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Mysteries of the Mechanicus Ranges

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The Mechanicus ranges are surprisingly deep and have a few easter eggs and raise a few questions. So i thought i'd start a topic on it.

The decals for example.. those aren't all just made-up symbols. Oh no. So this thread is for us to decode, decipher, debate those.

The symbols many call 'alien writing' are lifted from traditional Alchemy. It might be worth us working out what each are, especially for those who want to add depth of meaning to their miniatures, or uncover the easter-eggs GW slipped in there.

Easter eggs? Yes like the oTo on some of the Maker Plates, from Ordo Templi Orientis one of the most (in)famous occult societies of the early 20th century. A nod to the gnostic superstitions and secret societies that gave rise to the Machine Cult.

Some of the lore raises questions. Where on a Dragoon does the incense cloud come from? Where on the Onager are we supposed to put the Cohort numbers?

Then there's the questions raised by the kits, like the matter of the port on the back of the Onager Dunecrawler... the similar one on the Knight turned out to be used for a back weapon in a later release as many of us suspected.. so is something similar planned for the Onager? Where does one put the holstered Jezzail on a Dragoon model?

Some mysteries may not have official answers, but are still worth exploring, especially when we can uncover some gems.


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Where on a Dragoon does the incense cloud come from?


From its "tail". The threads that hang from the back of the model. 


Cool idea for a thread btw




 like the matter of the port on the back of the Onager Dunecrawler... the similar one on the Knight turned out to be used for a back weapon in a later release as many of us suspected.. 


That is very interesting indeed! I think that would be almost too crazy. The Onager has a lot of Dakka as it is. Imagine if we can take another weapon on top of an Neutron Laser and two stubbers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding the Dragoon i figure here is the best place for a holstered serpenta as a drawn one is held in the left hand.


But i'm still unsure where a Jezzail could be holstered and be easily reached by the rider and not get in the path of the legs.

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Having checked out a lot of stuff about alchemy over the last week I can now see how deep the influence is. Of course there's also a lot of Greek and mathemetical symbols tossed in. There was a nice bit in one of the two codex books that explained this language as just what it is: a hodgepodge of ancient alphabets that's all mixed together. I think it might be fair to treat the symbols as sort of divorced from their original meanings, or in any case severely declined.


As for my own purposes, I'm trying to incorporate the alchemical symbol for copper with a stylized K for my forge world mark. I could really use some transfers, but I think I'll be making my own sheet. I need to decide what symbols to include. Any suggestions?

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Well you'll want your own forgeworld's makerplates. Some symbols connected to The Motive Force of course, perhaps some thought should be taken as to the Fulgurite/Corpuscari divide and your world in case that influences both unit choice and iconography. I'm thinking some sort of stylised lightning rod might be good, a high copper world might have a ton of natural electrical phenomena and perhaps use it as a wireless energy system with aerials attracting strikes to charge batteries and power machinery. Some symbols from wiring diagrams might become symbols of power. Look up circuit symbols and think about mixing those with alchemy symbols.

Some of these might be fun http://previews.123rf.com/images/efes/efes1212/efes121200001/16651654-Electrical-Symbols-Stock-Vector-electricity.jpg

Actually the novel Death of Integrity mentions a mechanicus banner with a sacred circuitry diagram pattern on it. Something like that might work well.

Hems of robes could have a circuit line diagram instead of a cog, or something that combines both. I'd also consider say two half cogs separated by a stylised lightning bolt, representing the metal, the bone and the motive force within that animates both. Electricity warning symbols could be made into icons, a skull with simple zig-zag lightning bolts instead of crossbones for example. Maybe an 'atom' symbol with a cyborged skull with orbiting electrons too?

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Wow. Those are some amazing ideas... I'm a little concerned about taking the theme too far, but I think some of those make a heck of a lot of sense. I plan to make my own decal sheets so maybe I'll plan to do some of that on there.


Is there a place I can see more maker plates? The only ones I've ever seen were the two on the Knight decals, and then a couple in the Knight companion book or codex but I think they were the same. All the pics I've seen of the AdMech decal sheets are too small... 

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Glad you like them, i like to scatter-gun brainstorm things. Use whatever you like whatever way you like.

My camera is not so great, but i can try and see if i can get a pic of the other makerplates from the skitarii and mars large decal sheets as i have both of those.. once the sun shows up again which may be a few days. It would also help for going through various symbols and what they used to mean in alchemy/history, what GW might be referencing and what we might suggest they mean. Perhaps someone else could show the Metallica and Ryza ones?

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As requested here are the Mars maker-plates.
This is from the Skitarii large decal sheet.


Now while the Mars Cult Mechanicus sheet has some great stuff on it, maker-plates it's a bit shabby with in comparison.(though my photo is much poorer, i mean shabby in that it has less types and only the one small size, decal quality is the same)


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