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Shattered Legions 1000 pts


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Hi, guys

Let me know what do you think about the following list:



Centurion, artificer armour.


14 x Iron Hands tactical squad + vexilla

13 x Iron Hands tactical squad + vexilla

2 x contemptors (2x CCW, extra-armour)

6 x Raven Guard veteran squad + vexilla + melta bombs

995 points



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I may be wrong, as I don't have the book to hand right now, but I believe that in a Shattered Legions list, you are required to have 1 HQ selection for each Legion you're using?


In your case, 2 (Iron Hands and Raven Guard), meaning that you need a second HQ.



Other than that, your list seems to be lacking much in the way of strong ranged firepower.

I would perhaps cut one Contemptor and reduce the Tactical Squads to 10 men to fund your second HQ, and increase the veteran squad to 10 and give them special/heavy weapons.

Your remaining Contemptor would perhaps be more effective if it had a ranged weapon and a CCW so that it can do more damage as it closes.


I would suggest these changes for the following reasons:

- you need another HQ, Contemptor is most expensive so would make sense to cut one to free up points.

- the spare points would enable you to make the veterans 10 men (to get 2 special/heavy weapons, which you should take!). This means that they can do more than Infiltrate with Melta Bombs and hope whatever they charge doesn't kill them.

- I would give the other Contemptor a ranged weapon. Gets you some high strength or low AP shooting (or both! Plasma Cannon!) which will be of a lot of use otherwise all your opponents guys will get saves from your shooting, and your Contemptor will get shot to pieces running at the enemy hoping to get into combat.

- to fund all that, you may need to cut the Tac squads to 10 men, however the upgrades are more important than bodies at 1000 points.

- spare points could go on power weapons for HQs and artificer armour on sergeants. Then Melta bombs and anything else you may need.


Keep the Vexillas, they are good! :)

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Hi, Apostle

thanks for your comments and advice. I can´t understand how I missed that information. unsure.png

Crap, now I will have to start again!

aaaagggghhhh, it took me one year to decide for a legion.....

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Hi, Apostle

thanks for your comments and advice. I can´t understand how I missed that information. unsure.png

Crap, now I will have to start again!

aaaagggghhhh, it took me one year to decide for a legion.....


No worries mate! I often overlook stuff like that in 30k. It's very different to 40k when it comes to building an army.

Oh god! :-/ Sorry...

Does it have to be a Shattered Legion? I assume you picked that as you couldn't decide between the two?

Feel free to throw some ideas around here (Legions you like, how many points you're looking for, certain units you want to use, Rites of War), and even without a list there will be people here that might be able to help you put something together with just that basic info. Might save you another year ;)

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Some months ago I got the BaC box. I plan to get a Forgeworld transfer sheet and something else to finish the 1000 points. It would be a HQ and two tactical squads plus two contemptors (love them) and something else.

The legions I like are the Iron Hands (but I am a bit worried about their lack of maneuverability), loyalist grey Word Bearers and World Eaters.

Something like that:

2 x chaplains with artificer armour

2 x 13 tac squad

2 x contemptor with kheres and CCW

And 140 points to spend freely (maybe a quad mortar and upgrades for the rest)

I expect to have everything done and start playing this summer

thanks for the advice smile.png

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