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House Tibbetts Imperial Knight crest

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Hey all. I've been working up a crest for a Knight house for a while. Thought I'd share it with you fine folks. Everything is in a layered file so I can tweak anything (pretty much), so C & C is definitely okay.


The idea here is to match the style of the Knight codex. House Tibbetts is, of course, based on the real coat of arms of the same name. The Knights Companion book shows some cool evolutions from a more direct knightly coat of arms to the more complicated 40K versions. I followed the same logic here and came up with something that I think fits in with the others, but it's all unique. Most of these bits of artwork feature a lot of Photoshop layer effects, so I tried to match that where I thought they had used it, and used digital painting where I thought they used that. It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it. I also have a 'clean' version that I could theoretically use to make decals if I ever get around to painting some Knights in these colors.

As a happy accident, the colors I used for my Queen Bee Knight happen to be an almost perfect inversion, using black and yellow. If I ever did field them all together, it would look like I planned it that way.

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Hey JeffTibbetts


Cant wait to see you new project.


I read your work log on your Queen Bee and "stole" some of it. And want to thank you for the work you have put in it it :D

It is a really good project log and it helpt me alot with my knight.


Will you be making a log of the new knight too?

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Thanks for the kind words. I love hearing how my work and experimentation could help other people out. Have any pics you could share? I enjoy seeing other projects that borrow (or steal outright) some of the things I did with her. 


This was mostly just a vanity project. I started thinking about it because I was writing up an article for my blog to cover the Queen Bee's background story, and figured I should flesh out the house she belonged to before. 


I currently have no plan to build another Knight right now. I usually can't spend that much money on a model. Some day I'd love to do a couple more, though. If Epic gets redone like the rumors say I'd be ecstatic to rebuild the Queen Bee and the entire House Tibbetts cadre at that point. 

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Just think of the Celestial Lions, Firepower.. still sons of Dorn, and Inquisition haters to boot. Should calm ya back down.



Very nice job Tibbets, could easily see some of the design teams for GW or FW scratching away at beards going "Hey... could we employ this git to do decals??"

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Wow. I don't think I deserve that, Talon. I have a long way to go if I were to do this for a living. I work with graphic designers and believe me, it keeps me humble.


And Firepower, not saying anything negative is a strong positive from you. So thanks!

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Thanks for the kind words. I love hearing how my work and experimentation could help other people out. Have any pics you could share? I enjoy seeing other projects that borrow (or steal outright) some of the things I did with her. 

Sure, but it's not done yet. I still need to put some finishing touches on it, before its ready for putting decals and some battle damage on it.

But your are welcome to see it as it is, if you want.

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