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alpha legion 2500

viert in eternum

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so using b@c and some odds and sods i have been able to make two 30k armies ( iave a son whos interested in playing and he likes red so the other is blood angels)


im short on vehicles so no suggestions for that but i can get me some other weapons etc that i can switch around




SKor 125pts (Pride of the legion)


Exodus 115 pts




AA,JP,MB,Venom speheres, plasma pistol, volikte serpenta, refractor field 170pts




Tactical Support Squad


volkite calivers 125 pts



LEgion Terminator squad


 1x chain fist,power weapon and heavy flamer, 2 x power fist , 1 x dual LC, sgt=grenade harness,power dagger,power fist 240 pts


VEteran squad 1


10 marines(inlcuding sgt), 2 x heavy bolter, vexillia and nuncio vox running sniper and AA on sgt


Veteran squad 2


2 x plasma guns the rest same as above




mortis contemptor


kheres and havoc launcher  195 pts


destroyer squad 


jump packs,missile launcher, ,AA ,1x phos bomb and power dagger 275 pts


quad launcher battery


x2 launchers , shatter and splinter shell 160 pts


Fast attack


HEad hunter team


3 x combi weapons, HB and sgt with AA,Combi weapon,power fist 230 pts


HEavy Support


Heavy support Squad


4x missile launchers , sgt with augary sanner and nuncio  170pts


this is 2335 points , probably going to use infiltrate most of the time but with skor and his ability to pick the trait with inifltration for a few units then ill use that , exodus with the head hunters as i just like him for rule of cool and the moritat is going to be an irritating little so and so i hope . i know im missing some power fists etc and i probably could upgrade the termies to lerneans as i have the bits but all C&C is welcome , this doesnt have to win tournements  its just got to be fluffy and fun for me and the boy ( he will be running blood angels with assault cannons and assault squads (not in the squads obviously ) and some rapiers as well as TSS (lots of jump troops though as he likes them ) and please excuse any speling mistakes etc i just smashed this out at work !

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