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Blood Air - An ETL V Plog

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Like most Marine players i've wanted a thunderhawk since I was a teenager. Then last year, during a semi-regular "fantasy search" of eBay I found a THawk in Aus for half the FW price (it's legit though, came in a FW bag, etc). It was partially built, and had some minor damage, but otherwise, a steal. Here is what arrived:







Solid but needing some work to make the major components fit snugly. First priority was fixing the undercarriage, then affixing the hatches and necessary BA Icons.


The craft had also been claimed by two Red Scorpion pilots, but after some quick component swaps they were looking more presentable:





So that brings us to the ETL, and the purpose of this thread. At this point the parts were base coated and dry-fit together (upper hull, nose cone, flight deck and pilot were still unglued):





Week 1 ETL Update - I have managed to complete the techmarine pilots and the flightdeck, which has allowed me to seal up the hull with those parts inside. I also completed one of the wing mounted TL heavy bolter turrets and made a start on the turbolaser.


This weekend I hope to knock out some of the 'loose' components like the canopy, tail, engine, turrets and auxiliary wings, which can be attached once the hull has been complete.



Stay tuned for more glacial progress on the big red menace.

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Cheers brothers, I just hope I can do it justice!


As mentioned in the OP, the pilots are done and at their controls. The hull is now sealed up.



Also made a little diorama for the base, some servo skull investigating a lander crash site. It just needs a hole drilling for the acrylic rod. Deciding whether to add some marines to the base too? Thoughts?




Also a little prep work for a potential follow-up vow in the same theme, if I have time.




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I like that idea a lot. I'll see if I can dig out some scout parts and have a play around.


The weapons are done, as is the rear thruster/hull section. I'll be cracking on with the main body over the next week and hope to have some decent pictures in the natural light of next weekend.


Since basing doesn't count for ETL and I needed a distraction from red panel work I knocked out the storm raven bases. A few NL trophies as practice for my 30k legion.


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  • 4 weeks later...



How's this one going? We're all eager to see this complete as it's one of our star attractions this year!

Yeah... bit rubbish as plogs go, hey?


Progress has been steady, so the auxiliary wings and tail are pretty much done now, along with the weapons and rear engine which were already completed. Quickly approaching the point where the body needs attention, which is obviously a huge task. Photo update this weekend, when I have some actual daylight!

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