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I was going to ask this in the anti-air thread, since most of that conversation has been about raven loadouts, but it is fundamentally a different subject so I figured I'd be better off posting a new thread.  

I picked up a Stormraven this weekend, and I am wondering what other people use theirs for (and how they are loaded to perform the task).  I was considering having mine loaded with meltas and assault cannons and putting something like some DC in it, and then using it to support them.  So, the idea was, it shows up, drops the DC, blasts away whatever armor/support the DC's target has, and the DC go to work.  It'll have to get in close to deliver the DC so melta range won't be a disadvantage.  


An alternative was just to load it up with dakka and have the DC go after high priority target while it veers off to focus on anything that might tie the DC up but is otherwise not that important.  What do you use them for, what weapons help them do it better?

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I use mine to transport troops and also provide fire support. My current Stormraven has the multi-melta, the hurricane bolter sponsons, and a twin-linked plasma cannon on the turret. It has, so far, done well. My other experience with a Stormraven was one that had the above load out except I ran a twin-linked assault cannon in the turret. I liked how it performed as well. No complaints. I also see situations where using a twin-linked lascannon turret would be advantageous. I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the turret options. I wanted to try plasma cannons this time and I'm happy, they wreck infantry and other sorts.


I think missiles in the nose would also be decent. I could even see running the twin-linked heavy bolter in the nose for anti-infantry and light armor, especially if you had the lascannon turret for heavier armor sniping.

And by the way my group is not running the air rules at the moment, so its nice to have some anti-air too!

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I have three. The two completed Stormravens run Multi Melta, Assault Cannon and Hurricane Bolters, and although I'm considering the Lascannon turret for the third it'll probably end up the same as the other two. With the speed of the Stormraven I've never found the short range of the guns an issue. If you're out of position and really need to shoot something at the other end of the table, that's what the missiles are for IMO.


Zooming on, shooting up the enemy, then switching to hover to deliver the DC as you've suggested can be utterly devastating. Just make sure you have something on the board that can reliably suppress any Skyfire and Interceptor the enemy has. I once lost a Stormraven that was full of DC and a DC Dread to ONE lucky round of shooting from a single quad gun. That was painful.


I find it's often still worth taking a Stormraven even if it's empty. It's an excellent gunship and less of a tempting target if it's empty.

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First and foremost:


..because keeping the little weapon covers matters a lot to me biggrin.png

Almost every time I use my Stormravens it's with a lascannon/multi-melta loadout specifically to deal with my enemy's Fliers and armour. I've dabbled with the other loadouts but kept coming back to that given my opposition. With the new rules I'm considering playing my two as a part of a Air Superiority Detachment with typhoon missile launchers to help out in dogfights since I'm not likely to ever be at 12" range for the melta. Plus it'd be nice to drop a couple blast templates on larger units.

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Yeah magnetising is the key for the SR (glad to see I'm not to only one who magnetised the armour plates!) .


I very seldom use the SR as a transport, I find the risk of losing potentially 300+ in one hit is too big a gamble, especially when you're looking at a T3 charge as a best case scenario. If you're planning on putting a hammer unit (or 2, don't forget those dreads!) in s SR you need to take some reserve manipulation to make sure it gets on the board T2.



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Melta / AC / Hurricanes


Accept no substitutes. The AC is statistically more likely to deal damage than the LC - or so that math says.


The Ordnance Missiles are an incredible weapon against FMC too so never forget, also the new FAQ clarifies that shooting "missiles" counts as firing a single weapon, so you can fire all of those at full BS, snap shot your other weapons (that are all TL anyway!) but still fire one of them at full BS thanks to PotMS.


So when you fly on the board, choose something and end it. Jink without fear as twin-linked and PotMS means you can still get off reliable shooting.


Plus if using the new rules our wing commanders get some awesome benefits (a full salvo of weapons before we die, an extra turn during movement and one other)

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Melta / AC / Hurricanes


Accept no substitutes. The AC is statistically more likely to deal damage than the LC - or so that math says.


The Ordnance Missiles are an incredible weapon against FMC too so never forget, also the new FAQ clarifies that shooting "missiles" counts as firing a single weapon, so you can fire all of those at full BS, snap shot your other weapons (that are all TL anyway!) but still fire one of them at full BS thanks to PotMS.


So when you fly on the board, choose something and end it. Jink without fear as twin-linked and PotMS means you can still get off reliable shooting.


Plus if using the new rules our wing commanders get some awesome benefits (a full salvo of weapons before we die, an extra turn during movement and one other)


Stormstrike missiles aren't Ordnance...

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As mentioned a few times magnetise your Storm Raven! Swapping out all your weapon options is awesome. Though I fully understand if you glue the nose TL-MM as that is just too handy msn-wink.gif TL-AC and TL-LC are fantastic but I'm not a fan of the TL-PC. I had a bad experience as the very first time I used my Storm Raven and fired it I rolled a 1 and stripped a Hull Point...

I always transport something in my SR, it seems an awful waste of an Assault Vehicle not to. Though be wary of loading up too many points into it unless you can ensure it's timely arrival from Reserves. I lost one game as I had too much sitting in it refusing to come on in time tongue.png Be mindful of Skyfire as it really will ruin your day, so try and deal with it or at least stay away if you can.

Your first turn on the board is your most effective so I concur that you should unleash hell and attempt to end something in one turn of thunderous firepower. Next turn drop to Hover and unload a squad to punch things in the face. I always use DC or VV but it really doesn't matter what you put in - adapt to your local meta and take what suits you best.

Edit: Spelling

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TLLC and CML for me. I also like the sponsons but they are usually not very useful for what I use it for. Its a gunship and I am happy with 48" long range high S TL weaponry. PotM iss a blessing in that regard, its a transport bane. It usually carries a cheap Scout Squad or a Tactical Squad of some sort for opportunistic late game assaults.
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Melta / AC / Hurricanes


Accept no substitutes. The AC is statistically more likely to deal damage than the LC - or so that math says.


The Ordnance Missiles are an incredible weapon against FMC too so never forget, also the new FAQ clarifies that shooting "missiles" counts as firing a single weapon, so you can fire all of those at full BS, snap shot your other weapons (that are all TL anyway!) but still fire one of them at full BS thanks to PotMS.


So when you fly on the board, choose something and end it. Jink without fear as twin-linked and PotMS means you can still get off reliable shooting.


Plus if using the new rules our wing commanders get some awesome benefits (a full salvo of weapons before we die, an extra turn during movement and one other)


Stormstrike missiles aren't Ordnance...



Even better then! Did they used to be? If not I'm probably thinking of a 30k missile or something.


Carlo raises a good point about the rockets, there's no point saving them, once you have a viable target unleash hell.


Carlo, what are you thoughts on SR as a transport? Or do you primarily use it as a gunboat?




I've had six dudes in there before, but these were both Apoc games. On one it survived, coming in and stripping hull points from a super heavy before dropping down into hover next turn and unloading the death company and Mephiston.


Next time it came on, did a bit of damage but then got KO'd by a DA Fighter Lascannons, 4/5 of the SG inside dying from the ridiculousness that is a S10 ap2 hit when it crashes.


Thinking about it - Jump Infantry should be able to jump off and deploy via skies of death if it is a crash result IMO, they have the equipment for it.


Otherwise, a big scout squad in it with combat weapons is even better now. Especially if you get that second break turn wing commander trait. You could literally just appear on an unexpected part of the board with two Obj Sec units.

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Stormstrike missiles aren't Ordnance...



Even better then! Did they used to be? If not I'm probably thinking of a 30k missile or something.


Nope. You're thinking of hellstrike missiles which the Thunderhawk and Stormeagle have (and oddly, one of the Imperial Guard Flyers).

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Stormstrike missiles aren't Ordnance...



Even better then! Did they used to be? If not I'm probably thinking of a 30k missile or something.


Nope. You're thinking of hellstrike missiles which the Thunderhawk and Stormeagle have (and oddly, one of the Imperial Guard Flyers).



That's the badger.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Scouts! Great for late game objective grabbing and they can jump out when zooming onto an objective and ignore the dangerous terrain test due to move through cover.



Scouts are an excellent choice in a Raven, for these reasons, and the fact they're deliciously cheap. As I've said in other topics, a barebones Priest or Chaplain (or even Libby if you wanted) in with Scouts will boost their assault ability to incredible heights. A squad of 5 with BP/CCWs is dealing 15 S5 attacks on the charge (16 if you have a Veteran Sgt, like I always do), plus the special character's bonuses.


The Sanguinary Priest is cheapest, about the same as 5 Scouts, and gives them FNP and +1 WS, which gives a much needed survival boost and prevents MEq hitting on 3s. Comes base with a chainsword, so you'll want to at least pay the 1pt for a bolt pistol, and it's not a bad idea to give him a power weapon to take advantage of his WS5 (WS6 with the Chalice). Auspex could be useful if you're not giving him a better gun, and meltabombs are usually a good idea, especially with his high WS. Valour's Edge works well here, as it's a meltabomb more than a PW, and gives the squad the ability to chew through anything without an invulnerable save. Hilarity.


The Librarian is a meltabomb more than the Priest, loses FNP and the +1WS. In exchange, he comes with his own bolt pistol standard (Exciting!), your choice of Force Weapon and Master Level 1. The force weapon is functionally a power weapon if you don't cast Force (which you probably won't if the 1-power-per-mastery-level FAQ remains), so it's neat you don't have to pay extra. Consider either a Sword for striking at Initiative or a Staff for +2S and Concussive! The main draw, of course, is psychic powers. Sanguinary, Divination or Biomancy are the best for rolling with scouts IMO. In terms of upgrades, Mastery Level 2 is expensive but also huge as it's an extra power known, cast per psychic phase and warp charge. Consider a special pistol for shenanigans. Terminator armour could be fun, but probably not for scouts. Gallian's Staff is a cheap and useful upgrade, especially if you're leaving him at ML1.


Chaplain is the most expensive (roughly the same as a barebones Assault squad), but also probably brings the most value without upgrades. Zealot means the squad isn't running from anything and will shore up their WS3 immensely, he can tank with his 4++, and has a Power Maul. He doesn't need any upgrades here, though a Power Fist or a special pistol could be useful if you wanted, and utility choices like an Auspex or Meltabombs have as much place as on any IC. No relics jump out, although The Crown Angelic could be useful and fluffy if you're not going up against Fearless or ATSKNF.


Overall, be aware of how many points you're sinking into them, as a full squad of scouts is both cheaper and more survivable than a small one with a character. More likely to survive a crashed Raven, too.

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Man, you guys are giving me a lot to think about! The idea of some cc scouts with a priest is pretty appealing. I can definitely see how a raven full of DC would be highly targeted and how much you'd stand to lose from that. I want to magnetize as much as I can but I'm just not sure how to do some of the choices, like the nose weapons. I think for the turret I'd need bigger magnets since I have so far only done infantry weapons so I have tiny ones.


Thanks for the tips, this has been very helpful so far!

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A Max scout unit with a character still wont break the bank and is surprisingly effective.


The great part is that the scouts give the priest move through cover and you could even give him a jump pack as the raven has a capacity of 12. May come in handy later.

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I used pretty tiny magnets, same size fits in the hole on a SM backpack (with a little bit of drilling just to square off the bottom) if that's any reference. The nose weapons slot in no magnets or other trickery necessary.
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Man, you guys are giving me a lot to think about! The idea of some cc scouts with a priest is pretty appealing. I can definitely see how a raven full of DC would be highly targeted and how much you'd stand to lose from that. I want to magnetize as much as I can but I'm just not sure how to do some of the choices, like the nose weapons. I think for the turret I'd need bigger magnets since I have so far only done infantry weapons so I have tiny ones.

Thanks for the tips, this has been very helpful so far!

I used pretty tiny magnets, same size fits in the hole on a SM backpack (with a little bit of drilling just to square off the bottom) if that's any reference. The nose weapons slot in no magnets or other trickery necessary.

NTaW is spot on - I didn't magnetise the nose guns either. They fit well enough without and it would be a lof of painstaking work to magnetise the small area anyway.

There must be a tutorial for magnetising the SR somewhere to help? I can't help too much I'm afriad - I didn't like the turret so I swapped it out for a Razorback turret instead which is easy enough to modify for magnetisation. I am lucky that I have access to steel sheets at work which I regularly snip off to my required sizes so that's how I magnetised the doors/Hurricane Bolters. A large door-shaped sheet glued to the inside of the SR and magets on the door/Hurricane Bolters and job done smile.png

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NTaW is spot on - I didn't magnetise the nose guns either. They fit well enough without and it would be a lof of painstaking work to magnetise the small area anyway.

There must be a tutorial for magnetising the SR somewhere to help? I can't help too much I'm afriad - I didn't like the turret so I swapped it out for a Razorback turret instead which is easy enough to modify for magnetisation. I am lucky that I have access to steel sheets at work which I regularly snip off to my required sizes so that's how I magnetised the doors/Hurricane Bolters. A large door-shaped sheet glued to the inside of the SR and magets on the door/Hurricane Bolters and job done smile.png

Would you have a picture of your storm raven with the razorback turret? I've never really like the stock turret either and I am curious to see what it looks like with your conversion.

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...also the new FAQ clarifies that shooting "missiles" counts as firing a single weapon, so you can fire all of those at full BS, snap shot your other weapons (that are all TL anyway!) but still fire one of them at full BS thanks to PotMS...

What? Where?  The idea of flying on and unloading EVERYTHING has excellent possibilities...

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