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ZM coils of the Hydra


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Just wrote this fairly funny coils of the hydra 1k list for ZM, what do you think?


Autilon Skorr


3x 10 tactical marines w Artificer armour, melta bomb and power dagger sargents


Contemptor dread w 1xkheres


5 palatine blades w 3 Phoenix spears, sonic shriekers


Should be fairly fun to run it, doesn't look too uncompetitive.

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 I  dont have much experience with palatine blades but I  do have a fair bit with ZM in general. 

Something you should start thinking about now is how you plan to split your force cause a lot of the missions require taking a spearhead and a reserve effectively splitting your force in two.  What can you afford to not have on the board turn one?  What needs to immediately start making its points back?  These are the questions you  need to ask yerself.  

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I just realized that you can take just two troops in a coils list in ZM if you are using the ZM combatant force org.


So the list can be significantly stronger!


How's this?


Autilon Skorr

Sabotuer w artificer armour, combi weapon, power dagger


2x 10 tactical marines w Artificer armour, melta bomb and power dagger sargents


Contemptor dread w kheres, graviton gun


5 palatine blades w 3 Phoenix spears, sonic shriekers, melta bomb

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