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Discussing death company load out.

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Personally, i oppose two vision of the DC build :


The build with Jump Pack and the build without Jump Pack.




Most people tend to use the DC with Jump Pack, adding to it the might of either Astorath or Lemartes. Those DC units are often equiped with BP/CCW + 1/5 Power Fist / TH.




On the other hand, rarer, are the DC without Jump Pack. Those units are to be sided with either DC Tycho or/and a Chaplain. Plus they can often use Dedicated transports. This units are either equiped with BP/CCW or with Bolter.




The two compositions are interresting in their ways and must be composed to face different foes.


Personally, i deploy my DC using the following  composition :


9 DC without Jump Pack, equiped with Bolter, and bolstered with DC tycho and deployed either within a Drop Pod or a Rhino or on Foot^^. For a relative low cost, it is a unit that can find its way in the enemy core units, able to shoot bolter and charge, the survivability is reinforced thank to DC Tycho 2+/4++.

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Concussive doesn't work against Dreads though; it only triggers of unsaved Wounds.

No BRB handy at the moment, but doesn't it give Vehicles crew shaken results as well as anything else that the weapon does on the damage chart or is that a relic of knowledge from a previous edition?

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I like to pod them in where the enemy is weakest. I find a squad of 10 with 2 fists and Blotguns all around suits me well.


My 10 DC are all jump pack equipped, but I recently picked up a Land Raider Crusader and I've been thinking about having 10 bolter DC too!  .... assaulting out the front of a land raider is no joke!

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I like to pod them in where the enemy is weakest. I find a squad of 10 with 2 fists and Blotguns all around suits me well.


My 10 DC are all jump pack equipped, but I recently picked up a Land Raider Crusader and I've been thinking about having 10 bolter DC too!  .... assaulting out the front of a land raider is no joke!



I have 10 of each, jump and infantry, both squads with two fists. Charging out of a LR is an awesome event if you can pull it off, but more often my infantry DC are in 5 man squads hopping out of Drop Pods. It's not that I don't like LRs (I own four...) but they're a really hard sell in my gaming group unless I'm playing a very large game. So much anti-tank.

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I like to pod them in where the enemy is weakest. I find a squad of 10 with 2 fists and Blotguns all around suits me well.


My 10 DC are all jump pack equipped, but I recently picked up a Land Raider Crusader and I've been thinking about having 10 bolter DC too!  .... assaulting out the front of a land raider is no joke!



From a Landy I'd go with bp+ccw - they wont really get to shoot the bolters.


10 DC in a raider was a fun part of my lists - add a character to eat overwatch, and you're good. Corbulo makes a good add to this list, with permanent +1I.

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I have a squad of Bolter DC from back when the Black Rage made them move towards the closest enemy, and JPs were 15 points a piece. They were extremely easy to kite around the board, and you could only have 1 squad unless you took Astorath to unlock multiple units. I used to run them 10 strong with Bolters, a Power Axe and a Thunder Hammer, in a Land raider redeemer for turn 2 assaults, or get crazy and deep strike them beside a scout squad with locator beacon. The look on my opponents face some times was absolutely hilarious.

I have them fill different rolls now. I usually take 2 MSU DC squads with Powerfist/Bolter and the rest with 2 CCWs. However I have been thinking about taking some plasma pistols & inferno pistols splashed in because for some reason it just feels right, and has a better look to it.

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If you can sapare the point 3 sqs of 10 are brutal, 2x10 in JPs with splash of power weapons, and 1 x10 in drop pod, eith bolters and either fist or hammer. The Chaplin normally goes with a JP sq.


I tend to play very fast list at 1850 so with all the threats moving at once it's a hard choice. When giving the bolters there more designed to mobile firebase, we all laugh off the bolter but up everything but meq suffers from volly of bolter Fire. Hiding the hammer/fist in challenge is huge plus too. Also everyone expects DC to get in CC as fast possible but when they seem them gear for shooting it :cusss them up.


Plasma and inferno pistols have a place too.

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