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Legion of the Damned - Looking for Ideas

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Hi all,


I don't really remember why, but I was mulling over the Legion of the Damned the other day and whether it might be cool to include some in my army. While the models themselves are undoubtedly really nice, there are a few things that put me off them, the price (£115.50 for 20 models isn't something I'm keen on if it's not Forgeworld stuff), the fact that it's Finecast (there are enough straight parts like sword, axe, banner poles in the set to make me worry about warping) and the colour scheme (I'm not really that confident on painting the traditional Black/Flame scheme, not to mention I'm not sure how well that would even integrate with the rest of my models on the tabletop)


Now, none of these points is necessarily insurmountable. I'm not in a rush so could purchase a few models at a time to mitigate the high cost. I have had nice Finecast sculpts before and I could always replace warped weapons with plastic ones, and as for the scheme, I could just have a go!


That said, I'm keen to explore potential other options. A couple of ideas I had:

  • Kitbashed LoTD using BA Death Company, possibly in combination with FW NL Terror Squad Heads. I could get the DC models for about £30 per 10, and they'd be straightforward to equip as I want. Would retain a lot of the skull/death imagery that is so iconic.
  • "Ghost Legion"; seems like this is quite popular for counts-as. Grab a Tactical Squad (or Grey Hunters etc) and just wash them in a ghostly colour scheme. Easy to re-equip, the paint scheme displays the ethereal nature, and would be very quick to do.
  • Void Strike Team - This is the most involved idea I had; making a squad of "normal" marines that visually reflect all of the LotD rules. I thought of using the plated Devastator Legs (Slow & Purposeful), Boarding Shields (Invulnerable Save), Sternguard Bolters (Flaming Projectiles) and Grey Knight Interceptor Backpacks (Deep Strike). I'd still be able to equip them however I want and I could paint them in a scheme that ties in closer to my army. The question is, would these be "obviously" LotD stand ins if I were to use them? Or would they just look like Siege Mantlet Tacticals?

Has anybody got (or seen) any cool alternative Legionnaires to add to my procrastination?


I haven't made them yet (I'm doing them for this years ETL), but I'm going to use Sisters models for my LotD squad. I can't use weapons that aren't in the Sisters armoury (so no Missile Launchers etc), but I decided to go with a scheme similar to the spectral creatures that surround Nagash's base. I'll be using a white primer, a grey undercoat (or just go straight to the grey using a spray), washed with Nihlakh Oxide, Biel Tan wash and then pick out the details with a dry brush or highlight of grey. Haven't decided which yet.


Your ideas sound good. Perhaps a faded bronze to fit in with your Minotaurs (if that's who they'll be fighting along side?)? Or perhaps paint them in a scheme where their colours have tarnished to represent the fact that they dies a long time a go?


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