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Dark Angels "Ironwing Protocol" 2500 points


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Given the quietness of the Army List Forum, I thought I'd throw this out there for a bit of critique. :)


Dark Angels "Ironwing Protocol"

Space Marine Legions



Delegatus: Rite of War (Ironwing Protocol); artificer armour; volkite serpenta; Terranic greatsword; boarding shield 105

Damocles Command Rhino



10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 185

Rhino: dozer blade 40

10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 185

Rhino: dozer blade 40



9 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; volkite serpenta; Calibanite war blade); Fearless; 8 Veteran Space Marines; 8 × volkite serpenta; nuncio-vox; melta bombs 285

Rhino: dozer blade 40

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180



Artillery Tank Squadron



Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

Vindicator: laser destroyer array 130

Vindicator: laser destroyer array; machine spirit 155

Vindicator: laser destroyer array; machine spirit 155

Legion Predator Strike Squadron

Predator: heavy bolter sponsons; dozer blade; heavy bolter 115

Predator: heavy bolter sponsons; dozer blade; heavy bolter 115


2,500 points



- Delegatus joins the Fearless Veterans for a 3rd scoring unit, plus the Exterminators bonus on volkite serpentas.

- Damocles is pretty much there to unload it's Orbital Strike and manipulate Reserves (not that I have anything I need to).

- 3 las Vindicators for anti-tank, with Machine Spirit to split fire.

- 2 Dakka Preds to unload 26 BS5 shots into infantry/bikes/light vehicles.

- Medusae do what they do best - murderate.

- Kheres Mortis Dreads are the real gems though - 12 BS5 S6 Rending shots each, with Tank Hunters. :)

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- I would recommend you do the math on 3 Mortis and 3 Mortis-type Cortus to see what the difference in production is. 

  - Taking a talon, would let actually make your list legal without the Damocles and give you some more non-tank choices as currently you have 7 tank units and 7 non-tank units


- I would drop dozer blades, on your tanks, since you ignore the first failed test anyway


- I would still put a vexilla on the vets so you can change their trait if you need to


- alternatively you could keep the Damocles and instead add a Dreadclaw which would let you DS the vets or better yet you could do a Terminator squad in a dreadclaw with chargers, and a small bike squad for the delegatus to join.

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