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Unfathomable mounds of salt...


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Saw this over at Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com/2016/04/more-hints-of-blood-angels.html)


"via BigBangA1 on Faeit 212 (thank you)

I am actually really interested in the new Blood Angel Campaign. I was at my the GW store in my area and had a chat with the manager there. He said he knew a Blood Angel update was coming and he was super excited for it. He said it featured formations with "assaults from deepstrike everywhere."


What do you think? I live near Salt Lake City, and even I am having trouble comprehending the amount of salt needed for this. Maybe I've just grown to cynical though.

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I'd be OK with an update, even via FAQ (which is allegedly inbound), but don't really need 'assaults from deep strike everywhere'. I'd like to be able to continue playing my army without the dirty looks C:SM chaps can get unsure.png

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"That's the saltiest thing I have ever tasted. And I once at a big bowl of salt!" 


- Fry, Futurama




I've reached stage 5 of being a Wh40k player: Acceptance. I would rather wait a long time for a Codex/Supplement done right then one rushed out just to throw bread at the masses. 


Charging from Deep Strikes all over the place sounds like a great start for me, personally. 

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All of my please....made this argument on Reddit about why I will not give a single flying censored.gif about dirty looks if assault from DS turns out to be true:

Please be true. I first started Blood Angels about a year before the current book came out because I just think jump pack troops look :cussing awesome. Then the book came out, and all of those formations for deep striking. It took about 3-5 games for me to realize just how much Deep Strike SUCKS in the current game.

"Well my whole army just arrived from DS right behind your entire line! Get ready for some...oh, I have to sit here for a whole turn while you pick apart my Fabulous Marines. Dammit."

I get how charge from DS could be a bit broken but seeing how strong shooting is right now, I don't care anymore. Overwatch is a straight penalty to an assault heavy army in that if just gives your opponent a free shooting phase at you. "But it's snap shooting!" you say; I counter with Tau markerlights, Dark Angel Lion Blade, Mechanicum templates, and Eldar STRENGTH :cussING D template weapons.

All of that combined with a completely random charge range means I can be killed out of charge range just from overwatch, even if I land right next to the unit I want to charge. So I reiterate: please, please be true.

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Yes. I think there are enough broken things/solutions to being charged in the game that assault from (jump pack) deepstrike is far from broken.


Just make it a disordered charge that gets hammer of wrath, and we're gravy.

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These two images sum up how I feel pretty adequately:




Is that second one a leak of the new Flyers coming out in Skies of Death?


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While lost to my thoughs, my mind travelled far, far away, and ended to a simple conclusion looking at the Deepstrike Assault OP problem. Here is the simple, logic and very well balanced solution.



- "Units that Deepstrike using Drop Pod or Jump Pack can choose to either shoot or charge the turn they arrive." (The more simple way)




- "Units that Deepstrike using Drop Pods or Jump Pack can choose to either shoot and made a disordened charge or snap shoot and charge the turn they arrive." (I think that this second version may be interresting for an Assault formation, with bonuses such as Rage if the Charge isn't a disordoned one.")




When looking objectively at those two proposition, i think that would make Deepstrike Charges a Blood Angels characteristic advantage, and a balanced one,not an OP one.

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Can charge from deep strike but overwatch against us is at BS2?


That way we would be encouraged to bulk up our units a bit and not go for MSU.


Tau and Dark Angels can already overwatch at full BS, so BS2 is a downgrade.


Maybe dangerous terrain tests?

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Can charge from deep strike but overwatch against us is at BS2?


That way we would be encouraged to bulk up our units a bit and not go for MSU.


Tau and Dark Angels can already overwatch at full BS, so BS2 is a downgrade.


Maybe dangerous terrain tests?



Well then it sucks to be them. We can't base our awesome rules around those two boring factions :P

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Well then it sucks to be them. We can't base our awesome rules around those two boring factions tongue.png

True. Consideration for the Alien and the traitor is a weakness. I'll report to the chaplain and say 500 'Ave Imperators'.

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I see no reason for arbitrary penalties on charging from deepstrike, given the current state of the game...

Agree. If C:SM assault marines can deep strike and assault in spearhead annihilation force with a ton of bonuses for the devastator squad  with the only 'tax' being that the devs have to take a DP, then there should be no reason for a penalty. I'd be happy for that alone. :)

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A Faiet post linking to Naftka....I think the required amount of salt will generate it's own gravity. ...

Just have to point out that any object exerts a gravitational pull on all other objects. Whether that pull is noticeable depends on the pair of objects you are looking at and their surroundings of course. So a large enough mass of salt could create a noticeable effect on the local gravitational field, but any mass of salt will technically "generate its own gravity."

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