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mechanicum 2500 pts ordo reductor


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so here's my list.  3000pts focus is tanks and transports rushing the board like a boss.





matrix of ruin FOC



Magos Prime- Cyber Familar, Rad Grenades, Melta Bombs, machinator array, master crafted, ordinator- 190


Arch magos Reductor:  Augary scanner, cyber familiar, rad grenades, cyber occularis x4,    djinn-skein-  275pts  Warlord


Adsecularis Covenant:  rite of pure thought, revnant alchemistry, induction charges, carapace armour, frag grenades- 115 


Thallax x6 destructor DT: Triaros Conveyor- 405


thallax, destructor phased plasma fusil x1- 160


myrmidon secutors x5-  phased plasma fusilx5  DT: Triaros Conveyor - 630


myrmidon secutors x5- Graviton Guns x5 DT: Triaros Conveyor- 580


Krios Venator x2- 300


Krios Battle Tank x2- 250


ordo reductor artillery batteryx2 medusa cannons- 260 



so i'm resting at 2915pts.   


so what do you gentleman and ladies think of the list? i know people dont like the secutors but i think their gonna be ok.  tips and comments and changes that you think would work in better in certain places would be cool.  i dont want to use any monstrous creatures as i'm really trying to represent the 

reductor army  i'm picking up the ullator or however you spell it so whenever i get a chance to use it its gonna be epic i'm hoping.    

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Cool beans!  


I've been putting my own little Reductor force together over the last month. Always glad to see someone else hopping in.


So secutors can be fun as hell. While they aren't a mainstay of my list, I've had really good results using them with one volkite and one plasma.


I do have a couple questions for you though.


Do you think the Thallax warrant a Triaros? They're pretty sturdy on their own and with their jump pack moves, they are plenty mobile already. Dropping that Tri conveyor would give you quite a few extra points to work with.


Destructor on the small unit of Thallax (with the plasma fusil) seems a little out of place. Typically you want to pair Destructor up with a multi-melta or photon thruster.


The Archmagos Dominus and the Ordinator Magos seem a little lightly equipped. The Archmagos is the only one of the three (Taghmata, Cybernetica, Reductor) to get Str5 so it feels like a bit of a waste not to give him a power-fist so he can knock stuff down in close combat. I've been equipping my Archmagos reductor with a Paragon blade, machinator array, and master-crafted power fist, which will let you kick over super heavy tanks with that Sunder and +1 to vehicle damage. Same deal with the Ordinator Magos. Typically something like a photon thruster or plasma fusil is terrific for him since all of his attacks both ranged and close combat get armorbane. I think you can safely ditch the meltabombs on him as well since your Machinator array incorporates an inferno pistol, which will give you Str 8+3d6 armor penetration at 3" range :D

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So i have the magos lightly equipped because theyre really gonna be sitting back behind the tanks and fixing them. Im debating about switching the triaros for the thallax to the tech thralls just to have them be able.to go up the board for some reason in my groups tbey get super focused even though its only 10 of them and they really don't do much of anything. ( altbough maybe its the fact that 10 of them killed a 20 man alpha legion tac squad on a bat rep?) I excited to get my tanks amd get everything built. How do the krios tanks perform do people run them in squadrons or individual?
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And thanks for all the info on the wargear i dodnt know that the machinator array comes with anything i thought it was just +1 attack. I havent gotten many games in where people really enjoyed it so i havent gotten alot of games i was running cybernetica for a bit but i was very bored with it
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The Machinator array is probably the best 25pts you can spend on wargear. It gives you:


- 2 separate attacks @initiative 1 that are +1str ap2, armorbane, shred (so with an Archmagos reductor, you're getting a re-roll of 6+2d6 for AP, then +2 to the pen roll)

- a flamer and an inferno pistol, one of which may be fired in addition to your normal shooting attacks (so typically 2 or 3 for Myrmidax magos) 

- +1 toughness

- +2 to your battlesmith roll (so a +3 in total) 

- Night Vision! (no clue why, but i'll take it) 

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The Mechinator Arrey is on page 112 in the printed book.


This looks like a really expensive list (even for fw). Assuming you aren't casting extra phased plasma fusils and graviton guns, you will end up with 5 unused myrmidon secutors. 5 of each in a squad might be a lot of overkill as well. Perhaps taking 3 of each with a bolter dude in front to take the first wounds would be more cash and points efficient.


The triaros is an awesome model, but for £88 each I would stick to 2 max, one for each secutor squad.


With the spare points from dropping 2 secutors, a triaros, the Adsecularis Covenant, and your left over 85 points you could pick up a knight to put in one of your two lord of war slots, like an Atrapos.


If you drop the Addecularis, splitting your thallex into three squads of three would probably be best.


After finishing my Cybernetica I would consider running something similar to your list when I get around to fleshing out my Reductor.

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So if i am not wrong in thinking the silly idea about how allies would incorporate an ordo reductor army. Should i ever get a chance to run the 15 myrmidons im getting and actually get to do everything i would be able to take a thagmata army with a squad of adsecularis 1 squad of thallax fill in my elites with the extra squad of myrmidons then i could take an ordo reductor army as an allie right? Since i cant do it the kther way around
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so i cant get my 2 krios battle tanks anymore because the guy ended up selling them to somebody else.   still for 500 bucks i'm getting a massive amount of stuff.   so i'm super excited to see what happens with it all.   will definetly post here once everything is built and i've played a few games with them.    

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