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2k coils of the hydra for feedback


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Well here is the 2k list I'm thinking of building towards. Let me know what you think. I will be buying a few things shortly so very interested in what you all think.


I enjoy using random stuff like the sabotuer and really wanted a squad that wasn't suzerains for the rewards of treason so went with something that I have never seen before but should still have a good punch.



Armillus Dynat - Coils of the Hydra


Sabotuer - AA, combi melta, melta bomb



Palatine blades x9 - 5 Phoenix spears, sonic shriekers, a melta bomb


Contemptor dreadnaught - kheres, fist with graviton gun


Rapier x1 - laser destroy



3x tactical squads - rhino, AA, melta bomb, power dagger, power fist


5 man Melta gun support squad


Fast attack

Anvillus pattern dreadclaw drop pod


Lightning strike fighter - 4x kraken, ground tracking auguries, battle servitor control.


Obviously the palatines go in the drop pod, joined by Dynat for Maximum punch. That will come in turn one ready for a turn two charge.


The rhinos will all go for objectives or just cause general havoc cruising around with their good punch of the powerfist.


Rapier just sits back and takes pot shots at rhinos and the like or has infiltrated in to take side shots at heavier things.


Dread walks up the field or protects my backfield depending on mission and enemy.


Turn two sees (hopefully) the meltas deepstrike in to hit something from behind and the lightning hitting something big like a spartan. Possibly setting up a charge for my palatines.


Also the sabotuer comes in and devastates (maybe

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Still intrigued as to which mutable tactic this would be geared towards if not going the standard infiltrate?


do rappers/quad mortars get infiltrate or can you get away without a transport for them if they can't and still use coils or do they need a transport if you want to use something other than infiltrate form the options?

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Probably Tank Hunters. That said, taking a Dedicated Spartan Transport for Terminators and Infiltrating it is next level shenanigans.


Rapiers do get infiltrate if you take the rule. Whether they need a ride is debatable. You can still carry carry 2 rapiers + crew in a single Dreadclaw if necessary.

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I didnt think that the rapier need one as they are artillery.


Does the anvillus give deepstrike to the squad inside it, to satisfy the restrictions of coils? The melta squad will deepstrike using dynat's rule

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