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Imperial Space Marine


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Its likely we'll get shafted again on this, but in the hopes that we wont, this is such a lovely little edition. 

Im really surprised its not all the talk here (maybe i just missed it already and im SUPER late to the part).

Rules and pics here:


Discussion from customer service saying you can use it in your BA army:


With that rapid fire instand death dizzy gun.....all i can say is sign me up!

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I bought this guy thinking I could use him.

I wonder if I could paint him up with a Tactical squad for ETL?


Sure, you can always count a model as something similar of less value, so the combi weapon could just be a bolter. Or he could be a sternguard, or a sergeant with combi weapon. As long as it's an option from the BA codex, you're good :)

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Curious what's not to like?  Its a free upgrade with a rapid fire S5, ap2 instant death weapon O_o  


I personally found it cheesy. It goes against my personal values.  We're going to make this commemorative marine miniature, but to REALLY get you to buy it we're gonna give it a healthy dose of cheese within the framework of our rules. Not going to support marketing at the expense of game integrity. I know it may sound like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, LOL sorry.


Ironically I bought $175 worth of stuff that day at my local GW store. I'm good friends with the store manager, and he couldn't give me one. I refused. Then on the drive home I realized I could have gotten one, held on to it for a couple months, then eBayed it and used that money to buy something else. LOL duh.

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I have to come clean, I got the model.... However, I am against using him because of stupid cheese and GW being idiots who don't like to share things. So I don't know if I am going to paint him as a Sternguard, Veteran Sargent or in a Tactical squad for next years ETL

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I have to come clean, I got the model.... However, I am against using him because of stupid cheese 


If we didn't use models because of stupid cheese, not too much would be used.


I would never have used my death company in 3rd ed: 180pts gets you a chaplain, D3+3 death co and a rhino that could move 18" a turn. After which they could disembark 2", then assault 6" (86% chance of a T1 charge against anything with 24"). If they won combat, then they could sweeping advance into combat with another unit within 2d6", where they count as charging in your opponent's turn.


I dont see Eldar players stopping using wraithknights, or guard, or necrons not using wraiths (I actually haven't played Eldar since 6th ed, watching my opponent remove models just got boring), etc.


The number of times I had a 180pt unit roll through my opponent's entire army was ludicrous. But fun.


A unique, rapid fire ID weapon is fun, and a gamble. And you pay minimum 175pts for the taxtical squad and transport to get him in range.


Yes, the model is cheesy in a vacuum, but when you factor in what you need to be able to use him, and the things that other armies bring to the table, he is more Edam than Stinking Bishop.

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I have to come clean, I got the model.... However, I am against using him because of stupid cheese 


If we didn't use models because of stupid cheese, not too much would be used.


I would never have used my death company in 3rd ed: 180pts gets you a chaplain, D3+3 death co and a rhino that could move 18" a turn. After which they could disembark 2", then assault 6" (86% chance of a T1 charge against anything with 24"). If they won combat, then they could sweeping advance into combat with another unit within 2d6", where they count as charging in your opponent's turn.


I dont see Eldar players stopping using wraithknights, or guard, or necrons not using wraiths (I actually haven't played Eldar since 6th ed, watching my opponent remove models just got boring), etc.


The number of times I had a 180pt unit roll through my opponent's entire army was ludicrous. But fun.


A unique, rapid fire ID weapon is fun, and a gamble. And you pay minimum 175pts for the taxtical squad and transport to get him in range.


Yes, the model is cheesy in a vacuum, but when you factor in what you need to be able to use him, and the things that other armies bring to the table, he is more Edam than Stinking Bishop.


Well, it may not be the cheesiest thing in the game, but I still don't want to use him... unless there was a way to give him a storm shield so he could survive a bit longer, also would it be able to kill things like big evil Tyranid things like Tervigons instantly or does it not work on monstrous creatures/ vehicles?  

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Well, it may not be the cheesiest thing in the game, but I still don't want to use him... unless there was a way to give him a storm shield so he could survive a bit longer, also would it be able to kill things like big evil Tyranid things like Tervigons instantly or does it not work on monstrous creatures/ vehicles?

It causes instant death, so anything with a wounds characteristic. Tervigons, riptides, wraithknights.

The 9 ablative wounds in the squad are what keeps him alive, haha. I like how alone, he is too cheesy to use, but you'd use him if he also had a 3+ invulnerable msn-wink.gif

Free upgrades are the devils plaything. 180 points for a T1 charge is just a black weave of pure Baalite justice tongue.png

Too right. I'd love to see a BA chapter tactic being BA models with packs get a +3" to their move, or something. Swooping hawks already get to move like 24" per turn as well as shoot.

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Well, it may not be the cheesiest thing in the game, but I still don't want to use him... unless there was a way to give him a storm shield so he could survive a bit longer, also would it be able to kill things like big evil Tyranid things like Tervigons instantly or does it not work on monstrous creatures/ vehicles?

It causes instant death, so anything with a wounds characteristic. Tervigons, riptides, wraithknights.

The 9 ablative wounds in the squad are what keeps him alive, haha. I like how alone, he is too cheesy to use, but you'd use him if he also had a 3+ invulnerable msn-wink.gif

Well if I use him I might as well go all out cheese, then maybe add some crackers and give him digital weapons as well.

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I have to come clean, I got the model.... However, I am against using him because of stupid cheese and GW being idiots who don't like to share things. So I don't know if I am going to paint him as a Sternguard, Veteran Sargent or in a Tactical squad for next years ETL

It's worth 0 points and it would count as a regular Marine as sadly, it is Faction Codex Space Marines only.

Yeeees and noooo....

Ok here's the deal:

You can definitely make him one standard marine in which case, as Jolemai said above, he'll just worth the points of a regular Marine within a squad. BUT (and here's where the eternal benevolence of the Inner Circle comes into play) he can be a "count-as" Character - like a Captain with a Combi Weapon or any other piece of non-pistol shooting weapon that he can legally get. smile.png

The model definitely is a good stand in for artificer armoured Character!

Sounds like you have a Captain model to pledge to our ETL Campaign ;)

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Posted · Hidden by Jolemai, May 23, 2016 - Against board rules
Hidden by Jolemai, May 23, 2016 - Against board rules

Sounds like you have a Captain model to pledge to our ETL Campaign msn-wink.gif

Practising for a job in retail? msn-wink.gif

Or to become a Jehova Witness :P

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Sounds like you have a Captain model to pledge to our ETL Campaign msn-wink.gif

Maybe, but atm I'm finishing my Space Hulk Genestealers and he is no captain, I have the new command squad set for that unfortunate Space Marine; having magnets in his arms, that is really no way to live. XD

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I think if they errata Blood Angels to have: chapter tactics it won't be a problem for us to field the Imp. I mean, he was on the BA link on the GW web store when he was available. Since I'm working on Carmine Blades, I'm just going to ally in a squad of Codex: Marines to field him legitimately, or I ask my opponent if they are okay with him being played with only furious charge.
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