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New to Heresy, looking for directions


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Hey, folks!


I've recently found myself bitten by the Heresy bug, having initially seen the Betrayal at Calth boxset and thought "bah, who needs more Tactical Marines?!" I have a sense that the 30K universe is like a slightly more adult 40K and I'm keen to explore it fully.


I'm currently on a pretty tight budget, so I was thinking about ways of getting an army put together which wouldn't cost too much. After much tentative "uhmming" and "ahhing" I feel like I might have felt my way to a reasonable initial army list on which I'd love some feedback.


The army is Blood Angels, but won't currently be using the Blood Angels' Rites of War, because it doesn't currently fit the requirements (I don't think?). I'm not sure whether there's a Rite of War the list would fit into, or even whether it's worth worrying about fitting around one. In the long run, I'll be looking to run a Day of Revelation list, because Blood Angels. In the meantime, however, this is what I'm considering:





Legion Praetor

- Cataphractii Terminator armour

- Blade of Perdition

- Inferno pistol

- 170


Legion Centurion

- Legion Champion

- Artificer armour

- Blade of Perdition

- Jump pack

- 135


4-man Legion Command Squad

- Cataphractii Terminator armour

- 2 twin lightning claws

- Assault cannon

- 225


Land Raider Phobos (Dedicated Transport)

- Armoured ceramite

- Extra armour

- Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon

- 300





10-man Legion Assault Squad

- 2 power swords

- Artificer armour (Sergeant)

- Power axe (Sergeant)

- Melta bombs (Sergeant)

- 295


10-man Legion Tactical Squad

- Additional combat blades

- Legion vexilla

- Artificer armour (Sergeant)

- Power axe (Sergeant)

- Melta bombs (Sergeant)

- 205


Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (Dedicated Transport)

- Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon

- 55


10-man Legion Tactical Squad

- Additional combat blades

- Legion vexilla

- Artificer armour (Sergeant)

- Power axe (Sergeant)

- Melta bombs (Sergeant)

- 205


Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (Dedicated Transport)

- Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon

- 55





Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought

- Extra armour

- Two Kheres assault cannons

- Havoc launcher

- 205



Total: 1,850



My thinking here is that the entirety of this army can be built from a single box of Betrayal at Calth. I have a couple boxes of Sanguinary Guard from which I can yoink the Mk IV jump packs and I can press two Rhinos and a Land Raider into 30K service until such time as I can invest in genuine 30K vehicles.


I don't have any illusions as to it being the most competitive list evahr, but I like to think it's reasonably balanced. I'd be curious to get some feedback from the community about the list itself, any changes you might consider, anything you think I've missed or forgotten or, well, just any advice you might have to offer a newcomer!


Thanks in advance, brothers!

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The list is good but I think it lacks good anti tank capabilities.


A good option would be to exchange the Mortis dreadnought with a Contemptor and give it two CC weapons and give it inbuilt grav guns and put it in a dreadnought drop pod.


Another option is to give the centurion a consul like chaplain or primus medicae to give the assault squad an edge against some enemies that will be tougher to kill.


Adding heavy support is also good, predator squadrons are great when taking Blood Angels, if you were taking one or more, give them twin linked assault cannons and sponson las cannons.


Another good option is to replace the Lightning claws on the command squad with a mix of combi-weapons, (two melta and two plasma) and at least take a chainfist if you get stuck in combat against a dreadnaught.


Even heavy support squads are nice to take, with the upgrade for the assault cannon over the heavy flamer you can kit out a pretty good anti heavy infantry.

The Praetor, Champion & Command squad won't all fit in that raider. 10-man capactiy or 5 terminators.

The campion would go with the assault squad, hence the jump pack thus they could fit in the raider
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I had an epiphany a couple of days after I wrote this. I realised that although it would be cheap to buy the Betrayal at Calth boxset and draft in some 40K vehicles in the meantime, it would be even cheaper to just use 40K models (of which I have loads) until I can afford to properly put together the 30K army I want to build.


This means I'm pretty much back to the drawing board and my options have expanded hugely.


And, seriously, it felt like an actual epiphany. My face looked a little like this:






I'll be back when I've got a better idea what I'm planning!

The Praetor, Champion & Command squad won't all fit in that raider. 10-man capactiy or 5 terminators.

Yup, for sure. The Command Squad was going to hop in there as a bodyguard to the Praetor in his Terminator armour. The Champion was going to run with the Assault Squad for some choppy goodness.


Thanks for the reply!



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The list is good but I think it lacks good anti tank capabilities.


A good option would be to exchange the Mortis dreadnought with a Contemptor and give it two CC weapons and give it inbuilt grav guns and put it in a dreadnought drop pod.


Another option is to give the centurion a consul like chaplain or primus medicae to give the assault squad an edge against some enemies that will be tougher to kill.


Adding heavy support is also good, predator squadrons are great when taking Blood Angels, if you were taking one or more, give them twin linked assault cannons and sponson las cannons.


Another good option is to replace the Lightning claws on the command squad with a mix of combi-weapons, (two melta and two plasma) and at least take a chainfist if you get stuck in combat against a dreadnaught.


Even heavy support squads are nice to take, with the upgrade for the assault cannon over the heavy flamer you can kit out a pretty good anti heavy infantry.

The Praetor, Champion & Command squad won't all fit in that raider. 10-man capactiy or 5 terminators.

The campion would go with the assault squad, hence the jump pack thus they could fit in the raider


Useful ideas here, for sure. Initially I'm going to be using some 40K models in place of 30K units until I have the money to build the army I want for 30K. I can absolutely put together most of the things you've mentioned, which is handy!


Combi-weapons on Terminators are an interesting option, particularly when a power axe on a Blood Angel is as good against most infantry as a power fist. I'll definitely give it a think.


Re: the Assault Squad, you suggested a Chaplain or Primus Medicae - I understand the buffs they bring to the party, but why would you recommend them particularly over a Legion Champion? The Chaplain can't bring the swooshy sword without losing the use of his crozius, which is already paid for. The Primus Medicae could, I suppose. But that sword adds a vast amount of damage output to the squad already, no?

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