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The Storm Angels, a BA Successor Chapter Fluff (WIP)


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I've been moving so I haven't had much chance to work on this. but I have been considering some unique rituals or behaviors the Storm Angels could have.  I also had a though about handling the loss of their former world.


On their now-lost world (which had a lot of jungle), an initiation rite they performed was having recruits hunt down these giant ape-like predators called shadowsharks that were very good at hiding, and then killing them and using their teeth to make their first chainswords.  Since being on crusade for so long as part of their penance, they have had recruits on every planet they visited find the apex predator and kill as many as they could to stockpile usable teeth for chainswords (since they didn't know how many they would need before the next time they made planetfall).  That, or they send recruits to a specific planet every so often to harvest teeth from the animals there (since you probably wouldn't want just any old teeth, you'd have to find something with particularly durable ones).  But it would be harder to managed that and be on crusade.  They preferred the shadowsharks, which were named so because they went into frenzies at the scent of blood and so it also helped teach recruits to fight the Red Thirst, since giving in to it would mean blood everywhere and death crawling out of the shadows for it.  An alternative to that could be that they kept some alive and have been breeding them on their spacecrafts just for recruits, with the intention of trying to release them on their new world when they got one.


As far as losing their old world, an idea I had to make it feel a little more 40k was this: when the Storm Angels were founded (as the Bonelords), they had an unusually high rate of strong psykers.  Their actual number of psykers was more or less average, but those psykers tended to be stronger than average.  They were assigned to that system originally because of a semi-stable warp rift that needed watching.  Their psychic prowess made them good candidates.  The rift would occasionally "flare," causing warp storms and spurts of demons washing out into neighboring systems, who the Bonelords would hunt down and kill while their librarians closed the rift again.  So, the other chapter had been clearing Dark Eldar raiders out of another system and were not in great shape from that conflict when the DE used the rift to try to strike back from Commoragh.  This caused a flare, and the ensuing fighting and warp damage is what brought their ship down.


So, when the two chapters came to blows, instead of physically destabilizing the system, what if my chapter used this rift to engulf the other chapter?  The Librarius went to the rift, knowing they would be stronger where reality is weaker.  They used that to psychically assault the other chapter's home, but the backlash was even more than they expected.  It not only killed the entire Librarius (meaning that now my chapter will mostly have psykers too weak to be useful in combat, since they have no one to train them; an actually powerful psyker would be very rare for them).  Most of the time when someone is found to have psyker potential, they just try to impede it (often ends badly for the psyker) so they don't wreak havoc without anyone to help them. 


Would that fit?  What do people think of this?

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Haha, thanks for the honest input!  I finally got my camera unpacked so here are some pics of the test model.  I had tried out a $.94 spray paint as primer which the paint wouldn't stick to (worth a shot, right?) so I had to strip it down, so I didn't do any details and there are obvious problems, so the final will look better, but I wanted to get these up.  The guns will probably be black with red highlights  Pics are big so I'm putting them in spoilers.













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  • 1 month later...

So, it's been a while.  I'm not going with my idea about the warp rift, mainly because I want a counts as Mephiston and that would be hard to justify with that. I do like the idea that they did something they knew they shouldn't, so maybe they used a captured Chaos weapon against their rivals or something.  I'll think about that later.


I have spent a lot of time thinking about their culture.  I am going to give them a mix of old biblical and Irish names, and name a lot of their stuff after things from Irish mythology (mostly because I like the way a lot of it sounds and there aren't that many Irish themed things in the setting.  The biblical names kind of keep it feeling 40k, though, since that is pretty normal.  


I'm also thinking that they actually finished their penitence officially a while ago but never really learned how to adjust back to having a home.  They spent so long crusading, they don't really know how to stop, so they still don't return home that often.  When they do, they'll recruit as much as possible, and then run off on a new crusade.  Because of this, they won't be totally codex compliant because they will usually have more scouts than they should and less brothers in other companies.  I plan on running more scouts than tacticals to demonstrate this, and since none of the detachments I'm interested in give obsec, I'm probably going to just get my troops as cheap as possible and focus on our more glorious units.  


Another thought I had was to model them a little more off the mentality of the Flesh Tearers.  I like the idea that they have accepted that they are a doomed chapter and are just intent on going out as gloriously as possible.  I'm thinking maybe they had no idea they were even Blood Angels until after their penitence was complete and they had some peripheral interaction with some Flesh Tearers and were inspired by what they heard.  But, probably not; they probably figured it out while on crusade and just happen to have a similar mindset now to the FT.

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I love reading threads about people starting up a home-brew chapter.

There's something really satisfying about reading peoples ideas and seeing all the plans come together from just words on a forum to that first painted mini and up to a full army. It reminds me of working on my home-brew Chapter. :)


I think the fluff you've got so far is great, and it doesn't matter if there are a couple of things that don't fit in 100% with the official fluff. It's your story and it should go the way you want it to.


If you ever read anyone of the fluff I write for The Redeemers you'll know I take allot of liberties with the source material. XD


Keep doing what your doing, and lets see some more pics.

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I love reading threads about people starting up a home-brew chapter.

There's something really satisfying about reading peoples ideas and seeing all the plans come together from just words on a forum to that first painted mini and up to a full army. It reminds me of working on my home-brew Chapter. :)


I think the fluff you've got so far is great, and it doesn't matter if there are a couple of things that don't fit in 100% with the official fluff. It's your story and it should go the way you want it to.


If you ever read anyone of the fluff I write for The Redeemers you'll know I take allot of liberties with the source material. XD


Keep doing what your doing, and lets see some more pics.

I agree completely! Keep it up man, your ideas are great!


And more pics please!

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