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Fists... 3k... help me figure it all out!


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SO i cant seem to help but hit a button that erases everything ive written furious.gif

deep breath and try for 3rd time.

Help please so I can finally begin painting as I need a list figured out to keep it all straight

Delagutus- 65

termi primus with vigil shield-130

Tsquad (7)- 6 volkites, assault cannon, 2 vigil, 2 chainfists, 1 PF, Spartan with AC- 662

Cortus contemptor with twin grav, DDP- 230

Apothecary*2- 90 (rides in DP with tac support squads

Tac Alpha- vex, AA, MB, PW- rhino- 220

Tac Beta- vex, AA, combi, MB, PF, rhino-235

tac support (6) drop pod- 150

Tac Support- plasma- drop pod- 210

Lightning- 6 kraken, battle servitor control- 225

Leviathan- volkites, phosphex, Drill, Grav, DDP- 380

just because I may be getting one in a trade- msn-wink.gif CEREBUS with HB- 400 (I know, twin neutron on a spartan chassis, I should get 2 venerators for cheaper... I had a venerator, I traded it for cool stuff and now I may be getting a bigger tank in a trade... that and I think it would look good painted in teh glorious yellow... and how many are on the table?? and its the Dark days my friends.

3K points, 4 drop pods, 2 av 11, 2 av 14- lightning on AA/AT duty, Levi on anti TEQ/primarch duty, Cerebus on big nasty duty, the rhinos suporting the spartan which heads forward and wrecks face (I know the volkites and assault cannon may only get shot 1 time but its the heresy, CHOOM and all that;) and the drop pods of tac support coming down to take objectives while the cortus comes down to support the support guys.

thoughts and opinions please

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How are you getting tac squads with rhinos and then tax support squads with drop pods? Also what exactly is a termi Primus? If that's a Primus medicae then you need a compulsory hq as well.


I think for 3k you are very short on armour and the terminator squad seems a little weak for a "deathstar" unit, I would recommend focusing them on one role rather then being a split of shooty and fighty. Just my 2 cents :)

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Well, for one, your Primus is a Support Officer so you need one without the Rule for the list to be legal.


Additionally, you cannot take Drop Pods as Dedicated Transports outside of Orbital Assault and a few other RoWs; Something you need a Master of the Legion or Rite of Command HQ for. So thats also another illegal selection.


I'd also keep the Extra CCW as a last minute upgrade for your Tac Squad since there are better things to sink 20 points into, currently like Ground Tracking Auguries on your Lightning for BS5 vs Ground Targets.

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Thanks for the reminder on the PM rangaman.. grrr,.... been awhile since I made a list... the leviathan and the cerebus may be a bit much in 1 list;)

Im not going for a fully tooled up list but something fluffy. 

I could drop the cerebus for a 3some of quad mortars, sigismund, and another termi in the spartan.


HMMM.... ok, will need to reread the big red book once again and think about a praetor as well. 

Back to the drawing board. 

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Thanks for the reminder on the PM rangaman.. grrr,.... been awhile since I made a list... the leviathan and the cerebus may be a bit much in 1 list;)

Im not going for a fully tooled up list but something fluffy. 

I could drop the cerebus for a 3some of quad mortars, sigismund, and another termi in the spartan.


HMMM.... ok, will need to reread the big red book once again and think about a praetor as well. 

Back to the drawing board. 


I think that it would benefit your approach if you decide beforehand whether you want to run a mixed list or lean towards a more specialized army that uses Stone Gauntlet, Orbital Assault or Hammerfall Strike Force. My personal opinion is that specialising makes for better armies since it allows you to focus more on your strengths rather then having your list look like a buffet table.


If I were you I'd narrow down your list to two distinct approaches:



The Stone Gauntlet Approach:


"I want to have an army built around really tough infantry and vehicles, at the cost of a first turn alpha strike with Drop Pods"


In this case, you would need to convert the Support Squad Drop Pods (which are illegal anyways) into Legion Rhinos and either run your Dreadnaughts on foot or axe them altogether in favour of more firepower (Executioner Preds, Laser Vindis, Heavy Support Squads, and Quad Launchers are all excellent for this role). Of course, you'd also need to run Breachers instead of Tacticals as your compulsory Troops but why wouldn't you since they would be T5? The big bonus also goes to your Terminators who now have T5 and FNP, making them really difficult to kill. The Delegatus would need to be a Praetor though... perhaps take Polux?



The Hammerfall Strike Force Approach:


"I want to run an alpha strike army that isn't as restrictive as Orbital Assault, at the cost of tough infantry and having my vehicles start in reserve"


An army using this configuration would not require you to make any significant changes to your current list (apart from making it legal by changing the Drop Pods), and would allow you to Deep Strike your Support Squads a bit later for a reduced cost. If you prefer to do it this way, I think a Damocles Command Rhino in your HQ slot is almost mandatory. The +1 to Reserves and 24" no Scatter bubble is borderline essential to make this an effective army. If I were you, I'd drop ALL the transports in your Troops slot and give them teleport plus additional models with the spare points. Swap the Spartan for a Kharibdys and you're laughing.

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