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Death from the skies effects on BA

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Well this game is a social contract right, you decide on how to approach it with your opponent.


So it is entirely player choice on whether to use these rules or not. Or, if you'd like to pick and choose within reason too, as long as both players concent to it.


We're all fully aware the book says it replaces the rules, but a lot of people have a problem with things like the dog fight phase (rock paper scissors to decide the fate of my 200+ point gunship and cargo before it even enters play? No thanks), or some armies now completely dominating the skies with no hope of reliable retaliation.


If your gaming group wants to play it, adapt. If not, then it doesn't affect you.

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Well this game is a social contract right, you decide on how to approach it with your opponent.


So it is entirely player choice on whether to use these rules or not. Or, if you'd like to pick and choose within reason too, as long as both players concent to it.


We're all fully aware the book says it replaces the rules, but a lot of people have a problem with things like the dog fight phase (rock paper scissors to decide the fate of my 200+ point gunship and cargo before it even enters play? No thanks), or some armies now completely dominating the skies with no hope of reliable retaliation.


If your gaming group wants to play it, adapt. If not, then it doesn't affect you.

Your right. Im just salty.

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Well - my meta very hostile to forgeworld units for example.


And - you can't ignore DFtS if your opponents wants to play it - moreover - if he have flyers he will be playing DFtS.

It's a big problem that Air-oriented chapter can't fight in the air but what else we can do? Life is unfair - take allies until new codex :/

Always remember that Sisers of battle awkwardly siting in the corner.


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And - you can't ignore DFtS if your opponents wants to play it - moreover - if he have flyers he will be playing DFtS..

If your opponent wants to play it but you don't the most gentlemanly solution is to roll off to see if the rules are used or not. The game is a two player experience.


Always remember that Sisters of battle awkwardly siting in the corner.

Don't remind me, I primary army for a long time was SoB but they've been neglected so long I consider my main Faction BA at this point. Though to be honest they do make excellent allies. At this point I'm convinced we'll see a plastic Thunderhawk before we see plastic battle sisters...




Keep the Faith! I've drifted away from my BA to the sisters, but I don't have a problem with being neglected. It just gives GW fewer chances to ruin my favorite faction.


And if they discontinue my codex, I'll keep using it. I mean come on, someone is going to refuse to play me because GW doesn't care?




Don't remind me, I primary army for a long time was SoB but they've been neglected so long I consider my main Faction BA at this point. Though to be honest they do make excellent allies. At this point I'm convinced we'll see a plastic Thunderhawk before we see plastic battle sisters...


Similar to me, initially had BA way back in 2nd, skipped 3rd and when I came back into the hobby in 4th I went with Sisters. As time went on I went back to Blood Angels again and they're my main army right now as Sisters have been a long time out in the cold.


Anyway, I've been fortunate that no-one in my group has the new DFtS book so my Storm Raven operates as it did before. I don't have a flier heavy meta anyway. I feel for anyone who's had their army shaken by the new rules though, but change is ever a constant and 40K is no exception.


Well, I see I may be in the minority moving the other direction, but I also started using the word "heresy" in casual conversation before i started my sisters army, so . . .

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Servant of Dante, help yourself to the tea and biscuits. Us BA/AS folk have a nice bench over here in the corner, away from all the rigmaroll of new supplements and such.

I don't like using allies. Just something about the single army. And fluff-wise, my sisters see the BA as borderline heretics, but it is a good point. I felt a little dirty the last time I ran my Librarian Dreadnought.




BA do seem to be one of the most popular pairings with SoB


I've officially driven this thread off topic. My work here is done.

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Was surfing Facebook just a moment ago waiting to go into work when I came across this question asked by a chap.

Is Death From The Skies compulsory as it changes the rules for flyers? Will the main rule book FAQ be changed to reflect this if it is now compulsory?

Warhammer 40,000 Hey -----
The rules are intended to replace the flyer rules.
That said, no one is going to force you to use any book or rules in your own games.
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 8:15am
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Why is everyone so full of anxiety about this? Use the rules the way you want. If you and your opponent don't see eye to eye, find someone else to game with or start making concessions so everyone can have fun the way they want while playing (barring the will of the dice gods anyway..) the game. If it's a competitive tournament setting look to your TO for the answers.
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So exactly what we've said all along thumbsup.gif

So does that mean someone could use a codex from another edition just because they dislike the new one and their opponents would not be able to say no?

EDIT: You know what, I did have a response here but I'll edit it out for the sake of peace.

This thread is in a spiral and we are long past discussing the actual effects that the supplement has had on our faction.

In short: Agree with your opponent before the game and if not, well try it and you may have fun or get blasted. Either way, still another game of 40k!

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Cool. I do not check facebook thought that maybe GW made all books ever made legal. Would be very fun, not just for BAs.

3E Witch hunters!


Sorry, I couldn't resist.



RIP my jumppack Canoness that could get a 2++ via an Act of Faith.



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