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3000 points post-betrayal Iron Hands


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Love the legion, not so fond of the Primarch, so here's my stab at them after they lost him.


RoW: Company of Bitter Iron



Autek Mor

225 pts

Castrmen Orth

80 pts



Gorgon Terminator Squad x10

Grenade Harness, Spartan Assault Tank

675 pts

Legion Rapier Quad Heavy Bolter x3

120 pts



Medusan Immortal Squad

Land Raider Proteus

465 pts

Medusan Immortal Squad

Land Raider Proteus

465 pts

Medusan Immortal Squad

Land Raider Proteus

465 pts


Heavy Support

Sicaran Battle Tank

135 pts

Legion Vindicator x3

360 pts


Total 3000 points


Mor goes with the Gorgans in the Spartan, Orth goes in the Sicaran


My local circle of HH players tend to discourage the use of flyers, hence no real dedicated anti-air, but even if something happens, the BS5 Sicaran can do pretty good in a pinch.

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I think it might be worth ditching the third Immortals squad. Doing so would allow you to vastly increase the size of the remaining two, and take Spartans instead of Land Raiders. Heck, you'd still have around 100pts left over for unit/vehicle upgrades!


Take something better on those Rapiers than Heavy Bolters. Something fluffy might be Graviton Cannons, but anything else would be more effective.

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