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Rhinox Hide base...then what for trim and edging highlights?

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Rhinox Hide is a great paint for leather. I usually mix it with small amounts of... ah, damn. Can't remember. I think it's Pallid Wych Flesh but I'm not sure. Anyway, I know that I don't go with a ratio higher than 50:50. Ends up looking like this (his bolt pistol holster):

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Helias, here are a few recipes I've concocted or picked up that use Rhinox Hide as the base color:

- Rhinox Hide -> Nuln Oil -> Gorthor Brown (edges) -> Baneblade Brown (edges)

- Rhinox Hide -> Skrag Brown (everything but the recesses) -> Deathclaw Brown (edges)

- Rhinox Hide -> Gorthor Brown (everything but the recesses) -> Agrax Earthshade -> Gorthor Brown (edges) -> Baneblade Brown (edges) [makes good darkened, ancient grey-brown leather]

- Rhinox Hide -> Gorthor Brown (edges) -> Baneblade Brown (edges) -> Agrax Earthshade

- Rhinox Hide -> (can use Agrax Earthshade here OR) -> Doombull Brown (all but recesses) -> (could use Agrax Earthshade here) -> Tuskgor Fur (edges) - makes a deep red brown/brick red color

- Rhinox Hide -> Agrax Earthshade -> Skrag Brown (edges) -> Deathclaw Brown (edges) -> Tau Light Ochre (edges; don't have to use this one)


I like to vary these among models that use Rhinox Hide for a leather base to give some distinction/visual interest amongst various models, usually only on units that aren't supposed/don't have to be totally uniform (such as Chaos Marines). If you are going for a more standardized look, just pick one or two that are really similar to vary between.


Hope that helps!


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