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Starting a Skitarii force

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Things really are going in your favour. This New glossy copper paint should make the copper metal stand out from the more antique brass you wanted to do. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Metals-Paint-Bundle


Of course, you could use the new brass for some fine highlights too.


I'm tempted to give these new paints a test further down the line.

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I ordered both of them already. :D I consider it a manifestation of divine providence. And yeah, I plan to use them just as you said: bright copper and then dull brass, using the new paint just for highlights and scratches/wear.

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Hey folks! I wrote up a blog post about my forge world fluff. It was a lot to write, so if you don't mind I'll refer you to my blog. I don't advertise or make money off it, so I hope that's okay.




Thanks for the support and encouragement so far. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. 

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Awesome! Nothing is set in stone yet so please point out any weak areas or bits that might seem over the top or silly or whatever. It's weird to feel like such a newb after playing marines for like 25 years. ;)
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Not sure if you have built your rangers yet, but there seems to have been a misprint in the box and some are getting the formation with Rangers and others Vanguard - see http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/679510.page


Not sure if it was a mistake or deliberate but until it's been confirmed I would assume either are okay? If you would have preferred Vanguard that is.


P.S. Your test scheme looks good! Looking forward to the finished models!

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I think I'm just going to go ahead and do two Vanguard squads for now. I can always run just them and the Onager out of the Codex, now that I've read through it a little more. But yeah, I had heard about the misprint situation. Mine for sure says just Rangers and nothing else. GW said you could do either, though, according to their FAQ on Facebook. I'll do some Rangers sooner or later. I like their heads and rifles, so I'll have to do at least some. I've heard mixed things about the Transuranic Arquebuses, but I already run lots of scouts in my marines so I don't think I'll take them. I hear the regular rifles are pretty good, so maybe I'll do a squad with 4 and give the Alpha something a little more fun. 

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