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2000 p legio Cybernetica


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Hi guys,


I'm in the middle of building my mechanicum and wondered if this list is any good.


Legion Cybernetica



Archmagos Dominus: cyber-familiar; melta bombs; machinator array; abeyant 225


Magos Dominus: archaeotech pistol; cyber-familiar; graviton gun 115


2 Castellax Class Battle-automata: 4 × flamer; frag grenades 240


2 Castellax Class Battle-automata: 2 × darkfire cannon; enhanced targeting array 280


Castellax Class Battle-automata: multi-melta; enhanced targeting array 120


6 Thallax: Ferrox; 6 × heavy chainblade 310


3 Thallax: 1 photon thruster 160


3 Vorax Class Battle-automata: 1 irad cleanser; 2 rotor cannon (bio-corrosive ammunition); frag grenades 250


Thanatar Class Siege-automata: Paragon of Metal; enhanced targeting array 300


2.000 points

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I think this list looks good. If I was to apply my personal preference I would probably either give the lone Castellax a darkfire cannon or fold it into one of the other squads.


I would then swap the thallax's photon thruster for a multimelta or phased plasma phusil.


I like mechanator arreys, so would probably drop the pistol and try to get the rest of the points to throw one on your dominus so he has more cc attacks and is a better battlesmith.


Are you attaching your Magosi to any of these squads?

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Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to switch the Photon Thruster for plasma fusil or melta, but i ordered the wrong set

The magos will babysit the Thanatar and darkfire Castellax, the archmagos will probably team-up with the vanilla Castellax and push forward. Machinator Array for the magos is a good idea, just have to check if i can free up the points.


For the melta Castellax: put him with the vanilla's and get rid of the melta, or is another darkfire better?

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I would probably put him in the bolt cannon squad. I think the list you have though would be just fine if you already have models.


You have two fast cc units, two AT units, some tough characters with cortex controllers, the requisite paragon thanatar.


You can try dropping the abeyant on the arch magos (since he wants to stick to the forward catellax) and then give your other magos a mechinator arrey. You can play it both ways and see which one is better for you.

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l like it. Some notes:



I would consider instead gearing up the larger Thallax unit with Destructor and a couple of plasma fusils for marine murdering (does a fine job into the side or rear of most of their lighter vehicles, too). It's a lot of fun with the -2 cover saves, especially if your photon thruster snipes the Sgt.  This also saves you 20 points.


Sniping Sv2+ is what I see the purpose of the multi-melta Castellax, and dropping him lets you bulk out the second Thallax unit to 6-strong. Drop archeotech pistol from the Magos since he can only fire one of his guns, and you have enough for a second photon thruster.




Is the Archmagos there to be a more survivable Warlord?  I am not really fond of Archmagos Dominus except for Scoria, because for some reason they can't take any fun melee options.  The points saved downgrading your Warlord to a regular Dominus can go a long way.  For example, Dominus with Cyber Familiar and machinator array is 100 points cheaper.  Stick him in the back out of LOS with the two Dark Lance castellax and the Thanatar, and spend the game throwing out Cybertheurgy.  He's still T7 vs shooting, with a 3+/4++/5+++, immune to instant death except S10 (only 2 wounds).  Abeyant puts him at 3 wounds and adds IWND, but I don't think you'll need it.  The points saved lets you buy a big fearless carapace mob of Adsecularis, who can act as another scoring unit and bubble-wrap your back line against deep striking shenanigans.  They can also tie up the ever-popular drop-podding Leviathan, who will otherwise mess up even the Thanatar in short order.


Where is the second Dominus going to go?  Graviton gun is a strange choice since they can't move and fire it. Whether going with Vorax or the up-close Castellax, you could take the same guy as above with familiar and machinator array, and add a photon gauntlet or meltagun (and master-craft it). Either option combined with the inferno pistol from the array gives you several shots to delete the Sv2+ sgt before the rotors or maulers cut into them. The gauntlet could potentially blind them, while the melta-gun provides more anti-tank.  You might consider a melta-bomb here too, since the way I read it you could affix the meltabomb and still get your two S5+2d6 array attacks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all the replies guys! Definitely some good tips and pointers. Downgrading the archmagos sounds like a good plan. The graviton was there just because i thought they where relentless (mindf**k).

Tech thralls will find a way in my list too!

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