
3-5 Librarians (Mephiston, en/of Librarian Dreadnoughts)
Sanguinary Channeling: 2 or more librarians alive = manifesting on 3+ (i.e. worse than Libby conclave)
In addition to regular powers, the Psykers know Supreme Quickening. Its like Quickening from the Sanguinary Discipline, but effects all models in the Psykers unit. (single d3 for the entire squad)
- Death Company Brotherhood
1 Chaplain,Lemartes or Astorath, 2-3 Death Company and 0-1 Death Company Dreadnought. 
Restriction: The chaplain must join a Death Company squad from this Formation.
Crusader, Fury of the Dead (+3 inch run and charge distance. Can charge after running from turn 2 and subsequent turns)
10th Company Task Force (like in the C:SM book)
- Skyhammer Annihilation Force (as in the Angels of Death book)
- Honored Ancients (1 Dreadnought, Furioso dreadnought, Death company dreadnought or Contemptor dreadnought)
- Archangel Orbital Intervention Force (1 Chaplain or Captain, 2 Terminators, Assault terminators or Catapractii terminators(in any combination), and 0-1 Furioso or Contemptor in a droppod) 
Restriction: All infantrty need to be in Terminator armor. 
Swift Deployment: All unit in this Formation must be held back in Deep Strike Reserve. When making Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for the entire Formation. On a successful Reserves Roll, all of the units in this Formation arrive from Deep Strike Reserve. Units in this Formation can Run and then shoot on the turn they arrive by Deep Strike.
- Archangels Sanguine Wing
2X Vanguard Squad
1x Sternguard Squad
Restrictions: Sternguard Squad must be sized to 10 models, and embarked on either a Droppod or Stormraven Gunship. Vanguard Squad needs to take jump packs, and must go in Deep Strike reserve.
1st Company Armoury: Vanguard get a free Power Weapon or a pair Lightning Claw per model, and Sternguard get a free combibolter or stormbolter per model.
Rapid Assault Tactics: Vanguard Squad can charge on the turn they Deep Strike, but with a -2 to charge distance. Sternguard Squads gain Shrouded if they stay within 3 inch of the hull of the droppod on the turn they come out of Deep Strike. The units in this Formation can roll for reserves on Turn 1 with a 3+, and on turn 2 the formation gains a reroll to reserves.
- Angel’s Fury Assault Force
1 Storm Raven
2 Stormhawk Interceptor 
Support Transport: The Stormraven can hold units that are not part of this Formation as long as they are battle brothers, and on the turn the Stormraven arrives, The embarked unit can Deep strike from the Stormraven 1d6 less scatter as opposed to 2d6 normally.
Airborne Deployment: When making Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for the entire Formation, which you can choose to re-roll. If successful, all units arrive from the Formation. You can make a Reserve Roll for this Formation from the start of Turn 1
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