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2500 Iron Warriors, Tyrant's Reign


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Prior to the last update for the Legion's book i had been working on a PoTL list for my iron warriors. With the switch of the tyrants from elite into heavy support i was alittle discouraged that what i had been working on was no longer a possibility, and i was working on figuring out what to do with the 20 terminators i had built up. My two thoughts where, Paint one up for each legion, or re work the list.. So.. i've reworked the list and i want to see what people think of what i've come up with.


Legion Astartes: Onslaught FOC: 2500 pts total.


Erasmus Golg


Legion Terminator Squad:

10, 2x Plasma Blaster


Contemptor-Cortus Talon

2 dreads, both with 2 twinlinked vokite


Dereado Dreadnought

Aiolos system


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

Grav-Flux Bombard


Tyrant Terminators



Tyrant Terminators



As this list stands here, im at 2470, and not sure what to do with my last 30 points. Alternatively, i could also swap the two contemptors, and the dereado to fill out the Leviathan talon to a full three, all with the bombards. Thoughts?

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Nice work thinking outside the box - Onslaught is a great option when a Rite of War is untenable. In some competitive clubs/tournaments you might not be able to use alternate Force Orgs, but mostly it should be ok. :)



- the Leviathan is a beast, but he really needs a Dreadpod to help get him into combat.

- the Legion Terminators will struggle if they have to footslog across the board - why not consider a Spartan or a Kharybdis?

- the Tyrants are using over 40% of the points in the list. Have you made all 20 with Cyclones, or can you repurpose 10 into the Legion Terminators?

- like the Leviathan, Contemptor-Cortus Dreads are meant to be in close combat, so going for dual choom is not efficient - they're better off keeping 1 combat arm. Dreadpods will help here again.

- have you considered the fact that you have 2 Lords of War slots available? :)

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Thanks for the fedback Caillum.


I had been thinking of getting the legion terminators a Spartan, but for the most part, that would end up being the only vehicle i could fit, along side the Leviathan, and i just feel thats not enough armour on the field.


I know the Tyrants are taking up alot of points, and no i haven't actually fitted them all with Cyclones yet, but they have been given the combi-bolters and Powerfists, and used plastic glue for them.. so they aren't coming apart cleanly or easily. Besides.. 40 missiles a turn!


I had been thinking of running a normal contemptor talon, but the price difference is alittle large, and does put me over points.. Alternatively i could go with boxnoughts, would the drop from twinlinked choom, to not, be that big of an issue you think?


Two Lords of War hmm? I had not even realized that option was open..

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