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End of Days wishlisting... Just a bit of fun.


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If... hypothetically... GW was to announce tomorrow that it was closing doors and wrapping up, with only time left for one more release, fix, or addition to each faction, What would you ask for?


A new codex?

New formations?

A primarch model?

30K character squad?

A dream Errata to 7th ED C:BA?

A revamp of a current character model / kit?

A release of a character / kit that you think is missing from the range?

A book that fills in part of the missing lore?


Anything - but only one thing - What would you go for?

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A book wrapping up all the events of all the chapters/ races of the 13th black crusade with out comes, deaths , the fate of the Galaxy etc....


Imagine reading the tale of Dante being the lone man in gold fighting between the emperor and chaos

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-SG with a 5++, or a modest point reduction(again).
-BA Librarian Conclave
-Super-sweet, nigh-broken formations (you know, like all the other ones from the other codexes in my meta)
    *for example, a massive jump pack formation that Deepstrikes on turn one and grants a 3+ cover save from all the retro-exhaust dust clouds
-An improvement to terminator armor (two of the following three : FnP, t5, 2 Wounds)
-Sanguinary Priest's FnP stacking with DC's FnP for a 4+ (add a chaplain or Lemmy, watch your opponent pee a 'lil)

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Choosing one would be so difficult. But here are a few things I would like revealed:

Narrative wise:

1. Find out who the Sanguinor really is, and see his face; we've finally read him speak, which was awesome! So I'd love that cleared up.


2. Find out the ultimate fate of Dante, the iconic redemption of our greatest chapter master dethroning Abbadon before the halls of the Throne room gives me chills just thinking about it.


3. Answer the question that we all want to know, does Corbulo find the "cure" or if he unlocks to latent gene seed that still sleep within all of the Sons of Sanguinius


4. Retcon Tycho back to life with control over the black rage (just because Eramus is awesome)


Rules wise:


1. Bring TDA back as an option to Sanguinary Priest


2. Bring back the Reclusiarch profile, as it was my favorite HQ in 5th/6th


3. Make the BA chapter tactics: Red Thirst; +1S +1I & fleet. Also give them a formation to ignore Overwatch, and another to be able to charge from deep strike/out flank


4. Move Baal Preds back to Fast Attack


5. Make the Spear of Telesto a purchasable Relic/Artifact, make the Death Mask ignore ATSKNF, as well as a -4 modifier instead of -2, it also affects Overwatch, and forces a 5+ to hit in challenges.


6. Make Our assault TDAs be able to mix and match between tactical and assault. Be able to run/charge or allow them 2Ws each.


7. Make the Sanguinor ID independent Characters, force re-rolls on successful saves, or make his sword AP2.


8. Give us an option for Chapter Master for successor Chapters.


9. Make Gabriel Seth have Artificer Armor or give him the Bones of Cretia stock.


Hobby wise:

1. New models for Tycho, Dante, Mephiston, Sanguinor, Lemartes, Astorath, Gabriel Seth (with a head swap and optional flesh tearers bits) As well as 1 other new character model like the new Chaplain and TDA Libby.


2. FW release a model for Malakim Phoros


3. Give us one more personal Vehichle like the Land Raider Sanguine, which negates Overwatch within 6" gives a Fearless & +1FnP bubble of 6"+1 to the best of a 3+ possibly 2+ Equipping it with a flame storm cannon turret and flame storm cannon sponsons being able to replace with either multi-melta/heavy bolter/lascannon sponsons/assault cannon turret etc.

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