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Fighting Necrons for the first time ... ideas appreciated

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Hail Brothers!


I'm playing against Necrons for the first time tomorrow. In 1.5 years of playing 40K I've never played against them except for once, a long time ago with a very inexperienced player. My opponent tomorrow has some skill with them. 


I know they can glance vehicles and walkers to death very quickly with volleys of gauss rifle fire. I know they can re-animate but if you take out a certain unit it really puts a damper on their abilities/strategy. I know that their weakness is CC, and I can beat them if I can CC them down.


It is actually a 2v2 game. Me and my ally are both playing Blood Angels. Our two opponents are playing CSM and Necrons. It is a bigger game, and 4k points each side. So I have 2k to play with.


Key parts of my BA army: I have 5 Drop Pods, 1 Land Raider Crusader, 1 Stormraven, 1 Dakka Baal Predator, 1 Rhino. I have a full 10 man JP Death Company. I have a full 10 man Sanguinary Guard squad, Commander Dante, Sanguinary Priest w/JP, Astorath the Grim, Librarian in Terminator armor, Captain Karlaen, power armor Captain with Fury of Baal, and power fist, Captain Tycho, and the jump pack Chaplain.


2 ten man flamer tac squads

1 ten man HB/PG/combi-plas tac squad (my shooters)


Furioso dreadnought

Cassor the Damned dreadnought


10 man PC devastator squad

10 man ML devastator squad


2 five man assault marine w/JP melta squads (melta guns x2, inferno pistols x2)


10 man Sternguard squad with 5 combi-meltas, sergeant with powerfist

5 man Terminator squad (AC)

5 man Assault terminator squad (TH & SS)


Command Squad (5) geared to melta and CC (melta gun, inferno pistols x2, power sword x3, power fist)



My ally is running Captain Karlaen, and Brother Corbulo. So I cannot take my Karlaen.



Any ideas are appreciated.



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Bring all your dc and all your sang guard. They can't do combat. Could bring the dakka baal or the crusader to pick on his wraiths. They have a 3++ but i have found the die to the easiest to mass amounts of bolter fire

Templates are good. I podded a fragiso in last time and he took down a decent amount of models in both games before being glanced to death

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In my experience it is better to force the Warriors directly to Reanimation Protocols, so Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons etc. are your friends.


I really love the utility of sternguard against Necrons as well as the Sanguinary guard for their AP 4 Bolters.


If your opponent is taking immortals, I would still utilize the sternguard and some Plasma splashed in. Is he taking the Douche Canoe? If so plaster that accursed thing with all the melta. Just because that thing used to be the bane of my existence. They are probably taking the Decurion so the hellfire rounds and higher strength rounds will force either more wounds or straight to Reanimation rolls.


If he is taking the flying circus assault cannons are your best bet to deal with them. The more the merrier. Becareful of the cryptek spyders and wraiths. Force wounds on them with hellfire rounds and plasma. I'd really like to see a battle Psyker in the list to deal with the CSM players sorcerers and to buff your own units with the new powers or even divination. It will also help when dealing with higher toughness by essentially twin-linking your plasma.


Be a bit more conservative with your dreadnoughts. If you want to pod in your furioso and spam templates that's fine, so many wounds will force some of the RPs to fail. But it will die in the following shooting phase and will give up first blood. However if you can get him into combat with a non scythe lord you will be fine and win through attrition. The same goes for the Castor.


If he bring Immotek, there's not a ton you can do at first and the luck of the dice will be a deciding factor, however he is much less of a pain to deal with compared to how awful he used to be...literally nuked 7 tanks in the first turn in a campaign I played it. It was brutally not fun.


Destroyer Lords are still pretty scary and very CC oriented, and be aware of whip coils on wraiths. If you can snipe them out do it.


The Death Stalkers are really keen as they can deep strike and auto wound a unit they choose on 2+ (if I recall correctly that is) so keep them in mind and hide/bubble wrap accordingly.


Pratorians are a decent body guard unit and be careful shooting at them with their blast shields when your own units are in close proximity.


The flesh eater guys (can't really remember their names) are an amazing tar pit unit so be aware not to charge them least you are to be charged or it is absolutely necessary. If he's taking scarab swarms just pump some S6+ into them to ID those 3 wound models, and pop shot at the spyders that poop more out.


The monolith is a cool model, but extremely pricey for AV 14. As long as you stay more than 6" away from it you shouldn't have your models swallowed up into the warp gate thing. Just blast it with lots of melta and or kite it. Your choice.


Hope some of this helps, I have played against those accursed Xenos scum more than any other army, and for that I would come the apocalypse ally them to ANY of my armies. Make us proud!

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I hate Necrons with a passion, but now that their save is 4+ they're a lot easier to deal with. As mentioned, anything that forces reannimation is golden. Don't bother taking vehicles unless you have a high level of target saturation so they're low on the priority list. Ghost arks are very tough to deal with, since you have to pop their AV 13 cherry. Remember, they don't have Quantum Shielding in the tea arc so fliers can get back there. Watch out for Destroyers. He Destroyer Cult formation is very hard to deal with, as they get to move after they shoot and have lots of rerolls. Also, be careful about charging Warrior blobs as their over watch can really ruin your day. Try to charge with expendable units and them bring in your elite units.


Melee them like crazy, then hope to wipe them out in a sweeping advance. Works well when you get lucky. I've had scouts wipe out immortals in melee. It's getting them pinned down in the first place that's hard. Good luck!

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