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How to beat tau?

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So I'm gonna be playing against tau soon and I wondered if anyone else here have already played them and what advice they would give? They have a lot of strength 6/7 and AP 4 that can insta kill the sicrians and ignore all the armour. So what should I bring?


I should point out it is only 1000 points so not enough for a war convo

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Gonna be tough at 1k, do you have any intel on their army?


Grav-Kats are certainly good against Riptides. I would probably minimize any Skitarii troops. Dragoons have a good chance to reach assault if you use terrain. Failing that a Culexus can cause a lot of problems for them.


I would probably avoid Sicarians, too expensive at that level.

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I'm certainly no expert on AdMech on the table top (yet?), but I agree with Akrim. Even at lower points - or perhaps more so - big and expensive units only play into your opponent's hands. Try and keep units cheaper and more numerous - but crucially without sacrificing as each unit should still be capable of a role. Fortunately from what I know of AdMech even their stock weapons are useful :)

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Gonna be tough at 1k, do you have any intel on their army?


Grav-Kats are certainly good against Riptides. I would probably minimize any Skitarii troops. Dragoons have a good chance to reach assault if you use terrain. Failing that a Culexus can cause a lot of problems for them.


I would probably avoid Sicarians, too expensive at that level.


Culexus? I assume you mean the Callidus? I've never played Tau but I know they don't have Psykers. I'll add that an Eversor might be fun - hopefully he'll tear into them and in the unlikely event they kill him in melee it'll literally blow up in their faces ;)

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Nope I mean Culexus. They of course don't have psykers but he is very resistant to shooting by forcing their BS to 1. You can at least infiltrate and try to tie up some suits, maybe score a lucky 6 kill.


Callidus isn't bad as per say but after turn one she will probably get gunned down.


I love Eversors but against Tau, odds of reaching combat are low unless you play of heavy losses blocking tables.

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If your opponent brings all crisis suits and broadsides with missiles, don't bother, lol. If he brings more fire warriors, rangers have similar range on base gun. I have good luck with onagers since they have an invulnerable save. The Dominus maniple is pretty good as well. Also, play to the mission.
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Nope I mean Culexus. They of course don't have psykers but he is very resistant to shooting by forcing their BS to 1. You can at least infiltrate and try to tie up some suits, maybe score a lucky 6 kill.

Ooh! That's a very good point I had forgotten about that. Nice to hear of another use for an otherwise niche Assassin who doesn't see much daylight :)

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Never played against them, but my thoughts:


Rangers with AP4 and 30" range sound very good against Fire Warriors.

Neutron Onager can insta kill Crisis Suits.

Grav Destroyers against Riptides.


My idea would be something like that:


Tech Priest

2 x 3 Grav Destroyer

2 x 5 Vanguard with Plasma

2 x 5 Rangers

2 Neutron Onagers

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BS 1 is almost meaningless to Tau.  They will either ignore him/tie him up with bubble-wrap units; or, if he feels the assassin is an actual threat, light him up with markerlights and shoot with max BS.

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BS 1 is almost meaningless to Tau.  They will either ignore him/tie him up with bubble-wrap units; or, if he feels the assassin is an actual threat, light him up with markerlights and shoot with max BS.

Negative, see the Narthecium rule carefully (shots are ALWAYS resolved at BS1). Tau dont do the bubblewrap game particularly well given that their troops are quite squishy and prone to fleeing. He might stuggle to catch suits if theyre jet packing away but he is an incredible distraction while your units close in.

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BS 1 is almost meaningless to Tau.  They will either ignore him/tie him up with bubble-wrap units; or, if he feels the assassin is an actual threat, light him up with markerlights and shoot with max BS.

Negative, see the Narthecium rule carefully (shots are ALWAYS resolved at BS1). Tau dont do the bubblewrap game particularly well given that their troops are quite squishy and prone to fleeing. He might stuggle to catch suits if theyre jet packing away but he is an incredible distraction while your units close in.

Yes the new FAQ states that maker lights don't won't on the culexus

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Good luck! As we're putting in orders I like my fish either raw with rice, or battered with chips ;)

You are quite possibly the most British person ever, WF. :P


Good luck vs. the blues, HackedDuck! My top best tips for Tau are to essentially forget cover for your guys, nullify ML units as a priority and remember to make them take Morale checks. Don't be scared to assault if the opportunity presents but make sure to account for multiple Overwatch and try to isolate his guys where you can.

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Whatever gave you that idea Vel?

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As for how you get your fish, you can't afford to dally so get stuck right in. Be bloody, bold and resolute and go right for the throat! The sooner you reduce their effectiveness the better, and when you're the underdog what have you got to lose by trying something risky for the potential reward?

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Lol nice, if you're not opposed to allies I've found getting Grav Kats into Inq Rhinos or Chimerae to be very effective at keeping them alive to get in range.


Otherwise hope for night, pop Shroudsalm turn one and hope the marker lights miss. If you're doing Maelstrom consider the relic that lets you choose mysterious objectives and go for scatter fields to buff your cover. Zap those markerlights ASAP, Tau are far less scary without them.


An allied Wyvern battery can work wonders against them too. If you're so inclined.

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Lol nice, if you're not opposed to allies I've found getting Grav Kats into Inq Rhinos or Chimerae to be very effective at keeping them alive to get in range.

Inquisition transports are dedicated transports, and disembarking henchmen first and embarking kats second turn is kinda unwieldy to play.


Against Tau, at least rangers are useful. Give them an omnispex, and start killing fire warriors, pathfinders and drones.

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True, but at least it provides a measure of protection. Another cheaper option is a good old fashioned imperial bunker at the edge of the deployment line. Tau do struggle somewhat against high AV unless they can get into fusion range or have Stormsurges.
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Would there by anything to doing a six bare Onagers list? The Eradication Beamer strikes me as pretty effective in many directions against Tau, and you could play aggressively to press the distance. Nip in some bare rangers for objective grabbing and you could be quite mean. Getting into combat isn't so important as getting up close and personal. A dragoon or two might help out too? Haven't run the numbers, but it strikes me as potentially viable...

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Eradication onagers might be useful, AV12 is at least immune against missile spam and pulse rifles. Eradication beamer on full range would wipe out firewarriors, drones and pathfinders, but wouldn't do anything against battlesuits. They could also react to deep striking crisis well if they survive their shooting, with medium range eradication profile they would ID them.


Six of those might be overkill though. Tau are mostly "how many riptides and battlesuits can I field?", AP2 with range will be necessary, read: Neutron laser.

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Indeed, that AP2 is huge. Since the Caliver is so risky the Onager really is your best bet to get it in pure Skitarii. The Ironstrider is an option with Lascannon, but they're incredibly flimsy and not much less pricey. Kataphron Destroyers/HGC are the other strong option, but are incredibly vulnerable to missile spam.
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...The Ironstrider is an option with Lascannon, but they're incredibly flimsy and not much less pricey...


There is no way I would play an armour 11 all around vehicle against Tau. Everything will glance them to death without a problem.

This is like giving the Tau player free first blood, big game hunter and so on...

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It really is an uphill battle for Skitarii/Cult Mech vs. Tau. They have a ton of advantages in the shooting dept. and a massive array of powerful formations and units that simply outclass Admech. If only we had a legit transport . . . dry.png

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It really is an uphill battle for Skitarii/Cult Mech vs. Tau. They have a ton of advantages in the shooting dept. and a massive array of powerful formations and units that simply outclass Admech. If only we had a legit transport . . . dry.png

Wait for the IA book. If we get the 30k Mechanicum transport, Tau will start to hate us. If not, the ordinatus with the sonic destructor should get the job done, it will ID anything...

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