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Marines Malevolent tester


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Hey all. After going build crazy prepping for ETL, I had to paint something to break up the constant construction. A buddy of mine is giving me his collection of loyalists that he doesn't ever use, so I figured I'd paint them up as one of my favorite chapters: Marines Malevolent :D


This guy is just a tester. I tried the GW technique of painting the eyes white and then washing them. Gotta say, I prefer the three colors and a dot of white a lot more, but it's alright. This was also my first time painting yellow over black. Definitely a pain in the butt. I think it took about five layers of Averland Sunset to get an even coat. Don't know if I thinned it down too much or if, even with a color in Citadel's basing line, it's just that big of a pain to get yellow solid. Either way, it was still a pretty fun miniature to do. C&C appreciated ^_^









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