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FAQ and the meaning of life, I mean for Ad Mech.

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But we still do get taxis! We just can't start out in them. That doesn't keep us from say swapping the Marines in their Land Raider with our Electro Priests once we have deployed the vehicle. I actually didn't know that people did play that way and I always just swapped them first turn. Works fine for me.

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But we still do get taxis! We just can't start out in them. That doesn't keep us from say swapping the Marines in their Land Raider with our Electro Priests once we have deployed the vehicle. I actually didn't know that people did play that way and I always just swapped them first turn. Works fine for me.

yea, but that still doesn't help or protect against drop pods and stuff that comes down, and you still need a turn before you can drive up the field, right?

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Remeber its just a draft, not official. I have my doubts about it sticking ultimately. Especially from a business stand point - GW realizing they would sell even less vehicle kits? Hmmm...
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Remeber its just a draft, not official. I have my doubts about it sticking ultimately. Especially from a business stand point - GW realizing they would sell even less vehicle kits? Hmmm...

Don't forget they think that the models are sold because they look cool, not because rules are good. :rolleyes:


I play DA and they completly broke Land raiders by releasing 2 Deathwing formations/detachment that must start the game in DS reserve, thus preventing to play LR as dedicated transport... Wether those 2 formations are pretty similar in composition and way of fighting is no importance too.


Rules are not THAT important for them because at the end, they'll always reply "But if you want you can agree with your opponent to play another way... " <_<

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But we still do get taxis! We just can't start out in them. That doesn't keep us from say swapping the Marines in their Land Raider with our Electro Priests once we have deployed the vehicle. I actually didn't know that people did play that way and I always just swapped them first turn. Works fine for me.

Sadly, doing this means you can't utilize the scout rule, so it's a pretty serious blow.


The grenade change is unfortunate (but I kind of like it since it makes our robots and Knights better), but as stated, the Princeps can put out mad haywire attacks.  This does give the twin sword load-out a bit more consideration, although I still think missing assault grenades is a serious flaw for an initiative based melee unit.

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But we still do get taxis! We just can't start out in them. That doesn't keep us from say swapping the Marines in their Land Raider with our Electro Priests once we have deployed the vehicle. I actually didn't know that people did play that way and I always just swapped them first turn. Works fine for me.

Sadly, doing this means you can't utilize the scout rule, so it's a pretty serious blow.


The grenade change is unfortunate (but I kind of like it since it makes our robots and Knights better), but as stated, the Princeps can put out mad haywire attacks.  This does give the twin sword load-out a bit more consideration, although I still think missing assault grenades is a serious flaw for an initiative based melee unit.



Scout only transferred to dedicated vehicles anyway.


I completely missed that scout moves happens after rolling for seize. That is a huge thing that I have not utilized.

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So prior to the FAQ our Ruststalkers could each throw a grenade? I always thought that only one model can throw a grenade, be it a frag or other type of grenade.


Before FAQ you could use all your grenades in Close Combat. now you just use only 1.

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So in a turn they can throw a grenade, charge, use the data spike, then a single grenade attack for a total of 3 haywire attacks? Am I mistaken in thinking that they are at least assault grenades so no penalty for charging through terrain?
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You can toss one grenade during shooting and another during combat, so that's two right there.


The Dataspike is a specialist weapon, so you can use that to make your attacks, you just won't benefit from the extra close combat weapons you have. So you get the free initiative 10 dataspike attack, then another 4 (3 base + 1 for charging) regular swings.


So that's 7 haywire attacks per turn.


And yes, they are assault grenades. If twin-blade Ruststalkers at least had frag grenades, I would consider them as a valid alternative that focuses more on killing dudes than vehicles, but getting shot in overwatch and then punched in the face before you get to swing is not healthy for their T3.

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Stealth and the leadership canticle will still work on the Skitarii in the same unit as a Dominus, as those rules pass on to the entire unit as long as 1 model have the special rule in question.


Most of these were clear from the rules, although I missed the fortification upgrades bit myself, and the repulsor grid explanation was nice.


A bit surprised that they allow 2 versions of the same formation to co-exist though.

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Please don't make others panic like I did with this wording, you speak in general terms. Here is what the FAQ says-

Q: I have a question about the rules of the Dominus Maniple Formation from my Start Collecting! Skitarii box. Does the Skitarii Doctrina Imperatives special rule work on the Tech-Priest Dominus, and does the Canticles of the Omnissiah special rule apply to the Skitarii Rangers? 

A: No, each unit is affected by the special rules listed on their datasheet."


This is only about the Dominus Maniple people no need to sell your War Convocations just yet. 

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That's true, only the Magos gains stealth for example. But just by having stealth, everyone else in the unit gets to benefit away by stealth's transferative properties.


Being able to take either Rangers or Vanguard in the Magos detachment is actually a bit of a buff. If I don't have Scout, I rather take a unit of Rangers with their longer guns. The single Onager is a good place for an Icarus Array.

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A bit surprised that they allow 2 versions of the same formation to co-exist though.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

I'm sure it is a bug as it seems that only the first boxsets released during the launch weeks of the start collecting boxsets contained a datasheet with the Vanguards version. Added to that, the boxset design only feature skitarii rangers pics and references.


However I'm not surprised they allow both, it would be a little difficult to annonce to the customers who bought the boxset in the earliest days of release and mounted them as vanguards cannot use them anymore. And it's recognizing they made a mistake, and GW never do mistake :rolleyes:

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However I'm not surprised they allow both, it would be a little difficult to annonce to the customers who bought the boxset in the earliest days of release and mounted them as vanguards cannot use them anymore. And it's recognizing they made a mistake, and GW never do mistake rolleyes.gif

I'm pretty sure they simply don't care, the difference is not that great for sales, only for maximizing a list. I have printed versions of both, so I don't care...

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To be fair, in actual games beyond 500 points, that formation is pretty naff.  I don't think it's that big of an impact.


It's nice to have the clarification on Phosphor weapons in mixed weapon units, though.  Otherwise, nothing groundbreaking in this FAQ.  I expect that the later ones (IG, SM) will be much more involved.

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