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BA Librarian loadout/modeling help

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I'm trying to kit bash two librarians right now and can't figure out the best load out for them. I'm set on power armor and jump packs for both and probably just bolt pistols. I can't decide on melee weapons. I'm thinking one with staff  and one with sword because the initiative bonus from quickening will be wasted with an axe. Also the staff can count as our relic staff when needed. Am i over looking something with the axe though? 


Also, anyone have any thoughts on duel wielding valor's edge with a force axe or staff? At the very least i feel like it will look really awesome...


On the modeling side, for one i plan on using the legs from the dc box that have the scroll like loincloth thing, but don't have any left over chests besides SG ones. Would SG chests work even though librarians don't have arty armor? Maybe use the ones that are covered with more iconography so it's harder to tell? I do have a left over chest from the Stern Guard box i'll have to look through. 


Lastly, i need help with heads. Could i use the non SG head from the upgrade sprue and say the ornament on his head is the psychic hood or would people not like that? I know the hoods aren't hard to make, but want to avoid it if possible. If i use a hooded head from the raven wing biker box, would i need to still make a psychic hood to go over it?


Thanks for the help!

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No point combining valours with an axe, both are AP2, but valours strikes first


The axe strikes at I1 so you pile in later, which might protect your librarian from harm.


Swords are best vs T4 3+ saves alone. Againt TEQ or 4+ saves, the other options are better.


If you have a staff, and roll the iron arm power, then you are S10 AP2 on the charge.


It will usually be dead obvious who the librarian is (blue), so you dont really need to model the hood, but it can look nice. You can make one really easily from a spare shoulder pad, here's mine:


Un-named librarian




Alternatively, you get 5 psychic hood equipped rear torsos in the grey knight interceptor box.


Post pics when you're done!

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Thanks for the quick response! Think i'll probably just stick with a sword and staff for now. Maybe make an axe arm to switch out for one of them later down the road.


Also, i for got to mention, would it be acceptable if i only painted like a shoulder pad blue? I really don't want to paint them all blue, i don't like it for whatever reason. Not sure if i just don't like how blue looks with my scheme or if i just don't like being "told" what color some guys have to be lol. I was hoping i could even get away with less than a shoulder pad even....

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I think that a hooded head is fine. Every librarian has a psychic hood so I don't feel like trying to make your model look like it has one is super important. The robed hood heads look pretty good, I think.


It seems though like magnetizing Weapons Would Be way easier than building two whole models for one change in weaponry. Have you considered that?

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Follow up, would a hooded head look okay on a body without a cape or anything?



And what size magnets would i use for space marine arms?



And i do want to field two librarians with jump packs regardless of the load outs in some lists. With that in mind, would one with a staff and one with a sword be solid until i get magnets?

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Follow up, would a hooded head look okay on a body without a cape or anything?

I don't know, but cutting up a plain shoulder pad is easy and also makes a convincing psychic hood.



And what size magnets would i use for space marine arms?

If you want to swap the whole arms 3mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. for the wrists alone 2mm x 1mm



And i do want to field two librarians with jump packs regardless of the load outs in some lists. With that in mind, would one with a staff and one with a sword be solid until i get magnets?

It depends on what you are facing.
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I think a really important question is what role does the lib play in your army? If he's rolling with DC then JP and stave/galians staff (reroll 1s on psy casting). If solo then on a bike for some T5 goodness and amazing mobility. Moving 6' is dead to me on anyone bar Mephison and scouts. I only play maelstrom so mobility might not be as important to you. www.trolls.cz do a great bike conversion set for librarian.

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I think a really important question is what role does the lib play in your army? If he's rolling with DC then JP and stave/galians staff (reroll 1s on psy casting). If solo then on a bike for some T5 goodness and amazing mobility. Moving 6' is dead to me on anyone bar Mephison and scouts. I only play maelstrom so mobility might not be as important to you. www.trolls.cz do a great bike conversion set for librarian.

they will either roll with DC or with VVs from the sanguine wing formation. DC most of the time though.




Follow up, would a hooded head look okay on a body without a cape or anything?

I don't know, but cutting up a plain shoulder pad is easy and also makes a convincing psychic hood.



And what size magnets would i use for space marine arms?

If you want to swap the whole arms 3mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. for the wrists alone 2mm x 1mm



And i do want to field two librarians with jump packs regardless of the load outs in some lists. With that in mind, would one with a staff and one with a sword be solid until i get magnets?

It depends on what you are facing.


Thanks for the help!


Does the drill from GW come with bits for those size magnets?

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If you get Quickening cast on Dante prepare for some Primarch level destruction on the charge. He'll easily floor most other combat characters in the game. Or entire squads of anything else.


S7 AP2 at stupidly Hugh initiative and attacks means he could break a greater demon with little effort.

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image4 (1)

image1 (1)


Here's what i got so far. Not sure if i'm gonna keep that head on him or not, was originally going to use it for a Priest, but i think he looks good with it. One concern is the staff looks like a crozius a bit. I think it's fine though. Thoughts?

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I don't think that looks much like a crozius. If you're worried about it, though, just glue a little extra length on the bottom. Things like antennae, other weapons, banners make good handles.
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Does the drill from GW come with bits for those size magnets?

I have no idea, I don't own a drill from GW, but the drill from the army painter tool set. It did not come with 3mm or 2mm bits.


Here's what i got so far. Not sure if i'm gonna keep that head on him or not, was originally going to use it for a Priest, but i think he looks good with it. One concern is the staff looks like a crozius a bit. I think it's fine though. Thoughts?

I think right know he does indeed look a bit like a chaplain, but if you give him a psychic hood (maybe something like this) he should not be mistaken for one.

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I'm trying to kit bash two librarians right now and can't figure out the best load out for them. I'm set on power armor and jump packs for both and probably just bolt pistols. I can't decide on melee weapons. I'm thinking one with staff and one with sword because the initiative bonus from quickening will be wasted with an axe. Also the staff can count as our relic staff when needed. Am i over looking something with the axe though?

Also, anyone have any thoughts on duel wielding valor's edge with a force axe or staff? At the very least i feel like it will look really awesome...

On the modeling side, for one i plan on using the legs from the dc box that have the scroll like loincloth thing, but don't have any left over chests besides SG ones. Would SG chests work even though librarians don't have arty armor? Maybe use the ones that are covered with more iconography so it's harder to tell? I do have a left over chest from the Stern Guard box i'll have to look through.

Lastly, i need help with heads. Could i use the non SG head from the upgrade sprue and say the ornament on his head is the psychic hood or would people not like that? I know the hoods aren't hard to make, but want to avoid it if possible. If i use a hooded head from the raven wing biker box, would i need to still make a psychic hood to go over it?

Thanks for the help!

Greetings Brother,

Having kit bashed my own jump pack Librarian recently, allow me to offer some insight into your questions. (I'll link a few pictures at the bottom of my reply here for reference and ideas)

First, having a pair of Librarians wouldn't hurt for options, one armed with a staff is smart, as it allows you to spring for the relic staff if you wish. The second I would suggest running with a force mace instead of a sword or axe, for a few reasons.

Of note it allows your Librarian to swing at initiative with +2 strength base, or +3 strength on the charge and benefiting from the +1 attack for pistol + mace. If you're up against a character or similar baddy, just turn Force on before you charge and try to force enough saves so that your opponent fails one and gets removed due to instant death. This model could carry Valor's Edge if you wish also, allowing him to sing at either profile, though Valor's edge wouldn't allow for Force. Regarding Relics though, I would give him Veritas Vitae personally. Just offering that suggestion.

As far as modeling goes, do what I did and trade for a Grey Knight in Power Armor torso back with the psychic hood built in, plus a BA upgrade sprue torso and Sanguinary guard legs. Sure it looks like artificer armor but I'd rather it be more ornate than not enough. That allows you to use any head you wish that doesn't have something running long the length of the helmet's center line. I used a regular helmet from the BA tactical squad box with the laurels on it to represent the (decorative) links from the helmet running back to the hood itself. The hooded Dark Angels head would also work well here.

You can also use a Grey Knight shoulder pad with the book icon on it and just shave the sword off above and below the book to have a nice Librarian emblem shoulder pad. Lastly, the Grey Knight Nemesis Force Staff makes a great Force Staff. I converted mine to look a bit more like a Blood Angels Relic (see below). The mace (if you choose to go with that) could be sourced from the Dark Angels line. There's an excellent mace bit in their command squad box.

Here's my plastic Librarian. Full parts list can be given if desired, just let me know.





I hope this helps, and best of luck with your builds smile.png Looking forward to seeing more and take it easy for now.


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There is no force mace. Except for Force the power maul as the same stats as a force staff.


Yea, that's what I meant, the Force power being turned on


Also the stats are the same but there are is a significant differences between the two options.  


The staff is Concussive and as a drawback cannot benefit from the bonus Close Combat weapon attack in Melee.  


The Mace does benefit from the bonus weapon attack, however it isn't concussive.


The difference is subtle but it is there all the same. 


I personally prefer the staff, but my second choice is the mace as getting wounds on target and forcing saves while the Force power is on for instant death works out more often than trying for ignoring armor with a sword or hoping the librarian survives long enough to swing with the axe at I:1.  Also, I like being able to naturally instant death T:3 models via strength double the target's toughness without even bothering with the force power.  


Just mentioning that. Take it easy.



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Red_Thirst - that is a really cool librarian!

Perfect use of bits biggrin.png

Thanks! I'm exceedingly happy with how this model came out. I'm currently debating building a Librarian Dreadnought up next. It'll be that, or a standard Furioso. Not entirely sure yet.

Take it easy. :)


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Also the stats are the same but there are is a significant differences between the two options.  


The staff is Concussive and as a drawback cannot benefit from the bonus Close Combat weapon attack in Melee.  


The Mace does benefit from the bonus weapon attack, however it isn't concussive.


The difference is subtle but it is there all the same. 



Actually, the only difference between the two is that a Force Stave has the Force USR, while a Power Maul does not. They're both +2 strength, AP4, Concussive.

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Also the stats are the same but there are is a significant differences between the two options.  


The staff is Concussive and as a drawback cannot benefit from the bonus Close Combat weapon attack in Melee.  


The Mace does benefit from the bonus weapon attack, however it isn't concussive.


The difference is subtle but it is there all the same. 



Actually, the only difference between the two is that a Force Stave has the Force USR, while a Power Maul does not. They're both +2 strength, AP4, Concussive.



Gallian's staff isn't even two handed! Bonus!

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Also the stats are the same but there are is a significant differences between the two options.  


The staff is Concussive and as a drawback cannot benefit from the bonus Close Combat weapon attack in Melee.  


The Mace does benefit from the bonus weapon attack, however it isn't concussive.


The difference is subtle but it is there all the same. 



Actually, the only difference between the two is that a Force Stave has the Force USR, while a Power Maul does not. They're both +2 strength, AP4, Concussive.



Correct me if I'm wrong but Force Weapons can be anything that a Power Weapon can be.  You can have a Force Sword, Axe, Staff, or Mace.  That's what I'm saying, and are you certain the Mace is concussive too??  I was under the impression that the Staff was since it was 2 handed, while the mace wasn't because it was a 1 handed weapon, but benefited from bonus attacks from 2x melee weapons, etc.  If they're functionally the same then my gaming group has been playing them wrong for ages as a result. 






Also the stats are the same but there are is a significant differences between the two options.  


The staff is Concussive and as a drawback cannot benefit from the bonus Close Combat weapon attack in Melee.  


The Mace does benefit from the bonus weapon attack, however it isn't concussive.


The difference is subtle but it is there all the same. 



Actually, the only difference between the two is that a Force Stave has the Force USR, while a Power Maul does not. They're both +2 strength, AP4, Concussive.



Gallian's staff isn't even two handed! Bonus!



... If that's the case I've been gimping myself for a while... derp... 


I'll have to check the rulebook and BA codex once I'm home from work and make note of this to show my opponents how wrong we've all been.  


Live and learn.  Take it easy.



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Gallian's staff isn't even two handed! Bonus!



No force staff is two handed - they are literally power weapons with the force rule.



Correct me if I'm wrong but Force Weapons can be anything that a Power Weapon can be.  You can have a Force Sword, Axe, Staff, or Mace.  That's what I'm saying, and are you certain the Mace is concussive too??  I was under the impression that the Staff was since it was 2 handed, while the mace wasn't because it was a 1 handed weapon, but benefited from bonus attacks from 2x melee weapons, etc.  If they're functionally the same then my gaming group has been playing them wrong for ages as a result. 


Correcting you. No force maces or spears. There is only the option for staff, axe or sword - check the "force weapons" section of the rulebook to see for yourself.


As above, he staff is not two handed, have a read of the force weapons section. It also tells you exactly what a force mace counts as. My librarians Force Halberd counts as a force axe, for example.

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I think people assume that as a staff it must be 2-handed, which has a certain logic to it you have to admit. Clarification is never a bad thing though, I used Gallian's Staff for the first time myself yesterday and made sure to check if it was 2-handed or not.

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