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That One Indispensible Thing

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You know what I mean. That one modelling tool/supply/material you just can't work without. What's her name, B&C?


For me, it's Tamiya thinner. God I love this stuff. A few drops into a paint pot makes them sooooooo much easier to use- and on top of that, it can be used to reactivate "dead" paint pots. I mainly do almost all my paint work by hand, and I've always found that paint thinned with it is far more controllable and consistent than paint thinned with water or Lahmian Medium. On top of that it can be used to get rid of localized paint blemishes without having to strip down the whole model, and in my limited airbrushing experience, it works great for that too.


So anyway, what's your indispensible...thing?

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Agrax Earthshade! I use it for everything; almost every model I paint uses it for the majority of shading.


In fact the whole shade range is a godsend, my painting ability got significantly better after their release, but Agrax Earthshade is my 'indispensible thing' as I use it for everything.

I'd say my airbrush at this point. I still do most of my detail work with a brush but the amount of time I save with priming and base coating alone is amazing, nevermind how much faster I can finish bigger models like vehicles.


Agrax Earthshade! I use it for everything; almost every model I paint uses it for the majority of shading.


In fact the whole shade range is a godsend, my painting ability got significantly better after their release, but Agrax Earthshade is my 'indispensible thing' as I use it for everything.


You should try out oil shades next. I used to be kind of intimidated with using oil based stuff but since I took the plunge I am a convert. Imagine a GW shade but like 5000% smoother and more fluid. Instead of getting those patches all over your models as it dries it goes straight for the crevices and if you use it over the whole model you get an even tint instead of the spots.

Single layer fishing tackle box. Able to fit all my use-on-every-model assembly tools, plus a few I rarely use.

Know I'm gonna have free time at work? Slip that box into my computer bag with a box of unassembled models.

Game day? Add it to my army bag for the inevitable model malfunction.

Iam a huge fan of the earthshade. 


But for me the thing I could not do without is.... The Internet, and currently this forum. 


Paints, tools and things come and go, but having a resource to read and see new styles (and see others mistakes) helps me with my own work. 

  • Airbrush - despite the fact I've only had it a couple of months and only done two batches of models with it, having to basecoat ~20 guys with a brush this weekend really drove home what an amazing bit of kit an airbrush is.

Agrax Earthshade - seems we're all in agreement on this one! Although the rest of the shade range is indeed excellent as well.

I have to agree with earthshade, and tackle box, and Nuln Oil, and... Well basically everything that's been said except sanity and air brushes. One of those is too noisy for my after kids bedtime painting hours, and the other is for the weak ;) to quote Dawn of War. Other than that, I have to say my headphones. For whatever reason, I can't paint without them. I guess it's a way to shut out all other distractions with loud music or interesting audio books, and allow me to get to hobbying.

Off the top of my head, and in no particular order, these are some of my indispensable items;


Agrax Earthshade: this wash is the painting equivalent to crack to me. It genuinely adds more depth and a certain grittiness to the mini.


Airbrush and compressor: while I've only used it to basecoat models, it's now an essential item to me. Speeds the process up by a multiple of 10, and is great for painting vehicles. :)


Tamiya X-20A Acrylic Thinner: while I've only used it on my airbrush, it's a godsend to painting. I used to use vallejo thinner medium, but it tended to split somewhat, and I'd get rubbery bits clogging my airbrush. Not with X-20a, and I don't need a lot. :)


Rotary Tool: I would call it a dremel if it were that brand, but either way, this thing has been very handy with conversions and the like.


Wet pallette: something I made out of a food takeaway tupperware tub, it's upped my painting game immensely


Isopropanol (IPA) and ultrasonic cleaner: perfect combo for stripping paint and for cleaning my airbrush. :)


Stanley knife: had this thing since I was at college. It's been extremely useful on numerous occasions.


Milliput: I find this so much easier to work with than green stuff, as, once mixed, it acts very similarly to clay (seeing as I had plenty of experience using clay in college, it kinda makes sense to use milliput).

Is it me, or does the thread title sounds like a Disney song. laugh.png

Now tell me all you modelling fiends, what is your most indispensable thing?

Bippity Boppity Earthshade...

May have just written down a stroke there. teehee.gif

Anyway! What was previously Bleached Bone, and now is VGC bonewhite. Somehow that color finds it into every project I do, even if only as a highlight or base tone. "Let's try painting a bright, popping yellow. Fetch me the bonewhite!"

Winsor & Newton Miniature Series 7 Brushes. My precious, precious brushes...

Liquitiex Flo Aid. It saved my ancient mixed pot of equally indispensable Black/Codex Gray mix from its final days as a useless tar. Resurrecting a pot of 5 year old paint is no small achievement.

And now that I've got to tackle three Drop Pods in 10 days, my airbrush, definitely. Doing that by hand would be even more sanity crippling than whatever lead me to write out that brainfart a few sentences back. tongue.png


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