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Sons of Horus 2k fluffy list - new to 30k


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Hey guys

I new to 30k and after reading the heresy novels I found myself wanting to start a sons of Horus army. I want to keep the army quite fluffy and not overly competitive, as long as I can have a good game with some friends and not get stomped!

Here is what I've come up with so far:

I would really appreciate any advice, suggestions and recommendations to improve my list or anything I may not have thought of.

The black reaving rite of war

Master of signals, artificer armour, power weapon

5 justaerin, 5 combi plasma, chainfist, powerfist
5 justaerin, 2 pairs of lightning claws, powerfist
Contemptor, Kheres assault cannon, plasma blaster

15 reavers, 2 power weapons, powerfist
15 reavers, 2 power weapons, powerfist

Deredeo dreadnought, anvillus autocannons, aiolos missile launcher

2000 points

Abaddon will deep strike with the Close combat justaerins, the other justaerins will deep strike and shoot their combi weapons, hopefully maximising the death dealer benefit. The reavers will outflank and the dreadnoughts will start on the board, the master of signal will join one of the reaver units.

Would it be a good idea to try and fit jump packs on the reavers to make them bulky, and more likely to benefit from the extra attack at the initiative step 1?

What do you think of the load out of my two justaerin units?

Thanks for reading I look forward to hearing what the rest of you think!

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The list looks good but what are you going to do with the master of signals...


Switch out the combi-plasma for a mix of plasma and melta (3plasma 2melta) or take 4 combi-plasma and a multi-melta take 4 power fists and 1 chainfist


Give the contemptor an inbuilt grav-gun and put him in a drop pod if you get the points.


Also I get in some anti-tank when you get the chance.


Good job though

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's actually the making of a good list.


Drop the Master of Signal, equip the Dread with a Grav gun instead of a Plasma Blaster and put him in a Pod.


Also add a few Chain-fists to the Justaerins to deal with armour.


Have you also considered Pods for the Reavers?

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It's actually the making of a good list.


Drop the Master of Signal, equip the Dread with a Grav gun instead of a Plasma Blaster and put him in a Pod.


Also add a few Chain-fists to the Justaerins to deal with armour.


Have you also considered Pods for the Reavers?

MoS is mandatory for Black Reaving.

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One other point is that The Black Reaving requires more Fast then Heavy choices...


With that said you could potentially drop the Reaver squads down to 10men each and add a third squad, remove one Justaerin squad to add 2-3 Dreadclaws in the Fast slot for the Reavers. Any extra points can be used to bulk the Justaerin out a bit more. What is the plan for the Master of Signals?


My thoughts would be to use 2 Reaver squads with Dreadclaws as dedicated CC with the third footslogging with the MoS for his +1 BS bonus. 

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Hi guys


thanks for the feedback, I've noticed I've made some errors and I've come up with a new list, using your advice and a couple of ideas of my own:


RoW - The Long March



Abaddon - power sword




5 Justaerin, 5 combi weapon, chain fist, lightning claw

Contemptor, kheres assault cannon



15 reavers, jump packs, 5 chain axe, 4 power weapons, melta bombs

15 reavers, jump packs, 5 chain axe, 4 power weapons, melta bombs



Deredeo, autocannon battery, aiolos missile launcher

5 heavy support marines, missile launchers



Maloghurst will join the heavy support squad, Abaddon drops in with the justaerin to smash stuff up, the reavers either deep strike or outflank. I went for jump packs to make them more mobile and bulky to make sure they get extra attacks for merciless fighter.



I'll likely expand by adding a fellblade, sicaran venator and I'm not sure after that.


Any further advice would be great, I'd like some more fluffy choices but I'm not sure which to go for!


thanks again for your support and advice guys

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He is using The Long March instead of Black Reaving now, with Mal to unlock Reavers.


I like the list, maybe change the weapon loadout on the Reavers to get a Powerfist in there.

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Yeah, that's a pretty cool list. Good thing about Abaddon is that he doesn't have to be the Warlord, so Maloghurst nets you an extra scoring unit AND Reavers as Troops. Nice.


I will second the addition of a powerfist for the Reavers. And fill up all the remaining guys with chainaxes - AP4 for 1 point is nice against non-Marine armies.


You could take a few less Reavers and grab a Drop Pod for the Contemptor. If you still have points after that, I'd also upgrade to lascannons on the HSS, as your anti-tank is a bit light.

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thanks for the feedback, I should have said that the list is 2000 points, which is why I've made some of the choices (fewer chainaxes etc) I did have powerfists on the reavers before and I think I'd look to get them back in, I didn't really think of lascannons because it's 75 more points for 1 extra strength and I'm not sure it's worth it. I'll let the sicaran venerator and fellblade do the heavy lifting for games over 2000 points.


Regarding the drop pod for the contemptor, I was a bit torn about this, as I'm potentially deep striking/outflanking the reavers and deep striking the justaerin with Abaddon, I wanted to leave some units for mid-table control, I've got the deredeo and heavy support squad with maloghurst to hold my deployment zone so I thought podding the contemptor might be overkill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are now set on running the Long March RoW (which I think is better then the Black Reaving in a number of ways) you can make this list super nasty by taking Reavers/Terminators in Dreadclaws with Combi-Plasmas. Maybe even a unit of Justaerin too since they can join the fun. The combination of Death Dealers (BS5) and rerolling 1s to Hit first turn is absolutely awesome with Plasmaguns and Meltaguns and makes for a devastating alpha strike army.


This army would look something like this:


Maloghurst the Twisted [joins HWS]

Reaver Squad (x10) w Combi-Plasmas and Dreadclaw

Reaver Squad (x10) w Combi-Plasmas and Dreadclaw

Terminator/Justaerin Squad (x5) w Combi-Meltas, Chainfists and Dreadclaw

Contemptor Cortus w double Grav Gun and Dreadnaught Pod

Contemptor Cortus w double Grav Gun and Dreadnaught Pod

Heavy Support Squad w Volkite Culverins (x7)



Expensive, but would totally rip most opponents apart!

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Thanks for the feedback Caustic :)


I think that I'd like to pitch the list somewhere between fluffy and competitive and I'd really like the reavers to be geared towards assault as I like the merciless fighter rule and my other armies (40k tau and Iron Hands) aren't at all assault orientated.


I've got most of my starter stuff now, so I'm building my army at the moment, looking forward to getting my first game in 


I've also got some autocannons for a second heavy squad and a fellblade on the way!


Are there any other particular units/consuls which fit well into SoH fluff? I thought a chaplain in a unit of reavers would be good, but only if it's thematic

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When you pod in a unit they don't get any of Tge Long March bonuses just be aware of that. LM says at the start of your turn so podding in that much stuff could not be that useful.


Looking at that list caustic has posted you are spending 300pts on transports now I love the Dreaclaw but I think you would get more mileage just making it an Orbital Assault list, that way you can max out that HSS

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