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deathguard 3k. help


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guys my next 2k game has been raised to 3k. Its bloodangels and 2 knights lol.


Ive got this list so far. There is no air so don't need to worry about that. But there is two knights to worry about. Think I'm going to get stomped.(literally) it will be a laugh so I don't care but don't want it to be over too quick. Ive thrown this list together. (ive got no apothecary before anyone said)

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Hmmm... Might be worth dropping the Tacs down to 10 each and taking some Rhinos. They will need the mobility with The Reaping's no-run restrictions.


Leviathan is going to struggle to get into combat when not in a pod, but that can't be helped. Maybe take the anti-TEQ version instead, as it can shoot more on it's way to Murder Town? Grav-flux, siege claw, phosphex, volkites, AC...


Grave Wardens, Spartan, Kheres Mortis, Sicaran Venator, and Quad Launchers are all sweet. :)


The Siege Breaker is the lynchpin:

- he grants his unit Tank Hunters, so going for missile launchers on the HSS is a good idea, otherwise you're not getting much anti-tank from those (admittedly sexy) volkite culverins. ML's can double for anti-infantry duties too.

- you have 8 of them, so why not put them into a Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker? Keeps them nice and safe. You can save points on artificer armour and doubled-up rad grenades on the characters then.

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The siege breaker is a must as want phospex shells for the thudd guns otherwise id use a mos or primus med.

My volkites are built that's why there being used

Tacts I want footslogging as it fluffy same with most the army if possible... I know its not great for speed tho.

Was thinking maybe dropping morty for typhon so have few points to play with. ??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blood angel got to go first. Lots of firepower down. First tac squad ran off the table lol. One thudd gun crew got hit by the knights battle cannon. And 4 volkites down from 2nd knight gatling cannon.

Return volley. Volkites take 3 hit points off knight. Thudd guns turn destoyer squad to pulp. Spartan lets rid of morty and wardens. Venator gets blocked by knights shield..... Leviathan charges the knight into the floor and the wardens beat the other. Morty does nothing.

Turn two. Blood angels disembarked everything and morty gets surrounded. Grave warden die. Tact squad two gets hit by ba plasma squad.

Morty locked in combat for 3 full turns with a,contemptor. Lev dies to a melta bomb. Thudd guns and the remaining volkites murder everything!! With the venator making few good hits but set up a little wrong. 12-11 deathguard. Close and fun game

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Cheers for the update!


How did the Grave Wardens perform with their poison weapon updates and overwatch - or did they just get shot to death?  I'm guessing the Volkite and Thudd's had an infantry field day after he disembarked.

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The wardens killed the knight turn one. Chainfist murder haha. They never got to see another round tho lol. Didn't even fire the grenade launchers.

The volkites had my siege breaker with them. They took 2 hull points off the knight. Wrecked a rhino and then started taking all the marines out. Solid effort.

Thudd guns with phosphex and scatter had a great laugh. Every turn obliterated another unit or vehicle. Only ever fired one gun out of 3 when doing phosphex rounds. Even that was too much for the angels lol.

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