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FAQs and what they mean for guard

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The most recent FAQ has been released. I'm maybe a third through it, but 2 things stuck out.


One, anything that grants the ability to reroll ones to hit now no longer applies to Gets Hot! blast weapons. So bye bye beautiful Pask with his plasma buddies.


Second, if a power benefits the psyker, it now applies to all units with the brotherhood of psykers rule in the unit. Which makes Wyrdvanes a bit better. I could see some fun in fishing on biomancy for Iron Arm or Warp Speed and trolling with your beautiful new at initiative AP 2 strength 6, with force and toughness 6 to boot.


 EDIT: Argh. A Mastery level one psyker can only cast one power now. So if you want force, no Iron arm, and vice versa.


I'll keep reading, see if I see anything else. 

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Thanks Henricus, make sure to update your OP with new bits as you find them as well :)


The Gets Hot change for blasts is odd, I don't see why it can't benefit. Perhaps odder is GW decided that the Wyvern needs improvement, but I guess we'll have to take what improvements we can get :lol: Don't leave home without a couple of Wyverns comrades!


What has happened to the Veterans and their skills? The Psyker squad sadly needs much more than this to become more than a bit of fun. I want their old powers back :confused:

Thanks Henricus, make sure to update your OP with new bits as you find them as well smile.png

The Gets Hot change for blasts is odd, I don't see why it can't benefit. Perhaps odder is GW decided that the Wyvern needs improvement, but I guess we'll have to take what improvements we can get laugh.png Don't leave home without a couple of Wyverns comrades!

What has happened to the Veterans and their skills? The Psyker squad sadly needs much more than this to become more than a bit of fun. I want their old powers back confused.gif

I was reading comments on the FB post, someone said it specifically allows rerolls for gets hot blast weapons in the rule book. I'm going to look in mine when I get home from work. Why would there be a need for a FAQ ruling if it is written out already in the BRB?

Ah I see, krak grenades and melta bombs (being grenades pg 180-181) are just a single model from a unit at a time. So demolition vets will not be so good. Combined squads with krak grenades will also suffer. On the plus side leman russes should survive a lot better if marines can only get off one grenade at a time on their rear armor.


I kind of disagree that melta bombs are "thrown." To me it looks like they are "clamped in place" on a building or tank and each model should get the single attack.

40k fb page


Yeh some of these clarifications directly contradict the brb I think


Rerolls of gets hot is not good. If you point out how it contradicts the rules and adversely effects plasma they might change it. It is only a draft.


Gives more grounds to Ed 7.5 being around the corner


Interesting on the kark and melta

Plus to our tanks surviving a bit more

Downside to mass blobs with kraks and anti MC protection ... good thing I never really used that

So they've made it so grenades are not just one per unit in the shooting phase but also one per unit in the assault phase? This is a big change! ohmy.png Treadheads and Dreadnuts of the World rejoice! Does make some upgrades rubbish now though such as the Vets, so I'd say this is likely less "how things are supposed to be" and more "let's try and fix how much we hurt vehicles"?

Krak and melta upgrades went from great to awful for our blobs in one fell swoop.  My DKK and Renegades are crying.

Pask Executioner buddy is in the garbage.


Airborne veteran guard is gone. (No deploying in battle brothers transports)

Can't kill with tank shocks anymore.

Culuxus can't deploy in Chimera/Vendetta anymore, and does not give an area of effect while embarked (huge).


Blasts hit everything under them, no matter how many levels (quite nice for artillery).


Overall I'm feeling like I just got hit pretty hard, mainly because I have been using a lot horde guard recently.

Outside of the scope of guard, expect grav alpha strikes and deathstars to be ubiquitous in competitive play, the counters to them are gone.

Well it is just a draft for the moment, so presumably things could change before the presumable .pdf download? The grenades one is certainly a change that will impact a lot of the game. I like seeing vehicles get some help (Dreads especially) but I feel there should probably be more nerfing MCs to help?

The Grenade clarification is huge I think. It appears to me most people played it that, for example, each Marine threw his Krak grenade in an Assault which as everyone knows is pretty lethal to rear armour. We certainly did in my group. Now? Only one attempt is a massive change and means people will have to properly equip their squads rather than (in this example) just relying on the default Kraks to do a job - vehicles just got longer lived which I think is awesome.


Sure a Melta Bomb can still pop a vehicle in one but the main vulnerability of vehicles in the Assault phase has been reduced. It will be interesting to see how people react to this with their army lists.

So the FAQ to Plasma rerolls on gets hot really bugs me.  Since this is still draft, maybe it will be revised.  I'd suggest anyone with a facebook, go to the picture with the gets hot ruling, click like on the people posting their gripes with this ruling.  


You can still save Pask's plasma buddies! :)

I find the changes to terrain a big thing as well


with levels being purely aesthetic in ruins, as artillery hits all levels, cover is not facing dependent and walkers/MCs can attack any level, using terrain to avoid scary things is a really, really bad idea. Nice if you've got basilisks, if weird ("New upgrades from Mars m'lord, our artillery blasts now have infinite height!"), bad if you're trying to run more elite guard and use terrain to your advantage. 


Rather counter-intuitive and completely opposite of what was done in 6th (one of the few things I really liked about 6th was how much more terrain mattered than 5th). 

A slight side benefit of the big nerf that is the grenade change is that with walkers getting -way- more survivable against krak grenades, we've got 40 point AV 12's that will tie up a 10 man space marine unit for an entire game.  

If you have slots buying 2-3 and trying to get them into a combat to tarpit could catch some people.


Also- Tank spam. We don't really need bubble wrap anymore.  Having people easily pop my tanks by running up and sticking kraks on it isn't a thing anymore.  Kill the Meltas, Grav and D and you can do what you want.

Krak and melta upgrades went from great to awful for our blobs in one fell swoop.  My DKK and Renegades are crying.


Outside of the scope of guard, expect grav alpha strikes and deathstars to be ubiquitous in competitive play, the counters to them are gone.

On the other hand, the change to psykers means that psychic death stars really took a hit. Librarius conclave now can only cast 2 power a turn, unless they have Tigurius, and even then, I think that's only three. Meanwhile, our ability to tie up deathstar units has massively increased.  Grav is still grav though.

I don't see any of these as earth-shattering changes.  If you were depending on MBs as your pure anti-tank solution, you're already doing it wrong IMHO.  As for the Pask/Executioner love triangle, this is a corner case situation and doesn't actually damage Pask's capabilities in the slightest.


The only ruling I think is a bit of a hit is preventing BBs from sharing transports, though this is felt across the board and will lockdown quite a few popular strategies.  IMO, Skitarii and SoB are probably harder hit by this rule, though it will be interesting to see how they actually go with a final printing on this one, since it has massive impact on C: SM and other popular armies as well.

Ah I see, krak grenades and melta bombs (being grenades pg 180-181) are just a single model from a unit at a time. So demolition vets will not be so good. Combined squads with krak grenades will also suffer. On the plus side leman russes should survive a lot better if marines can only get off one grenade at a time on their rear armor.


I kind of disagree that melta bombs are "thrown." To me it looks like they are "clamped in place" on a building or tank and each model should get the single attack.


What's hilarious is that Krak Grenades on Veterans/Infantry squads cost MORE than a Melta bomb.


Sounds like a proper rear echelon paperwork error back at the ol' Departmento Munitorum's clerk's office. 


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