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4001 point night lords (terror assault) & cybernetica allies


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The list began from BaC and I've expanded from there. Most of the stuff is from eBay (cause Forge World stuff is worth an arm and a leg in Australia). Most of the armies I'm going up against will be 40k, that being said I have played a few games with this list so far.


What do you think



- Centurion, consul: primus medicae/chaplain (undecided), artificer armour, plasma pistol, refractor shield, jump pack, Nostraman changlaive - 155

- Centurion, Cataphractii plate, combi-melta, chainfist, teleportation transponder - 112



- Contemptor dreadnaught, kheres assault cannon - 190

- terminator squad X5, Cataphractii plate, teleportation transponder, combi-weapon (3 plasma, 2 melta), power fist X4, chainfist - 255



- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive] SGT - 238

- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive] SGT - 238

- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive] SGT - 238


Fast Attack

- Night raptor squad X10, Nostraman chainglaive X10, [artificer armour] SGT - 360


Heavy Support

- predator squadron X2, sponson las cannons X2, auxiliary drive X2 - 250



- Konrad Curze, RoW: Terror Assault - 435


Total: 2471


Legio cybernetica allied detachment:



- Archmagos Dominus, abeyant, cyber familiar, machinator array, relic: Cortica primus - 250



- castellax battle automata X5, enhanced targeting array - 605


Heavy Support

- Thanatar Class Siege-Automata, Paragon of Metal, enhanced targeting array - 300


Total: 1155


Legio Cybernetica Leviathan detachment



- Mechanicum Indentured Knight Paladin, Questoris Battlecannon - 375


Total: 4001


The terror squad have boltguns because

1. I can't afford volkite weapons for all 3 right now

2. I like the fluff behind boltguns

3. Their cheaper (hence I can afford more stuff (even if it is 3 extra points each))


I'm still undecided whether I should go with the primus medicae or chaplain, the chaplain can provide the extra hitting power for Konrad because he doesn't benefit from talent for murder, but the primus medicae can also help keep the unit alive a bit more if they get stuck in a bad situation.


The terminators deep strike and take out a key opponent, whether it be a monstrous creature, or vehicle.


Terror squads do what they do: infiltrate and Kill infantry


Night Raptors jump around with Konrad and destroy things (I could switch out 2 of the changlaive for 2 pairs of lightning claws)


The predators sit back and shoot light vehicles, transports or finish off small squads


The dreadnaught could move up with the infantry and provide close range support or sit back and kill any deep strikers or outflanking units


The cybernetica aspect is really to soak up damage, the Archmagos joins the castellax and foots logos up with them, the Thanatar sits back and shoots from a distance, taking out pesky cover using units.


Also with the Cortica primus, my friends are fine with me taking this relic (even if it's really good)


The knight does what it needs to do: shoot things and be a DISTRACTION CARNIFEX


Overall this in my opinion is the best that I can do with a budget such as mine. Again: what do you think??

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On the Chaplain/PM front... If you go for a Chaplain, you do bot need the Cataphractii Centurion, so you gain a few points back. That could pay for a 3rd Predator (which are fairly cheap from GW or eBay).


Speaking of Preds... A dozer blade is much better than the auxiliary drive. Re-rolling the 1's every time you go through DT is statistically superior to fixing that initial Immobilised result on a 4+. And it's half the price! :)


Finally, unless your group has some special rules in place, you cannot take a Knight as a "Leviathan Detachment".

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I'm using a Mechanicum indentures knight paladin from the Mechanicum red book. It is in a leviathan detachment and is a LoW. A lot of people mistake it as a Questoris Knight paladin, but they are mistaken.


Good idea about the 3rd predator, also with the dozen blades as well, I will take those ideas into account.

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Unfortunately, I'm not mistaking it. It's a cool list, but illegal.


You have your Night Lords in a Primary Detachment, using the "Age of Darkness Force Org Chart", which has 3 HQ, 6 Troops, 4 Elites, 3 Fast Attack, 3 Heavy Support, 1 Lords of War slot, and 1 Fortification slot. You also have your Legio Cybernetica in an Allied Detachment, which consists of 1 HQ, 2 Troops, 1 Elites, 1 Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support. So far, that's all good.


What you don't have is a Lords of War slot in the Allied Detachment to use for the Knight. The "Leviathan Force Org Chart" is what replaces the "Age of Darkness Force Org Chart", and it's Primary Detachment consists of a Super-heavy with 9HP or more, or a Gargantuan Creature. You can take 2 more Lords of War and an Allied Detachment with that, but you can't get all your choices into the list legally - it simply doesn't allow for it. You also can't normally run a Rite of War in alternate Force Orgs, but that's up to the group you play with.


Sorry man! :(

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Made some adjustments to the list... Getting rid of the knight and upgrading some of the units.



- Centurion, consul: primus medicae/chaplain (undecided), artificer armour, plasma pistol, refractor shield, jump pack, Nostraman changlaive, trophies of judgement, melta bombs - 165

- Centurion, Cataphractii plate, combi-melta, chainfist, teleportation transponder, trophies of judgement - 117



- Contemptor dreadnaught, kheres assault cannon, graviton gun, dreadnaught drop pod - 270

- terminator squad X5, Cataphractii plate, teleportation transponder, combi-weapon (3 plasma, 2 melta), power fist X4, chainfist - 255



- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, melta bombs] SGT - 243

- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, melta bombs] SGT - 243

- Terror squad X10, Boltgun X9 (I have my reasons), [artificer armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, melta bombs] SGT - 243


Fast Attack

- Night raptor squad X10, Nostraman chainglaive X8, two lightning claws X2, [artificer armour, melta bombs] SGT - 385


Heavy Support

- predator squadron X3, sponson las cannons X3, auxiliary drive X3 - 375



- Konrad Curze, RoW: terror assault - 435


Legio Cybernetica allied detachment



- Anacharis Scoria, Xanathite Abeyant - 315



- Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple X5, power blades X5, enhanced targeting array X5, searchlight X5 - 655


Heavy Support

- Thanatar class Siege-Automata Maniple, enhanced targeting array, paragon of metal - 300


Total: 4001


The roles haven't changed for each thing, the Mechanicum are still used to soak up fire, but now are a bit faster thanks to the new Mechanicum guy (who is over powered)



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Three questions:

1. Why 4001?

2. What are the reasons for the bolters? Just paint the barrels and magazines blue, and say they are using volkite shells if you've already got models assembled. Whatever your reasons for running them with bolters, they aren't good enough reasons. biggrin.png

3. Do you have any Vorax to outflank Scoria?

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