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Ghosts of the Lamenters


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My lords, I believe I may have found information to explain the reported sightings of an Adeptus Astartes force around and within the Maelstrom region. It appears that there has been a conspiracy amongst both the Inquisition and Mechanicus, to circumvent a decree endorsed by the High Lords of Terra themselves. I will allow my lords to judge for themselves.



From the records of Legate-Inquisitor Frayne:

Thought of the day: The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium.


It has been done. Peace has been achieved with the Angstrom system, but I fear what others will say if the cost is discovered. When initially asked their terms, the Mechanicus representative merely replied "rights of salvage, and closed mouths about a secret kept, so that justice may be had".


Initially, they would not be pressed for further details, but after threats of accusations of heresy, they relented. Blood of the Emperor, to achieve peace with Angstrom, I risk war with others we have only recently returned to the fold.

They have found a Strike Cruiser, designated "the Inflexible", drifting in the void, seemingly having been ejected off-course from the Warp, and demand salvage rights and ownership. More so, it was not empty. An entire Company, slumbering within the sleep of the Sus-An, though their Chapter sails to redemption on a penitent crusade. That is Angstroms price, and Emperor help me, I have given it to them, so they may in turn claim vengeance from those Astral Claws who have fled.


My only concession has been a period in which to examine each Marine to assess their purity, and a team of Grey Knights to monitor them, under guise of aide within the Maelstrom. To guarantee their loyalty and support, they have been told that their Chapter was destroyed in the fighting.

As far as history will state, this event has never happened. May the Emperor forgive what I have done.



Utilitaum Inquis - Prioris Maxima

Clearance Level Omega


++++ Transmitted: Conclave of Khorazin

++++ Received: <<Information Redacted>>

++++ Destination: <<Information Redacted>>

++++ Temporal Reference/Send: [5 077 sidereal] 5895913.M41

++++ Telepathic Duct: Locus Tempestus/Khorazin Terminus

++++ Sidereal/Ref/Ordinator: 77-0/y56-234/Astropath Thrawn

++++ Transcriptor: Autosavant Penitent -55D//Sybellus - [liquidated after use]


+++Begin transcript of final interrogation and execution of Captain Severin Bengali, of the Astral Claws, at the hands of <REDACTED>+++


[bengali] "So, they have sent you to swing the blade, have they? Still too weak to do their dirty work themselves, to let the Astartes bloody their hands on behalf of your 'master'?"


+++ Silence for 12.52 seconds +++


[<REDACTED>] "Why did you turn from His light? You fed us lies, brother, and now my Chapter lies dead through your actions. Tell me why, and I tell me where your master has fled."


[bengali] "We could have cleansed it brother! Our Chapters, fighting alongside each other, we could have saved the Imperium from the Maelstrom! We would have been Legion! We-"


[<REDACTED>] "This was exactly why the Legions are no more! I have seen the records of what your Apothecaries wrought, what you hid amongst your ranks. Ambition ruled and soured your Chapter. You were supposed to be the best of us, and now none shall remember your name. Astartes were not made to rule humanity, we were made to serve!"


[bengali] "So speaks the Weeping Angel. Spare me the pity, your Chapter will be as forgotten as mine. You weren't innocent in this."


[<REDACTED>] "I will happily pass into memory, once I hold Hurons heart in my hand. I will not ask again. Where has he fled!"


[bengali] "You know as well as I that a man can hide for a lifetime within the storms depths. Plenty of worlds would happily provide shelter to one fleeing the Imperium. Why do you even care? You know as well as I that your head will be the next to grace the executioners block, Lam-"


+++ Captain Bengali is interrupted by the impact of a power sword into his chest. +++


[<REDACTED>] "For the Imperium I cherish, I will gladly go in glory. I will take my remaining brothers, and I will burn the Maelstrom to its core if that is what it takes to destroy he who betrayed us."


+++ <REDACTED> reaches down to the expiring body of Captain Bengali, and removes the pelt of the Badabian Lion worn over the armour. +++


[<REDACTED>] "A lion pelt for he who shall kill the last Astral Claw. Tell your masters warp-spawn who comes for him. The Lamenters shall have their vengeance"


+++Transcript ends+++

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