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True Scale Angels Revenant


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I've been slowly building up my fully true scaled custom chapter, the Angels Revenant.


I know the Angels Revenant are a fringe canon chapter, they were primarily referenced in IA:12 and noted for their obsession with the dead, religious zeal, crusading/space faring history, and a mysterious last stand against the Necrons. They are described as dark blue with bone pauldrons, and I chose to go with dark purple with cold grey pauldrons. Their canon symbol is a flaming skull, and as shown above mine is a merger of the two (shamelessly lifted from the 1999 game Starsiege). There is significant overlap between the motifs I use and what little canon is known about the Angels Revenant, so I chose to adopt their name for my own chapter.

I so far have built and painted:

55 true scale power armor marines (tactical, assault, devastator, honor guard)

10 true scale scouts

10 true scale bikers

6 true scale terminators

9 true scale thunderwolf/juggernaut cavalry

3 extra tall centurions

1 extra tall imperial knight

1 nightbringer/angel hybrid

1 custom contemptor/deredeo dreadnought

dreadnoughts, pods, armor pool, goodies, etc

Every infantry model is built up with terminator legs, a custom sculpted shoulder pad, and re-sculpted torsos. Rule of cool is the most important rule to me, so that means true grit tacticals, chain glaives all over, eviscerators, chaos-based skull helms, punisher cannon dreadnoughts, and whatever creative posing I can come up with. The bikes and thunderwolves/juggernauts are designed such that the riders are also appropriately true scale. The knight has an extra leg segment added in for height, a left handed reaper chain glaive, and has LED lights wired into his eyes. I built a nightbringer/angel hybrid model that I haven't yet decided a use for, he's a bit big to be a jump pack captain. My chapter banner is entirely sculpted and the honor guard wear necron-inspired skull helmets and armor. All the bases and vehicles are magnetized so I can use a magnetic case. The pods have magnetic doors to allow them to open and close. I have nothing against airbrushing, but I really like the crisp, clean, edge-highlighted old 'Eavy Metal style so this entire army has been painted with a brush. I've put many years into this army and it truly is a labor of love, you can tell how much it means to me!

Without further ado, here they are! I know nothing about photography so I apologize, I would appreciate any advice you guys have on that front.

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Here's a few close ups with size comparisons. From left to right that's my honor guard champion, standard bearer, captain, terminator captain, cypher, and regular tactical marine interspersed with some regular sized marines.




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Unfortunately I don't have extensive progress pictures, but I can recount my process. My technique was very similar to this tutorial by a fellow named Lamenter except I kept the hip plates and used terminator arms. I felt that power armor arms take too much work and look too short. Also I used chaos backpacks because I think the profile fits marines of this stature better than conventional loyalist backpacks. A few more pictures to from more angles to get a sense of what that looks like.







I used custom sculpted right shoulder pads, which I casted using Blu Stuff and press molded from green stuff en-mass. The credit for this process comes from the From The Warp blog, namely sculpting and casting. I then just expanded to grey knight terminator legs, exotic weaponry, and creative posing. On that front I drew inspiration from Veteran Sergeant, Sh0sen, the_balloon_dog, and countless others since lost in the Warp (Internet).

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The sheer scope of the project is really staggering, and there are so many cool conversions -- excellent use of Necron parts, and that Cypher is really something else!

All in all, it's a really, really impressive army, and you should be proud of yourself! If I have one small gripe with this otherwise brilliant collection, it's that I think the army would really have profited from a contrasting basing scheme, as the models are looking slightly too monochromatic on those grey bases, and I think a contrasting colour (and maybe a slightly less tidy base design) would have made the whole army even more stunning.


Anyway, fantastic work! Thanks for sharing! :)

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I have to admit, I was kind of looking forward to seeing the official Angels Revenant heraldry and colours. BUT these guys are so amazing that I don't mind at all :D Really incredible work on the truescaling and the colour scheme is well done, looks overall really cool.

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Wow truly inspiring stuff. Any possibility of a quick tutorial? Some of the stuff on that blog seems like it is a bit tedious such as beefing up the chest plates. Maybe molding them would be quicker. I really want to do this now though it looks so great!
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Thank you all for the kind words! I'm working on writing up some steps for my true scale and my juggernaut cavalry, and next time I make any more marines I'll document the process.


KrautScientist, I really appreciate it because your blog has been a huge inspiration to me before. I looked up your juggernaut posts for modeling inspiration and I'm brainstorming some scions/henchmen designed like these guys. I'm amazed at how productive you've been with creative content over all these years! I agree with you on the basing, when I first started this army years ago I went with grey tone simplistic bases and I've stuck with that since, to maintain army coherency and for lack of a better idea. I'm also not confident with weathering and battle damage, hence the clean style. What do you think I could try?


GrandMagnus, to be honest I only stumbled on the Angels Revenant years after committing to this scheme and motif, and fortunately they mostly fit. It's definitely a slant rhyme sort of thing though. Loose canon?



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GrandMagnus, to be honest I only stumbled on the Angels Revenant years after committing to this scheme and motif, and fortunately they mostly fit. It's definitely a slant rhyme sort of thing though. Loose canon?

Hah, that gave me a good laugh. Yeah, I mean I like fluff but when it comes to small chapters that have only appeared in a single book and aren't that well known it's not like I have anything against changes being added. I know I myself am guilty of it :P


Still your guys look great, I was just looking through the images again and those scout conversions are really something,I see quite a lot of work put into them,

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