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First HH list 1k Word bearers


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Hi guys, just recently returned to the hobby and bought battle of calth set that i was planning to do a 40k army with but decided to go 30k instead.

Im pretty new to the HH thing so i may of stuffed up my list. Sorry! at the moment im bouncing between Word bearers and imperial fists. i may 100% decided when i get my box and give a try at painting yellow.


so here we go.


Chaplin consul- art. armor, refractor shield.


diabolist- art armour,


Apothecary,  aug scanners-


tactical squad. sgt- art armour an power weapon


tactical squad. 4 extra bodies. sgt has power weapon and art armour 


sicaran battle tank- bolter sponsons


contemptor dread. assault cannon


i may be over doing it on upgrades?? there is so much i would like to squeeze in but i always seem to have 50-90 left and nothing comes in for that..


please pull it apart im very new to this


thank you very much

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Hey there! Welcome to the Word Bearers (assuming we can convince you join the dark side)!


Not a bad list you have got there; although there are a few things I would change to suit my own personal tastes and the way I believe Word Bearers play best. I must say though, I am new to the Horus Heresy too and am still thinking about my own Word Bearers lists as I build and paint them - I only started with the Betrayal at Calth set and so have yet to play any games with my army as it is not fully built, however, I have spent a lot of time on this forum and studying the rules to try and get a good idea of what works. So do bear that in mind; I do not know everything about the Horus Heresy, but can perhaps teach a few things that I learnt as I was getting started.


First, here is what I would change about your list:


Chaplain - Add Melta Bombs, they will be useful against vehicles/walkers in 1000 point games.


Diabolist - Add Melta Bombs and Power Weapon for AP3/2


Tactical Squads - I would run them both as 15 strong! I personally believe that 15 is a great number as 20 gets too unwieldy whilst 10 is too few (Word Bearers do numbers well) as these will take casualties. Would also add a Vexilla to both - Word Bearers have their Legiones Astartes Morale boost (3d6 pick 2 lowest) but with a re-roll too, I doubt you will fail many Morale checks.

(AA and Power Weapons are good options as if these get in combat you want the sergeant to challenge to free up your HQ to kill other things)


Sicaran - You don't have a lot of anti-armour/AP2 in this list will may cause a problem in some games. I would therefore give the Sicaran Lascannon Sponsons instead of Heavy Bolters and add Armoured Ceramite to protect against Melta (you might not get much Melta in 1000 point games but it will make it much harder to destroy if they do).


Apothecaries - Great!! AA is always handy to help them survive longer and I would take 2 (one in each Tactical Squad).


Contemptor - I would personally cut this from the list to save points for the upgrades I suggested about. In your list, it is doing the exact same thing as the Sicaran, and the Tactical Squads to a lesser extent and so I would cut that in exchange for things you need more.


Applying these changes, the list would look like so:



- Artificer Armour

- Refractor Field

- Melta Bombs




- Artificer Armour

- Power Weapon

- Melta Bombs

115 / 225


Tactical Squad (15 Strong)

- Artificer Armour

- Vexilla

- Power Weapon

230 / 455


Tactical Squad (15 Strong)

- Artificer Armour

- Vexilla

- Power Weapon

230 / 685


2 Apothecaries

- Augury Scanners

- Artificer Armour

120 / 805



- Lascannon Sponsons

- Armoured Ceramite

195 / 1000


Essentially, the Tactical Squads deploy as 2 blobs, one with the Chaplain, the other with the Diabolist, and with an Apothecary in each. These are backed up by the Sicaran, which can also deal with Vehicles. Should do nicely for 1000 Points, and if you wanted to expand to 1500, you could then bring in the Contemptor, and Cataphractii Terminators.


Cheers :)

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Yeah, unfortunately it is. 1000 points is probably a bit small for 30k to be honest, so you don't see many lists like that or they end up like the one above: everything is bigger in 30k, squads work better at larger sizes and work out slightly cheaper due to the way they are priced (3x10 plain Tactical Squads = 450, they are 150 each, but 2x15 is only 400 as additional guys are cheaper), stuff dies easier too so more is better, and everything is generally more expensive than 40k.


That's why 1000 point lists are not common; if you make everything small and cheap (no upgrades), you'll have more things on the board, but it will die quicker, and not have the tools to do much back, however if you start increasing unit size and upgrades you get some really good troops on the board, but not very many.

I personally started with 2000 points (which is actually very attainable with the Betrayal at Calth set) as it means you can get the numbers and the upgrades which you have to choose between at 1000 points.


So yeah, in short, this is very common as things are more expensive, meaning less at 1000 points if you kit them out with everything they need. Plus 1000 points tend to only be starter lists, in that you don't have much to build and paint so can get a decent core started, play a few games and then increase in size - so on that basis, the list I suggested is great as they are all things that will be strong at 1000 points, and will make up the core of any larger force.



Now, if you want, we can try and use the rest of the B@C stuff to make it a bigger army? Add in the Praetor, Terminators and Contemptor and pick a Rite of War (some of them are really good). The contents of that box would suit both Word Bearers and Imperial Fists quite nicely so it would just be a case of making two lists and seeing which you prefer to pick your Legion.

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Here is a Quick Imperial Fists 2000 Point list I put together using everything in B@C and only a few extra purchases.

(I'll do a Word Bearers one when I get a chance)


Would suggest this Black Templar colour scheme too (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/690270.page) as it looks awesome and will significantly reduce the amount of Yellow you have to paint.


Pride of the Legion Rite of War (Veterans + Terminators are Troops)


Praetor - 180

(Cataphractii Armour, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Deep Strike)


Chaplain - 110 / 290

(Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field)


Veteran Squad (10) - 290 / 580

(Nuncio-Vox, Vexilla, 2 Heavy Bolters with Suspensor Webs, Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon)


Veteran Squad (10) - 290 / 870

(Nuncio-Vox, Vexilla, 2 Heavy Bolters with Suspensor Webs, Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon)


Terminator Squad (5) - 235 / 1105

(3 Lightning Claws, 2 Chainfists, Grenade Harness, Deep Strike)


Templar Brethren (10) - 300 / 1405

(All have Combat Shields and Melta Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Vexilla, Squad Leader's Weapon is Master-Crafted) 


3 Apothecaries - 180 / 1585

(Augury Scanners, Artificer Armour)


Contemptor Mortis - 195 / 1780

(2 Assault Cannons, Havoc Launcher)


Sicaran - 210 / 1990

(Dozer Blade, Auxiliary Drive, Armoured Ceramite, Sponson Lascannons)



Last 10 Points!!! Give the Praetor a Combi-Weapon (as the model already has one) - 7 / 1997



Basically, you only have to buy a Sicaran (although that's in the list before anyway), 2 Templar Brethren Upgrade Sets, and extra Heavy Bolter as you need 4 but only have 3 in the B@C set, an extra Assault Cannon and Havoc Launcher for the Contemptor and 3 Apothecaries. Everything else is from the box.




Veteran Squads both get an Apothecary and take the Sniper Veteran Tactics (IF BS5 for Bolter weapons plus Sniper benefits will make these two strong).


Chaplain and last Apothecary joins Templar Brethren (they all come with Power Weapons - I would recommend mainly Swords for AP3, but with a few Axes thrown in for AP2 and a couple of Mauls for +2 Strength - perhaps 5 Swords, 3 Axes and 2 Mauls?)


IF Praetor + Terminator Squad can Deep Strike so you could keep them in reserve. Nuncio-Vox in all squads prevent scatter so if you drop them nearby they will be fine.


Sicaran sorts your anti-vehicle, however the Templar Brethren have Melta Bombs in case they get charged/can charge one)


Contemptor Mortis is great. 2 Assault Cannons and can skyfire so can deal with fliers or just support your Infantry. Plastic Contemptor is really easy to convert with 2 of the same guns.

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