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Holy Requisitioner and allied Grand Master Belial


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One interesting combination is to take the Holy Requisitioner formation (1 Tech-Priest Dominus, 2-3 Kataphron Breachers) and combine that with an allied Belial from the Dark Angels chapter.


Belial makes any unit he is part of Deep Strike without scatter. Thus, attach him to the Tech-Priest Dominus and the Tech-Priest Dominus will not scatter when he arrives by DS (he gains DS from the Holy Requisitioner special rules). The Kataphron Breachers themselves do not scatter as long as they arrive by DS within 6" of the Tech-Priest Dominus... thus, with solid positioning, you can bring in the entire battle group exactly where you want them, then unleash massed Heavy Arc Rifle fire and be ready for a charge with S10 AP2 attacks the following turn.


This should do a number on many mechanized builds (say, the ever popular Battle Company thee days), especially if you combine it with a solid supporting cast of long-range shooting from other Mechanicus forces.

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Well, it can be three Rhinos a turn (2-3 Breacher squads) and, more importantly, is the threat of close combat the next turn (kind of the same theory as the Ironclad Dreadnought drop... shooting is nice, but what really is important is the CC ability next turn.


Of course, in insolation, this tactic is not all that spectacular.... when used with a solid gun-line, then I think it comes into its own.

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Against something like Emperors Wrath Artillery, or Knights, etc. I find Holy Rec useful.


But why Belial? The Magos already doesn't scatter when near an Objective. But then again I mostly play Maelstrom with Objectives and not Kill Points.

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