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1250 Word Bearers ZM List


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Hey folks -

 So in a little over a month, I'll be playing a 4-way ZM battle against some friends. I've got a Death Guard list already compiled (I'll post later), but I wanted to also field my Word Bearers. I've come up with a preliminary list, and I have to say... I really despise having to take 2 HQs. I wanted to take my Gal Vorbak and obviously my Despoilers are the backbone of the army, but I'm not 100% sure about the Tactical Support Squad. I've got other options I could possibly field, including a Mhara Gal (mmmmmm...), so I'm playing around with it right now. Opinions are welcome.



Praetor - 140

  -Power Mace

  -Paragon Blade

Chaplain - 100

  -Plasma Pistol

  -Power Mace (Free)



Despoiler Tactical Squad - 185

  -Extra Combat Blades X 10


   -Power Fist

Despoiler Tactical Squad - 185

  -Extra Combat Blades X 10


   -Power First

Tactical Support Squad - 235

  -X 10

  -Volkite Caliver X 9


   -Power Fist



Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren - 410

  -X 10

  -Plasma Gun X 2

  -Dark Martyr

   -Power Fist

   -Artificer Armour


I know it has a decent number... 42 bodies isn't anything to scoff at in ZM, IMO... however, I'm not sure it has much... oomph. The Chaplain would be in the Gal Vorbak squad and the Praetor would run around with a Despoiler squad. Any better ideas?


I have another 2-ten man Despoiler squads I could use, a full squad of Plasma Tactical Support, a full squad of Melta Tactical Support, a full squad of Heavy Bolter Heavy Support, a full squad of Volkite Culverin Heavy Support, a Mhara Gal, and a Contemptor w/ twin DCCW. So... those are other options.

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A few suggestions for you:


- the Praetor's power maul is pointless, as the Paragon blade is infinitely better and a Specialist Weapon, so they don't grant each other extra attacks. I would drop it and take a boarding shield instead; it's a great equaliser when you get charged.


- the Despoilers look fine, but the Support Squad could work better with volkite chargers. They're an Assault weapon, unlike the calivers (which are a Heavy weapon). The extra strength is good, but in ZM you may prefer the mobility of the chargers, and the extra range is wasted.


- plasma guns on the Gal Vorbak is a trap, as they can't shoot then Assault. Power mauls will serve you better. If you do this, the Praetor's boarding shield could be upgraded to an iron halo! :)

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Hmmm... good point on the Power Maul on the Praetor... it was originally going to be a Tainted Weapon, but I thought the +2 S would have been a boon. I guess I could run the Calivers as Chargers, but I'm not too keen on the range of the Charger compared to the Caliver. I'll run them on Cataphractii all day erry day, but that's because their armour affords extra protection. The Heavy rule is a bit of an issue, however.


I had originally planned on running an Iron Halo, but obviously the points dried up fairly fast. I'm still considering dropping the Tactical Support Squad completely and either bringing in another squad of Despoilers or even running a Contemptor (or hopefully two by the time the game comes around). The issue at that point is obviously a lack of range.


Maybe the Gal Vorbak are just too much of a point sink at this size of a game.


Edit: Actually, if I run the Maul as a Tainted Weapon, I'll get an extra attack due to it being a Specialist Weapon. It's S / AP nil, but it also has Instant Death. I'm not sure...

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I'd drop the Gal Vorbak to 5 "men". That'll give you the points you need to play around with.


Tainted weapon instead of a power weapon is perfect.


Contemptors are pretty much made for ZM. Do it! :)

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I've heard that the Tainted Weapon on a Dark Martyr was pretty effective, but the Power Fist is only 5 points more. I am considering cutting the unit in half, though. Same with the Tac. Support.

I've used Contemptors with my Death Guard and I agree. I'd love to fit the Mhara Gal in, that thing has to be an animal in ZM.

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