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Unsure how to proceed

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I started Mechanicum a while ago now, but after the initial purchases and some painting, I got distracted so I've not got a handle on all the new things, I currently have 1 Vanguard unit, 2 Ranger Units, an Onager and a regular Knight with none of the fancy carapace weapons (got it before the new knights came). I can't decide on how to proceed, I have the Skitarii book and the Knight book but not the mechanicus book which I'm assuming should be my next purchase, but after that I don't know where to go.


I see all these new models from FW and I'm wondering if they are usable in regular 40k or do I need to make a devoted Heresy list to use them and do the units I even have work in Heresy (like the onager etc).


Could someone give me some direction on how the whole, skitarii, mechanicus, knights, FW mechanicum works together and what would be a good way to start expanding my force?

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Currently, no. You cannot use the FW mechanicum toys in 40k.


HOWEVER. There is a new Imperial Armour book slated for this year that will open up some or all of the mechanicum units to 40k. Warhammer Fest this past weekend confirms this.


There are also rumors and the main GW line will be recieving a new, combined book and more new units in the nearish future.


What does this mean? Well Ad mech is not my only army, so I am playing with other guys and waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. I would recommend the same, assuming you have a way to still enjoy the hobby. If not, then the safe purchases would be a Dominus, and maybe more dunecrawlers. But that's just my two cents! Build what you want and have fun. That's all we can ever do :P

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you cannot really go wrong with more troopers maybe some dragoons to escort your knight


onagars are a solid choice if your tempted by cult get the book and build towards the cybernetica formation

that's very solid and would help your currant force selection whilst letting you read the other side of the coin.


the joined book is commi9ng its just a waiting game (its been a long year)

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Personally, money is short for me so I am putting my money aside for the rumoured codex and IA book later in the year. If you really want some more stuff, however, go with what clanfield said - some onagers or walkers ( maybe hold off on the infantry as I think forge world are doing an upgrade pack for them if I am not mistaken. Depends on your budget)
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Will the Admech ever get transports? I'm torn between focusing on admech or guard, as I have a bit of both.

hopefully, either from GW making one for the new codex or the 30k one being used in 40k through the IA book
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Depends how tough of a list you wish to build. As mentions the War Convocation is undoubtedly the apex list ( a google search will yield the WD datasheet for it).


Vanguard are excellent forward fire teams. Dragoons and Onagers are solid. On the Cult Mech end of things, Kataphrons and Kastellan Robots are very good options. Sicarians can be good but are very fragile and take great skill to utilize well. TechPriest Dominus are solid gold. Corpuscarii and Fulgrites are pretty weak, avoid.


No known transports right now. Which is a major pain for Maelstrom missions. Many players resort to Flesh Tearers Strike Force for drop pod access though this practice may be in jeopardy based on the unofficial FAQ.


Culexus assassins seem to be a regular in lists as it helps shore up the lack of psykers in the army.

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