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Slaves Path to Glory - ETL V

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The figure sits hunched over his workstation, tattered scraps of clothing hanging off his pale frame, bits of grated cheese and sausage nesting in his beard. 

A single candle flickeres in the darkness, throwing strange shadows over the walls. The candle is unnecessary as the twisted mockery of a person has no eyes, just two bloody holes in the middle of his face. He enters data onto an old laptop muttering to himself as he pokes away at the keys, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he drools a mixture of thick ropey saliva and coffee onto his leg.


'Aha!' he exclaims, the sudden noise causing his familiars (that look suspiciously like teddybears) to scatter and hide in the shadows. 

'Finally I have found the perfect video to symbolically symbolize our struggle against our enemies in this years ETL!'


The wretched creature stuffs some chewing gum into his mouth as he watches the video again, laughing at the good bits. Suddenly he breaks out into a coughing fit and the gum shoots out of his mouth and lands in the ashtray. 

'Bugger' he mumbles picking up the sticky goo now covered in ash and brown filters, he gives it a cautious sniff, then blows most of the mess off and pops it back into his mouth and continues chewing as he sets up his ETL WIP blog on Bolter & Chainsword.


So here we are again, another ETL comp and this year team Chaos have to see if we can hold on to our title and see if we can come out on top 3 years running.

Lets see if those Loyalists can rise to the challenge with their bad hair and inferior dance moves... 




This year I'm vowing big, win or loose I'm doing it with style, I'll keep this short, the more time I spend typing the more time I waste. Soooooo to speed things up a bit Ill get round to posting my first vow.



My first Vow




Lord 155

Terminator Armour

Sigil of Corruption

Combi Melta & Lightning Claw


Lord 170

Terminator Armour

Gift of Mutation

Sigil of Corruption

Lightning Claws


Dark Apostle 150

Plasma Pistol

Crozius of the Dark Covenant


Dark Apostle 135

Plasma Pistol

Combat Familiar


8 Terminators 326

x3 Chainfists

x3 Combi Meltas

Reaper Autocannon


5 Terminators 188

x3 Lightning Claws


Heavy Flamer


Possessed 197

Gift of Mutation


Havoc Launcher & Combi Flamer


Chosen 185

Gift of Mutation

Combi Flamer & Lightning Claw

x4 Flamers


Dirge Caster


10 CSM 195

Power Fist & Plasma Pistol


Heavy Bolter


10 CSM 190

Combi Melta & Power Sword


Missile Launcher


Havocs 125

x2 Heavy Bolters

x2 Missile Launchers


Contemptor 200

Auto Cannon


Helbrute 115

Auto Cannon & Missile Launcher


Helbrute 115

Auto Cannon & Power Scourge


Helbrute 125

Plasma Cannon & Heavy Flamer


8 Warp Talons 260

Gift of Mutation


Raptors 95


Flamers of Tzeentch 74



3000 points.



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My first vow is a small one sorry!

Renegade knight 415

Twin linked battle cannon

Stormspear rockets

Edit or is this the wrong place to post it? :/

Um... Yeah. Wrong place, brother. confused.gif

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@STD: Big first vow! I look forward to your progress ^_^ And will employ various means of motivation should you fail :P


@DominikB: To post your vow, go to the strategium thread at the top of the Chaos page and post in there. Then you can make your own thread for your ETL progress (What Slave here has done)

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  • 2 weeks later...





Vow 2


Chaos Lord 175

Mark of Nurgle, Sigil of Corruption, Blight Grenades, Murder Sword, Jump Pack, VOTLW.


Herald of Nurgle 190

Exalted Reward, Psyker (lvl2), Exalted Locus of Contagion, Palanquin.


Sorceror 240

Mark of Nurgle, Blight Grenades, +2 Mastery, Sigil of Corruption, Palanquin, Spell Familiar, Balestar of Manon.


Daemon Prince 210

Mark of Nurgle, Warpforged Armour, Exalted Reward.


Great Unclean One 270

Psyker (lvl3), Exalted Reward


The Changeling 75


x5 Terminators 290

Mark of Nurgle, x2 Chainfists, Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon, Lightning Claws (Champ), Icon of Despair, VOTLW.


x7 Plague Marines 221

Gift of Mutation, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, x2 Flamers, Icon of Despair, VOTLW.


Plague Bearers 145

Plague Ridden, Plague Banner, Instrument, Greater Reward


x7 Plague Marines 216

Power Sword, Combi Plasma, x2 Plasma Guns, Icon of Despair, VOTLW.


Plague Bearers 145

Plague Ridden, Plague Banner, Instrument, Greater Reward


Raptors 205

Mark of Nurgle, Lightning Claws, x2 Plasma Pistols, Meltabomb, Gift of Mutation, Icon of Despair, VOTLW.


Beast of Nurgle 52


Helbrute 105

Heavy Bolters


Plague Drones 216

Plague Bringer, Banner, Instrument of Chaos, Greater Reward


Vindicator 135

Daemonic Possession


Helbrute 110 

Power Scourge




The repainting of my Nurgle army begins... The Herald on Palanquin is still being built, Ill update this post with a pikky when Ive finished it. 

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BOOM!!! Vow 2 complete... 



Vow 3

I SlavetoDarkness rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:


Cypher 190


Count as Typhus 230


Chaos Lord 180

Mark of Nurgle, Gift of Mutation, Sigil of Corrption, Blight Grenades, Black Mace, Plasma Pistol.


x7 Possessed 270

x2 Gift of Mutation, Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despar, Rhino.


x5 Terminators 248

Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despair, Chanfist, x2 Power Fists, Heavy Flamer, Combi Flamer, Gift of Mutation.


x7 Plague Marines 223

Power Sword, x2 Plasma Guns, Icon of Despair.


x7 Plague Marnes 178

Gft of Mutation.


x7 Plague Marnes 203

Power Fist, x2 Meltaguns.


x5 Plague Marines 165

x3 Plasma Pistols.


x5 Plague Marines 155



Chosen 140

Mark of Nurgle, Power Sword, x4 Flamers.


Helbrute 100


x10 Cultists 72

Mark of Nurgle, Flamer.


Herald of Nurgle 65

Greater Reward.


Plague Bearers 95

Plague Ridden


Plague Bearers 95

Plague Ridden


Plague Bearers 105

Plague Ridden, Instrument.


x8 Nurgling Bases 120


x12 Plague Zombies 32


from Codex Chaos Space Marines, Codex Daemons and Imperial Armour 13 to a total value of 3000 (well, 3001)points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Chaos and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



Sorry about the dark picture, my flash isnt working for some reason. 

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So far today I have managed to paint two squads of Plague Marines, two Rhinos and the Vindicator if I keep this work rate up and try to finish 2-3 units a day I should be done in a week.

A little hint for what Im gonna paint tonight



Got all my reference dvds ready :D

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  • 1 month later...
So yeah, vow 3 done.
I SlavetoDarkness rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:
Lord 140
VotLW, Powerfist (servo arm), Black Mace.
Sorceror 80
Spell Familiar, VotLW.
Warpsmith 130
VotLW, Combat Fimiliar (Servoskull).
Corpse Taker 50
Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought 165
Destroyer of Cities
Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought 190
Twin Lascannons, Missile Launcher, Lord of the Long War.
Chosen 175
x4 Plasma Guns, Plasma Pistol, VotLW.
Chosen 210
x2 Meltaguns, x2 Powerfists, Lightning Claw, Icon of Vengeance, VotLW.
Havocs 150
VotLW, x2 Lacannons, x2 Missile Launchers, Power Fist.
Havocs 75
VotLW, x4 Autocannons
Havocs 130
VotLW, x2 Miile Launchers, x2 Heavy Bolters.
Land Raider 242
Havoc Launcher
Renegade Command Squad 75
Banner of the Apostate, Grenade Launcher, Power Sword, Vox.
Renegade Disciple Squad 82
Bolt Pistol, Power Sword, Flamer, Vox, Carapace Armour.
Renegade Marauders 64
2 Sniper Rifles, Bolt Pistol.
Bane Wolf 140
Camo netting.
Enforcer 55
Powerfist, Bolt Pitol.
Enforcer 25
Chaos Lord 125
Murdersword, MoK, Combat Familiar.
Chaos Lord 125
Axe of Blind Fury, MoK, Combat Familiar.
Sorceror 100
+1 Mastery Level, Spell Familiar.
Dark Apostle 120
Combat Familiar.
Chosen 207
MoK, x4 Chainaxes, x5 Plasma Pistols
Sorceror 170
MoN, VotLW, +2 MAstery, Plasma Pistol, Sigil of Corruption,.
from Codex Chaos Space Marines, Tyrants Legion and Imperial Armour 13 to a total value of 3000 points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Chaos and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.
Lord and Warpsmith
Corpse Taker
Other Havoc squad
The rest of it

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