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Salamanders 2 v 3 4500pts

Rusty Nuts

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Hey Guys,

So i've posted an army list for a 3 v 3 earlier, it turns out it's possible it may become a 2 v 3 instead, so i get an extra 1500pts.

I lack transports for any of my troops or Heavy choices, my Spartan Tank is chosen as heavy support mostly because my LoW unit is too costly with it as dedicated though that's what they will be riding in.

I figure if i can put the two 10man heavy support squads within range of a hidden MoS they can use his +1 BS to wreck! Plus with the addition of both squads having scanners, no DS within 18" msn-wink.gif

Primus will be going with the LoW unit.

Dracos just casually up the field, soaking up the damage!!!

Mortors out of sight as everything has vox so they're bound to almost always have LoS.

4 sets of 10 tacticals and a 5 man pyrochlast squad for the hell of it.

Here it is!

Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (4500pts)
  • HQ (570pts)
    • Cassian Dracos (275pts)
    • Legion Centurion (140pts)

      Artificer Weapons, Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Dragonscale Storm Shield, Thunderhammer

      • Consul

        Primus Medicae

    • Legion Centurion (155pts)

      Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Inferno Pistol, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Refractor Field

      • Consul

        Master of Signal

  • Troops (855pts)
    • Legion Tactical Squad (165pts)

      9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Legion Tactical Squad (165pts)

      9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Legion Tactical Squad (165pts)

      9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Legion Tactical Squad (165pts)

      9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant

        Melta Bombs

    • Pyroclast Squad (195pts)

      Melta Bombs, 4x Pyroclast

      • Pyroclast Warden

        Power Weapon

  • Elites (870pts)
    • Apothecarion Detachment (150pts)
      • Legion Apothecary

        Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Augury Scanner, Power Sword

      • Legion Apothecary

        Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Augury Scanner, Power Sword

    • Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (130pts)

      Incendiary Shell, 2x Legion Rapier

    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (295pts)

      9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Outflank, 9x Volkite Serpenta

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Volkite Serpenta

    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (295pts)

      9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Outflank, 9x Volkite Serpenta

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Volkite Serpenta

  • Heavy Support (1210pts)
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad (380pts)

      Hardened Armour, 9x Legion Space Marines, Multi-meltas

      • Legion Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Melta Bombs

    • Legion Heavy Support Squad (435pts)

      Hardened Armour, 9x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Cannons

      • Legion Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Augury Scanner, Melta Bombs

    • Legion Spartan Assault Tank (395pts)

      Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Frag Assault Launchers, Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer

  • Legion
    • Legion Astartes

      Loyalist, XVIII: Salamanders

  • Lord of War (995pts)
    • Vulkan (995pts)
      • Firedrake Terminator Squad

        8x Dragonscale Storm Shield, 8x Firedrakes, 8x Thunder Hammer

        • Firedrake Master

          Dragonscale Storm Shield, Master-crafted Thunder Hammer

      • Master of the Legion

        The Covenant of Fire

Thanks All

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