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Have a small force, how to expand?

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At the moment I have four units of 10 Steel Legion, a Lascannon heavy support squad, a Commissar and 20 Solar Auxilia which I'm thinking of taking ten from to use as ten Scions. I know I have to get a command HQ and two platoon command squads for the troops (thinking of just getting the Death Korp ones from FW) but what do you think would be a nice way to further expand? 



I had some ideas like a unit of bulls in a chimera with maces as I face Eldar a lot and perhaps get a Taurox Prime for the scions with a Taurox missile launcher. On the tank side though I'm not sure which way to go as there's so many option. Hellhounds may be good against eldar, but I don't know what battle tanks are the best way to go.

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2 wyvrens is always a safe option. Despite being S4 they lay down a lot of fire power. Especially now the FAQ has stated you get to reroll all scatters not just the first (as some argued). Also being artillery and ignores cover they're great against jetbikes and warp spiders.


Ogryns are expensive and without an assault vehicle transport mean they have to weather 1 round of shooting before they can assault... bullgryns are slightly more durable but both cost a lot of points.


I like taroux primes but they're expensive. I find them better being run in a MT detachment so they can at least get obsec for their price.

As for scions at least one 5 man suicide melta squad never hurts so 2 is good. Any more and I'd run them as a separate detachment.


Fluff wise some chimeras for your squads would be a good option. Also some special weapons too if you can find them.


Tankwise Id be looking at some punishers and demolishers.

2 wyvrens is always a safe option. Despite being S4 they lay down a lot of fire power. Especially now the FAQ has stated you get to reroll all scatters not just the first (as some argued). Also being artillery and ignores cover they're great against jetbikes and warp spiders.


Ogryns are expensive and without an assault vehicle transport mean they have to weather 1 round of shooting before they can assault... bullgryns are slightly more durable but both cost a lot of points.


I like taroux primes but they're expensive. I find them better being run in a MT detachment so they can at least get obsec for their price.

As for scions at least one 5 man suicide melta squad never hurts so 2 is good. Any more and I'd run them as a separate detachment.


Fluff wise some chimeras for your squads would be a good option. Also some special weapons too if you can find them.


Tankwise Id be looking at some punishers and demolishers.



My Steel Legion squads have missile launchers and grenade launchers. The Solar Auxilia I have is the basic 20 man squad, so was thinking of just using ten of them standard and perhaps deep striking or using a vehicle for them to capture objectives or just to shore up the battle line, dunno if that's any good though, I could just not use them at all I was just finding a way to use them since I deserted the idea of doing a full Solar Auxilia army.


Sounds like your Steel Legion need some Chimeras! ;) Otherwise with plenty of troopers armour in general isn't a bad idea. The Russ kits are good, the Demolisher in particular very easy to magnetise (or even just swap bits on). There's a lot of variety in Guard vehicles so it depends what you need doing as to what may be best.


Demolishers are pricey, but hit very hard at short range. The standard Russ's battle cannon is potent enough for most situations if you're in doubt. The other tanks are a bit more specialist.

When it comes to tanks I tend to lean towards then doing something that my army doesn't already do. I go for the Battle Tanks, Vanquishers, Demolishers, and Eradicators. Wyverns never hurt as was said, and are quite good, much better than a mortar squad for 5pts more.


Scions are a tricky unit. Honestly, I run my Kasrkin models as Grenadier vets most of the time now, because the AP3 lasguns just aren't worth it. Scions don't make good mech troops (the taurox prime is decent, but as duz_ said, best to make sure it has obsec), they do make good ones to deploy from a valkyrie though, since MTC keeps them from taking dangerous terrain tests, scatter on a grav chute insertion isn't a big deal. But without a valk as a dedicated transport it's a unit that takes two FOC slots to use. Deep Striking is the fastest way to get them where you need them, but, it's only useful if you have other things on the table. 

Two platoons is not a bad place to start from, I would say that some heavy weapons squads would be worth your time. Autocannons and lascannons.


For vehicles, I'm a big fan of keeping it simple. My army has five types of ground vehicles: Battle Tanks, Vanquishers, Chimeras, Wyverns, and Basilisks. First, it makes assembly a lot easier as you can mass-produce the vehicles with the same chassis. Second, it's easier rules-wise as there's less to remember (i've been hit in the head a few times, memory isn't what it used to be). Third, those are pretty much the classic workhorses of the Guard. Fluff-wise and rules-wise, they are super dependable and work well for their points cost.

As we are all fond of Saying, a guard army is never finished. I've hit a point at where my Guard are doing everything I wanted, and now it's just a matter of list building. I have some tanks, some aircraft, some walkers, and a ton of infantry. I need a few more squads of infantry and a second demolisher to really round things out for now, but I'm pretty happy about where my guard is at the moment.


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