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Raven Guard Recon Co 2.5k

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I've been thinking about Recon company and Raven Guard. Especially with Vorax Praevians. 


So this is a real up front, in your face army, little worried as I'll have to survive one round of fire before I can charge (hopefully I'll get to go first from the Recon Co bonuses), but all of the main units will have stealth & shrouded (hopefully in cover too for a 2++ save).


Here goes:


Lord of War

Corax - Recon Co RoW - 450



Vigilator - AA, Refractor field, Power axe, Jump pack, Melta bombs - 145

1 Praevian - AA, Refractor field, Volkite charger, Bolt pistol, Power axe, Cameleoline - 135

-----3 Vorax - Bio-ammunition  - 225

1 Praevian - AA, Refractor field, Volkite charger, Bolt pistol, Power axe, Cameleoline - 135

-----3 Vorax - Irad cleansers - 225



5 Recon marines - Melta bombs, Serge with AA & Combi-melta - 170

5 Recon marines - Melta bombs, Serge with AA & Combi-melta - 170

5 Recon marines - Melta bombs, Serge with AA & Combi-melta - 170


Fast Attack

8 Dark Furies - Serge with Melta bombs - 270


Heavy Support

1 Leviathan - Melta lance, Drill, Phosphex discharger, Armoured ceramite - 330

1 Dreadnought Drop Pod - 65


Comes to 2490, what could I add for 10points?  Or change something?


Corax and the Vigilator start off with the Dark Furies to scout up and get the good cover save, then Corax leaves and does his own thing.


Everything infiltrates (other than the Furies) to where needed, Recons, go after armour, then try to claim objectives with their super run moves while trying not to look threatening (do you think I'd be better off with Bolter/BP or BP/CCW?)



What do you think?

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Relying on the Recon Marines for anti-tank duties might not be a great idea, but you've got a Leviathan to help with that too, so should be ok. Weapon options are a wash really - chainswords won't stop any unit from stomping them in combat, and bolters won't kill much either. :)


Maybe consider the following:

- drop the Dark Furies down to 5 strong (this is an easier option to purchase, as well as giving you a few extra points).

- add Cameleoline to the Recon Marines, as a minimum 4+ cover save on the 1st turn will be helpful. It will help keep them alive later on too.

- go for irad-cleansers on both Vorax units. I ran the numbers, and they are a significantly better investment than bio-ammunition. Don't forget that they also have Scout, so they can get exactly where they need to be. And frag grenades might be a good investment so they are guaranteed to strike at I4.


Those changes bring it to 2515, so it might be cost you something, but everything else looks pretty good to me! :)

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I'm just going with what page 9 of crusade army list book says... A dark tone box means that a choice there is compulsory and you must make a choice from that section. (is any non support rule troops)

So until it's faqd I wouldn't have an issue with anyone using any non support troops as compulsory or the recon squad which has now become compulsory. However they must include a third compulsory choice that must be a recon squad.

Anyway let's get back to the armylist... It needs more scoring dudes


My main thing that swayed be to this logic.. Why not just write this RoW must take an additional troops slot and all must be filled by recon squads.

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It says the recon marines are switched to compulsory, it doesn't say the normal compulsory are no longer in that category. It also says you have three compulsory troop requirements of which one has to be a recon squad. Thus the other two can be any of the compulsory units, its very clear from what I have read.

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It says the recon marines are switched to compulsory, it doesn't say the normal compulsory are no longer in that category. It also says you have three compulsory troop requirements of which one has to be a recon squad. Thus the other two can be any of the compulsory units, its very clear from what I have read.

I read it the same way, I was hoping to keep my troops to a minimum, do you think if I gave two units Sniper rifles and kept them back would be better or definitely go for the tacticals in rhinos?


If I drop the dark furies down to 5 I could change two recon squads to tacticals with a vexilla, as sergeant with AA, MBs and either a combi-melta or a power weapon and a rhino.

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It says the recon marines are switched to compulsory, it doesn't say the normal compulsory are no longer in that category. It also says you have three compulsory troop requirements of which one has to be a recon squad. Thus the other two can be any of the compulsory units, its very clear from what I have read.

No it doesn't. Why are you making things up?


It says Recon Marines are compulsory troops. Compulsory means mandatory. Tactical marines are not compulsory troops, or you would always have to field them.

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Enough moaning about Recon Squads people, you have the thread in the Rules section for that. The main change I can see is taking the Volkite Chargers off the Praevian double team - I would take Bolters instead for the target marking at 24" rather than 15" :) 

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