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So we can take 4 Storm Ravens in one slot now?


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Losing skyfire is a damn shame. Also, not having a higher agility is, in my opinion, a lost opportunity to make the BA raven a bit more unique for our army. I mean we are supposed to be experts/predisposed to natural flight abilities.

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Losing skyfire is a damn shame. Also, not having a higher agility is, in my opinion, a lost opportunity to make the BA raven a bit more unique for our army. I mean we are supposed to be experts/predisposed to natural flight abilities.

What? Ravens losk sf??

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What I want to know, is do you have to choose a Flight Pattern as a separate Formation, or does that always apply to any # of Flyers?


I.e. the  Angel's Fury Spearhead Formation: 3x Stormravens with re-rollable arrival Turn 1. 


...can you put them in a certain Flight Pattern (or whatever it is called) and still maintain the benefits of the other Formation? 


If that is the case, then AFS may have some serious potential buffs: 


-re-rollable Turn 1 arrival

-potential +1 to your Reserves (so the 3x SR's coming in on a re-rollable 2+ Turn 1) or a -1 Reserves to your enemy

-buffs to blowing stuff up either en route to the board (in Dogfight phase)? or the Turn you arrive


...and some serious potential downsides: 


-enemy brings 2x Fighters. prevents your entire Force from ever arriving on the board. Tabled pre-Turn 1



So the new changes are either going to make AFS extremely viable or not viable at all. 

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So...our only dedicated Skyfire in the entire Codex* is now Flakk missiles.

....for the "Descent of Angels" Chapter blink.png

*FW is a separate matter

Good thing I'm painting a 3xML 1xLC Dev squad for the ETL..

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What I want to know, is do you have to choose a Flight Pattern as a separate Formation, or does that always apply to any # of Flyers?


I.e. the  Angel's Fury Spearhead Formation: 3x Stormravens with re-rollable arrival Turn 1. 


...can you put them in a certain Flight Pattern (or whatever it is called) and still maintain the benefits of the other Formation? 


If that is the case, then AFS may have some serious potential buffs: 


-re-rollable Turn 1 arrival

-potential +1 to your Reserves (so the 3x SR's coming in on a re-rollable 2+ Turn 1) or a -1 Reserves to your enemy

-buffs to blowing stuff up either en route to the board (in Dogfight phase)? or the Turn you arrive


...and some serious potential downsides: 


-enemy brings 2x Fighters. prevents your entire Force from ever arriving on the board. Tabled pre-Turn 1



So the new changes are either going to make AFS extremely viable or not viable at all. 

Great question!

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The other change is that because of the rules for auras and such, the Tacs need to be disembarked from the Ravens for Area Triangulation to work too sad.png

I always assumed this to be the case. I don't have the necessery Ravens for the formation, so I never used it, though..

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What I want to know, is do you have to choose a Flight Pattern as a separate Formation, or does that always apply to any # of Flyers?


I.e. the  Angel's Fury Spearhead Formation: 3x Stormravens with re-rollable arrival Turn 1. 


...can you put them in a certain Flight Pattern (or whatever it is called) and still maintain the benefits of the other Formation? 


If that is the case, then AFS may have some serious potential buffs: 


-re-rollable Turn 1 arrival

-potential +1 to your Reserves (so the 3x SR's coming in on a re-rollable 2+ Turn 1) or a -1 Reserves to your enemy

-buffs to blowing stuff up either en route to the board (in Dogfight phase)? or the Turn you arrive


...and some serious potential downsides: 


-enemy brings 2x Fighters. prevents your entire Force from ever arriving on the board. Tabled pre-Turn 1



So the new changes are either going to make AFS extremely viable or not viable at all. 

It looks like yes as the formations in the book only say they replace those in the codex (e.g storm wing in C:SM... which is better now) and that they must be part of the same datasheet or formation. So you could independently select 3x stormravens and then declare that they will be arriving as a flyer wing (obv you'd want them to be a 'Air-superiority formation for the free buffs), so spearhead seems like a the formation choice, then you choose the attack patterns for the game and then deploy. They can break from this in game and then return to the flyer wing at the end of any movement phase. 


Spearhead looks really good now :) In addition to its formation rules you'll get: +1 BS on your Wing Leader. One can operate solo and then 2 form Vigilance. 3 together options = Tank hunter OR Ignores cover OR Flat out and shoot + 2nd plane gets + 1BS third +2BS .


fwiw, cue a huge amount fo confusion/rage over omniscience = preferred enemy vs one unit type for the whole game. Does this mean you can do it at the start of every shooting phase get a new preferred enemy (unit) does this cancel the previous one?  There is no clarification, although it does state you need 4 planes, so if one is shot down then I guess it ends.. They could have been much clearer here.


You both need to say yes to the dog fight phase, if not roll off.

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I think the new air book is crap. It also has a clunky feel as if it were rushed. I don't agree with how they removed skyfire from Stormravens, especially since there are plenty examples of their use as fighters in the fluff engaging aerial creatures and vehicles, and rules such as including the vehicle's description, saying that one of its uses is as a fighter ....


"... This pugnacious gunship carries a significant arsenal and, whether engaging in furious dogfights or ground attacks ..." page 200 of our codex.



I really have no desire to use the new rules and honestly don't plan on it anytime soon.

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Well, GW will get the hint soon enough. We have already discussed it in our gaming group and the result was that this will reduce the popularity of flyers rather than increase it. The only interest stems from the two new-ish flyers and that is about it really.

They simply don't care about the specifics of your gaming group,or whether or not you like it. They have got the 'hint' and it's that supplements make $$$.If it sells as half as well as angels of death it will be a success. Supplements are an easy way to make $ and keep people interested. End of story.


You are of course free to play any set of rules you want.

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I think that's the point, GW will pump out every different way they can to play, because people want new and shiny.

If you don't want it ( me included ) then you don't have to use it. Those that do want it, can use it.

I see it this way.

I write with a black pen, I like my black pen, but that did not stop the pen makers bringing out a blue pen. Now every one has a choice. I will stick to my black pen but, some one will use the blue pen. If the pen makers are lucky ( $$$ ) some people will want both black and blue.

Then the pen makers made a red pen. Holy :cuss, now we have some fun. biggrin.png

It's about making money, some will like it, some won't.

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