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3000pts Siege of Terra Shatterd Legion


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Just wandering what people thought of this list. With an 1850pts List I have as a base I have expanded up. should be able to hold its own, while being intresting to use. I am planning on using it at a tournament and expact titans/ primarchs amoung others to be in attendace.


I want to play to a theme of an Imperial Fist gunline getting overrun and Blood angles dropping in to save the day.


I have marked the Units I have with a *


Any feedback/ ideas to make it more themed much apreceated


Shatterd Legion (Blood Angles Warlord, Imperial Fists) Sol System/ Seige of Terra Theme
Rite of War: Pride of the Legion


Legion Centurion (Blood Angles)*
-Cataphractii Terminator Armour
-Blade Of Perdition

Command Squad
-Catapharactii Terminator Armour
-Power Fist
-Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Legion Centurion (Imperial Fists)*
-Artificer Armour
-Siege Breaker

Damocles Command Rhino (Imperial Fists)


Contemptor Dreadnought (Blood Angles)*
-2x Grav Guns
-Dreadnought Drop Pod

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (Imperial Fists)*
-2x Quad Launchers
-Phosphex Canister Shot
-Shatter Shell

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (Imperial Fists)
-2x Quad Launchers
-Phosphex Canister Shot
-Shatter Shell

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (Imperial Fists)
-2x Laser Destroyers


Legion Terminator Squad (Blood Angles)*
-Cataphractii Terminator Armour
-Combi Plasma
-Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Legion Terminator Squad (Blood Angles)
-Cataphractii Terminator Armour
-Combi Plasma
-Power Fist
-Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Legion Terminator Squad (Blood Angles)*
-Tartaros Terminator Armour
-Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Heavy Support

Deredeo Dreadnought (Imperial Fist)*

Deredeo Dreadnought (Imperial Fist)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (Blood Angles)*
-Grav-Flux Bombard
-2x Assault Cannons
-Phosphex Discharger
-Dreadnought Drop Pod


Aegis Defense Line
-Comms Relay

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