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Carmine Blades: Death Company and Coloration

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The name says it all. I've seen a few people playing Carmine blades paint their death company white, while others go with the traditional black armor. Seeing as how this is up for interpretation, and the chapter is only recently become apart of the Blood Angels line, how would you paint them? I know the Angels Encarmine paint their DC and Guard in alabaster, but with little knowledge elsewhere what approach would you take?


This is for a project I've started working on, and would like some advice on a color scheme.

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Per the 5th edition codex: pg. 80. "The Successor Chapters invariably maintain a Sanguinary Guard and Death Company of their own, following the same color schemes as those laid down by the Blood Angels. The only exception are the Angels Encarmine who adorn both these specialist units in alabaster white armour -"




Per the 7th edition codex: pg 29. "---Renamed the Carmine Blades, these successors have accepted the Blood Angels' traditions only grudgingly.---"


This makes me lean more towards a black power armoured Desth Company, yet every Carmine Blades chapter I've seen painted thus far, the painters have chosen white: except for one 5 man squad I've seen through a web search.


I know that my personal version will be more in line with the Blood Drinkers as far as squad and formation designs go, to show a transition from Ultra Marine Successor to Blood Angel. However both the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company paint scheme elude me. Since in the new codex there is no mention of alternate death company or sanguinary guard paint schemes. And thus the conundrum.

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I'm playing Carmine Blades as well and here is my take: I did Sanguinary Guard in the traditional colors (I tried silver and it just didn't have the contrast/effect I wanted) but did my Death Company in traditional black but with white helmets like the rest of the chapter. I wanted to do all white originally; however, I didn't think it looked good and it didn't fit the feel of my color scheme. I like the idea that the Blades thought of the DC as a blessing rather than a curse since they didn't know they were BA, and white conveys that idea better than black. So, bottom line is go with what you think looks good and fits the feel of your blades.




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Your lot is significantly brighter than mine. I vote white. A) Because well painted white looks baller. B) It's your take on your chapter, so go big! Here are my regular brosefs for a point of comparison.

Your's is actually the only black armour Death Company I've seen. Haha! I'm not to my death company yet so im really interested in the masses thoughts. So far white is winning, but I will absolutely loath it if a white dwarf comes out and they are painted black and not white.

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