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I pretty much have everything here, I simply need a solid list so I can actually focus in on a goal and get it done.



-Praetor - Cataphractii w/ Blade of Predition, Digital Lasers



-Tactical Squad - 10 man w/ extra CCW, Vexilla, Sargent w/ Artificier armor

-Support Squad - 10 man w/ Volkite Calivers, Sergent w/ Artificier armor



-Apothecary w/ Artificier armor

-Terminators - Cataphractaii w/ 3 power fists, 2 chain fists, in:

-Spartan w/ Flare Shields, Armored Ceramite


Fast Attack

Storm Eagle w/ Multi Melta, Lascannons


Heavy Support

Sicaran w/ Lascannon Sponsons

Sicaran w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Sicaran Venator



Pretty simple. Praetor, termies and apothecary spearhead in the Spartan, Storm Eagle with 10 man tac squad drop and cap where they are needed, Volkie stays at home objective capping. 


Im a little concerned about the lack of bodies on the table, but im hoping to make that up by delivering a large amount of firepower from vehicles.


I also have Garro, so I could drop one of the Sicarans and pop him in instead.



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Support Squads aren't compulsory troops so unless you have a 2nd Tac Squad, Breachers, Assault Marines or are using a different FoC, your list is currently illegal.

Whoops, that totally slipped my mind!

If I was to run PotL RoW, that would make the terminators troops, giving me 2 if im not wrong?

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Ok, Rejigged it a little bit. dropped the tac squad, made them Veterans. With 5 points to spare, maybe give the Spartan twin linked assault cannons?



-Praetor - Cataphractii w/ Blade of Predition, Digital Lasers, RoW; PotL



-Terminators - 5 man - Cataphractaii w/ 4 power fists, 2 chain fists, 

in; Spartan w/ Flare Shields, Armored Ceramite

-Veteran Squad - 9 man w/ Sniper, Vexilla, Sargent w/ Artificier armor

-Support Squad - 10 man w/ Volkite Calivers, Sergent w/ Artificer armor



-Apothecary w/ Artificer armor


Fast Attack

Storm Eagle w/ Multi Melta, Lascannons


Heavy Support

Sicaran w/ Lascannon Sponsons

Sicaran w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Sicaran Venator

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That works.


But why not give them Furious Charge (wounding on 2s when they charge, with Chainswords), swap the MM on the Storm Eagle to a ML, the LCs on the Sicaran to HBs and using the points saved to give them a few Power Weapons so that they can tear through 3+ Saves?

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