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Turning tactic marines to chaos marines?

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What kind of army are you going for? Are they recently turned renegades? Veterans of the Long War? Dedicated to a single god?


If they're recently turned then that's pretty easy. You probably don't need to mess with the Tac kit that much. Whatever your theme though, checking out some of the Chaos fantasy range is a good bet if you've got cash to buy both. Bloodreavers are a decent deal as you can probably proxy them as Cultists while making use of any helmeted or armoured bits to Chaos the tactical squad sprue up a bit.


For Cult Marines obviously Nurgle and Khorne have the most options, but the Hellstriders give you some interesting bits for any Slaanesh themed marines. Maybe even use the Steeds as proxy bikes. Tzeentch has had the least love in plastic until now, but I have no idea how easy the new models in the Warhammer Quest box will be to mix and match.

If your Chaos Space Marines are Alpha Legion or Emperor's Children, you don't even have to bother removing the aquilas. Heck, adding chaosy bits at all is optional really. Alpha Legion cells obviously look Imperial because they are the ultimate trolls of the universe, and I could very well imagine the sons of Fulgrim wearing the Imperial eagle out of pride (hey, they got it first for being the best marines around) or sheer spite - indeed, I've contemplated making a Slaaneshi warband by using the loyalist range exclusively! 

Has anyone tried to do this? I really can't be bothered to buy the old csm kit and I much Prefere the looks of the tactical marine kit


Paint red X over chapter symbols on pauldrons. Use hobby knife or red paint to scratch an X over the chest aquila.


Bam, CSM. GW themselves even did this in an old WD.

Yeah, anything really.


You can mix up marks of armour, deface imperial symbols, add spikes, or tentacles, or chaos weaponry from 40k or fantasy, even beastman legs if you like. Or you can paint them in chaos colours and say they just turned!


Honestly I was tempted to chaos the whole DV box set as nurgle. That would give you plenty of material for a lord, sorcerer, champions, terms, marines, bikes, 2 helbrutes, meat shields or whatever you like to run. Two sets would give you a 2k kit bashed chaos force easy.


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